Artist Bio

Influences:   David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Air, Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen

Indie-pop ~ alternative ~ singer-songwriter experimenting with sound!

Songs (15)

#1 Skyscraper (@nadine, @katestantonsings, @richie123, @meadows, @zeekle1998) @nadine 63
Feb 2022
#2 A SPECIES EVOLVES @billwhite51 33
Feb 2022
#3 Buckets Full of Wisdom @geoff61 @davidtaro @katestantonsings @davidtaro  60
Feb 2022
#4 House Guest (My Stylophone Song) 44
Feb 2022
#5 STREET CORNER ANGEL @billwhite51 31
Feb 2022
#6 Licking the Light @donna  52
Feb 2022
#7 Prairie Prayer @gm7  35
Feb 2022
#8 The First Valentine_Updated Demo @musicsongwriter 22
Feb 2022
#9 Know Nothing 41
Feb 2022
Feb 2022
#11 An Orchid Waits @kahlo2013  45
Feb 2022
#12 Exquisite Corpse Havana —see @corpsecorps ZONG
Feb 2022
#13 I'll Fly Away @djevans53 27
Feb 2022
#14 See @CorpseCorps GIMME15delta "Gimme Shelta" ZONG
Feb 2022
#15 1MORENIGHT @sunnymae  23
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @mahtowin  May 2022


  • @mahtowin  May 2022

    Everything is fine - @ambroise gave me the link and I checked in as Mahtowin. But I don‘t really understand a lot how it works … :-(

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    Thanks! Was a fine day. I worked about half of it then fiddled around with one project or another for the rest. No parties for me LOL. I like other people's parties, because then you can just leave when you want to and there's no mess to clean up.

  • @gm7  Apr 2022

    I'm doing well. Jamie the vocalist for our little group has/had covid19. he is still a little congested after 2 weeks..BUT feeling much better;
    I hope you have rested and your ear issues have ended. I am writing stuff in bits and pieces but too much.
    I will touch base with you during the summer and with 5090 stuff.

  • @musicsongwriter Apr 2022

    Thank you so much Kate for listening to my collaboration with Cody. I appreciate it.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Glad you liked my Nigerian Prince. We lived in Lagos from 1959 to 1973, so that's why I could do it. Wolf is Superman or an alien from Men in Black - it's the only possible explanation for how he manged to juggle all this into a somewhat coherent piece :-)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    He is way too spoiled already LOL. After he got beat up by some coyotes he's become a big lap baby and while he used to just have one chair everything is his now including my bed.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    I try to participate in 50/90 but it's up and down. Yes, Deus vult!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    i think I've said it on a song of yours somewhere, but I _would_ like to make use of that voice of yours and other skills further down the track. I believe I'm a difficult collaborator though (too fast and opinionated).

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    that was great. I didn't find out till afterwards that there was a button to press that would take you in and out of all the breakout rooms. next time for sure. let's pm on the subject, would love to be mutually supportive!

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    Maynard still nails that scream on "the Grudge"... it's a feat to behold

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    So glad you liked me and Sonya's collaboration. It was my favourite thing from this year's FAWM.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    I have become hooked on that guy's videos. I am so impressed that he learnt so much Yoruba in so little time. Although his pronunciation is way off, so much so that the locals often don't realise he is speaking to them in Yoruba. His Ugandan wife looks more culture shocked than him. Ugandan men must not be so aggressively up front with women as Nigerian men.

    It seems that all the negative side of life in Lagos has just amplified a hundredfold since we lived there. But so far I haven't seen beggars and lepers on the streets. They were a common sight in my childhood.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Interesting article, thanks. Unfortunately the video interview wasn't available to me. I am not surprised the structure was damaged by a "rain" - the storms usually come across that lagoon in a matter of minutes. The sky is blue and then suddenly it's as dark as dusk and then a winds whips up and sheets of rain come horizontally at you from the lagoon.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    PS Can you send me a link to that youtube documentary, please?

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    When we first moved to Lagos, in 1959, the population was some 300,000 - by the time we left in 1973 it was three million! Now it's estimated anywhere between 9 and 12 million - no one knows for sure.

    Those stilt houses on the Lagos Lagoon you saw were built after we left. That lagoon used to be where we sailed our family's dinghy. I had waited anxiously for Google Earth to have a street view of Lagos, but it broke my heart when I went over what used to be such familiar territory. The city has swallowed so much of the green areas that used to surround it. One of our houses had a huge garden. Now, thanks to Google, I know that someone sold the garden to build blocks of flats there. So our old house is dwarfed by huge walls with barbed wire on top and towering apartment buildings that block out all the light. And we call it progress.... :-(

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thank her, and thank YOU! :)

  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    Kate, Thank you for your comments on The Love We Never Had. I was very pleased with Steve's treatment of it. You have been so very supportive of my lyric offerings, and I thank you for the beautiful vocals and production you have contributed to so many of them. I feel so lucky to be able to work with you!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Now I'm hungry...

  • @tjeff  Mar 2022

    Hi Kate, I just started reading Steven Pressfield's blog and came upon several of your articulate comments. Then I realized that your name rang a bell from Fawm, and that you were a part of the recent GIMME15. I look forward to checking out your music in the next several days.

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Mmmmm I feel a whole new Genre coming up. Funshine and Wish take out Tenderheart with shooting stars in a jealous love triangle. #caregoremetal

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    You are very welcome. FYI, from time to time your comment on Caped reverberates in the back of my mind and makes me smile. Thanks for that. :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    * 2/1/2032*

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    I MAY have watched some of the bootlegged Pittsburgh show on Youtube... had to.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thanks! :)

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    I'm glad you are giving it a listen. The weirdness comes primarily from Christopher Knowles's poetry, I think. He's profoundly neurodivergent, so it's not your run-of-the-mill text by any means but if you listen to the words he's doing the same thing in the lyrics that Glass does with the music; there are repeating cadences with slight variations. Knowles does it naturally and has been writing poetry like that since childhood. Wilson discovered him performing on a community TV channel when he was 13.

    Oh, and I have been watching the Qatsi trilogy again. They get better every time I watch them and I'm still finding new things in them.

  • @daveyboy103  Mar 2022

    Would love to do a collab with you on FiftyNinty, can we pencil that in?

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    That video was so wild. That drum tech walked into a hurricane LOL. Have you seen this one??

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much Kate! I‘m a bit behind with my listening but I’ll come back to your songs. I hope we can connect for 50/90, would like that!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    pst..... don't tell anyone but there's no freeking way this is gonna happen by Sunday NOON, or Sunday at all. You may want to add a second bet to cover all eventualites, (if nothing else do it for the sake of the children, the poor children chickens, and me) ... shhhh......

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    Thanks again for all your listens and comments this Fawm. I enjoyed all your tracks and look forward to hearing more of your work in the future! : )

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Have you recovered K.? Are you doing 50/90 this year?
    I haven't played much in the last week but I am getting the itch to
    play my Martin.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Kate - Your singing is incredible. It's a joy to listen.

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Hey Kate!

    Looking forward to hearing what you come up with - drop me an email at [email protected] when you’ve got your part down :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    I have no concerns and neither should you. I know your spirit bank started with a healthy balance, Now it's up up up!
    Thanks for joining in.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot! The kudos for the collabs go to you :)

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening :-)

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Hey thank you so much for your comments and compliments from last week :D I don’t know if I responded, so if I did, here I am again. Had a week off now, so I’m re-visiting and doing tit4tat now as well. I’ll definitely listen to your songs :)! And watchlisted you for next year as well.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    This is so much better than the original! All the fuzz!

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Hi Kate, I remember these lyrics. I posted them for feedback in a couple forums and received both great and troublesome feedback. I'll email you and we can discuss these lyrics, and/or possibly some others. Thanks, Andrea <3

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thank you, Kate. All your songs are so beautiful, and I can't wait to hear more from you in the future. I hope to see you for 50/90! Enjoy, Andrea

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    Thanks for the kind words on "High Above The Moon", I liked having a softer song in the midst of the heavier stuff this FAWM brought. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks as well for the encouragement, it certainly has been a time of change! All good things. I will definitely keep an eye on your Youtube.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Hi Kate, 50/90 for sure. Nanowrimo I hope so. Tuesday Zooms are still going. No worries on repaying listens. If you do, fair warning that my stuff is all over the place and lots of rough demos. If you are so kind as to listen perhaps choose from the collabs to give listens for my collaborators? Thanks friend :)

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    You are welcome, Kate. I have been close to tears on many songs, but 'An Orchis Awaits' I felt deep down. Thanks for your all your kind comments. I am a big fan of yours. I look forward to more songs of your in 50/90! Enjoy, Andrea

  • @whispermouse  Mar 2022

    I did draw that mouse. My avatar in years past was a very similar pencil sketch :D

    NaSoAlMo is "National Solo Album Month" in November, inspired by NaNoWriMo.

    Thanks for the listen and the kind words - are there any songs of yours you're particularly wanting feedback on?

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    A collab with you and Nadia sounds great! Looking forward to it. :)

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank You Kate for all your support and kindness.

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    Hi Kate, nice to meet you this year. Thanks for the comments on some of my Tunes.
    Congratulations on a successful FAWM.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Same here my Songbird Sister! I appreciate your stopping by for many listens and much appreciated feedback. Big hugs from one to another,
    We'll get that collab in by hook or crook! 50/90????

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Oh no. For another completely unknown reason, I seem to have set the bar higher for myself. Life was much easier when I was a plain old contrarian grouch!

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Back at ya!
    see you during 5090 maybe.

  • @feb21sundari Mar 2022

    Dear Kate, yes my most used name is Uli. Artist name is Sundari. Yes it would be nice to keep in touch, I would apreciate that. At least soundcloud is also available outside of the FAWM period.

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Hehe, I did see that comment - very nice! Thank you! Do I owe you a listen? Think maybe the exquisite corpse tracks might have eluded me :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot, Kate! I took some time off to make FAWM possible and I definitely can't join the 50/90 party to this extent. I cannot leave my songs like they were uploaded on FAWM, so the most work will happen afterwards. Last year I left some comments on SoundCloud during 50/90.

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Kate, hope your still around! Thx for listening to so much of my concept album! Your one of the few and I’m very grateful for your thoughtful feedback. Sorry for the radio silence. Work got crazy just as fawm was ending so I am behind in my listening. You’ve been so prolific this year! looking fwd to diving into more of your stuff over the coming days!

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    thanks for listening, you always leave the best comments

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    here is a rough mix of chalk it up.....complete

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Excellent! I'm a huge Glass fanboy and had a front-row seat when the Philip Glass Ensemble played Bristol a few years back. His opera "Einstein On The Beach" is another favourite of mine. I could nerd out about how that particular work came into being (and just how weird it is) for hours!

    ...and that's before we get to the "Heroes" and "Low" symphonies he did with Eno and Bowie...

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    You need to listen to the Philip Glass music with the visuals if you can, because they will take your breath away. They literally changed how music and film were integrated in the 80s (U2 ripped them off blind in more than one of their videos!) There's a Criterion Collection release of all three films on Blu-Ray that is well worth getting.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    +my+ no, my precious one, +our+. I'm so happy. I hope it made others feel the same. I'll have to listen back later. Thanks for the heads up.

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Somehow I was forgetful - again! - and neglected to thank you for giving "Tiny Grass" a whirl. Thanks, Kate, you're the best. Hopefully next year we can do something together.

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    On one hand, that's surprising, on the other, it's no surprise at all. We're all individuals but the bigger the part of your soul you pour out into your work, the bigger the effect it has on you. I myself usually get restless and irritable when releasing music, be it here or out in the world.

  • @jonmeta  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much, Kate: your comments on my collab with Bill mean a lot. My introduction to you was hearing a song you did with Bill on John Nicholson’s podcast, and I was an instant fan. I’ve been a fan of Bill for several years and it’s a big deal to do something with him — and then be happy with the result! Thanks for the encouragement.

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Apparently I never thanked you for your generous comment on, "Together". Sorry about that! It just tickles me that someone who sings as well as you likes my voice. :)

    Thanks, Kate!

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    thank you so much for your comment on "Getaway Pigeons", you're such a talented artist and it always is a shot in the arm hearing from you. Congrats on your FAWM win! I didn't quite make it, but had a lot of fun trying! Life got in the way a bit at the end. Good things!

  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for listening and commenting. And congratulations on finishing! May the FAWM be with you ALWAYS

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    Yes, it's a deal.

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    Definitely. Then I can have my own jar of soft sand :)

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    I didn't find that out on second listening either.
    Just sank quicksand again.
    Maybe third time is the charm.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    :) thank you, kate.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening to "Take the black". Maybe this arpeggio happened after practising too much Nothing Else Matters on guitar? But it's a different key, my song is in D dorian. Jordans vocals are final. I don't know what to think about mine because the recording quality sucks and I won't have better gear in the next months. Instrumentation will be more badass when we all recorded. After FAWM. This is a big project.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments on "Ascension" and "Ashes of a Gray Spring"! I wish my teenage nieces would think my songs are super cool, but then again, maybe I should play them for them as their parents don't seem to volunteer to do that.

  • @bjunker  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words for Weather Report and Lazy Morning!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022


  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    writing with ypu has been a fulfilling and inspirational experience. over five yars i have posted over 1000 songs on bandcamp, and street corner angel, in less than a months, is #5 in nunber of listens, whle it ranks #1 in februuary alone, with a species evolves at #2. ...but statistics dont begin to express my admiration for the excellence of your work, or the joy of creating new songs together,

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Thank you, Kate, I hope you are enjoying a lovely Sunday. I was teaching, went out during my break, if I can, I'll create something tonight, will see :)

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Once again, I would like to thank you for all your kind, warm and that wise words. I appreciate it very much as I can feel all what you say is really heartfelt and you mean it. Unfortunately, there are not too many people like you out there nowadays. It is an honor having crossed your path...

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Gotta do something to keep myself amused for the next 9 years, 11 months and 1 day.... why not laugh?
    Have a great final Sunday of FAWM, my friend.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    I"ll even light it for you! :)
    Small puffs, don't inhale.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Lovin' on your Havana! well done! :)

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Kate, of course I want to tit4tat because I so love listening to your songs…However…I’ve already listened and commented on every one…Am I missing any? Any other way I can repay my debt?

  • @heliosonorous Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listens! The woodwinds on the track you mentioned were played by myself on virtual instruments.

  • @caitlin Feb 2022

    Thanks, Kate!! And congrats on your 14 songs, yippeeeee! What an amazing number of collaborations you've pulled off.

    No, I have not been in touch with Sotiris since our Berklee days. Had you stayed in contact with each other?

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Hey Kate, thank you so much for your kind words, words cannot convey how much it means to me what you said. Because of "political correctness" I was considering if to comment on that delicate topic at all, but as only one opinion prevailed and as the comments there became too one-sided, I decided to post just my two cents.
    It is great to see that out here, there are still some people who are capable of a more sophisticated view on things. Thank you so much for that...

  • @ayehahmur  Feb 2022

    I confess I did skip back and take a peek. Very humbling.
    Thanks again for alerting me!

  • @ayehahmur  Feb 2022

    Hi Kate - thanks for the heads up about Second Heart being on FAWMtalk. I'm tuned in now and enjoying the chat (that skirmish wasn't getting finished any time soon anyway)...

    All of the instrument sounds on that track are on board the Nord Stage 3. And that little lead synth is called "Freeride".

    Thanks for commenting, it's been a tricky FAWM for me this year, so supportive comments are especially welcome.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the recommendation!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot! We were a bit concerned about a tooo lengthy song cause we already reached 4:30... I think this length is fine. We may add some vocals on this track and see where it goes. It's been my first blues jam. And I loved it.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on The Raven....through the collaboration, this song really took shape.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    did you get my email offering you a sneak peak? :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Ok, you're welcome my friend.... but for what?
    I didn't inadvertantly save the world again, did i?

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Thank you, Kate, the same applies to you, but you had completed songs so you have done much, much more than me.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Hi Kate, Thanks for the #tit4tat and your lovely comments on Call Me What You Will. I'm thinking of expanding this later down the road. I was impressed with how it came together.

    I can't wait to finish listening to all your songs. Everyone feels so special. March is going to be fun!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hi Kate - re the Havana corpse, I think you've only sent me the short 10 second snippet. As I'm stitcher I'll need the full minute (or whatever you've done) please. I'm hoping to do this asap so please do get it over to me as soon as you can :) I've emailed you too - but my email addy is sorby69 at gmail dot com

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Tired of the Blues'!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Yay! Thanks for letting me know! I'm imagining what your work colleagues must have made of that :D

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    Yes, I hope we can find a way to collaborate this summer, too! Thanks for the comments on Somewhere East of Nashville.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    All good Kate. I took it the right way lol. If I start writing lyrics about death and destruction aka 2012 alternative soundtrack, then it’s time for the whiskey nightcaps :)
    Glad you liked the Dragonfly lyrics. Don’t laugh, but a part of me still believes they are really fairies hidden to our eyes.