kappamuse 6


Redmond, W US   Jan 2019


Artist Bio

Influences:   Animusic, Mannheim Steamroller, Disasterpeace, C418, Dave Tipper, Mr. Bill, Adam Young, Au5, Culprate, Anomalie, Jacob Collier, Kubbi, Bill Wurtz

This is Caleb Klomparens (clom-PAIR-enz), the mad sonic scientist. [XY]

It's been ~14 years of play in the DAW for me, still growing, oh so slowly.

Working full-time at Highwire Games in game audio programming / development. I'm also making a unique MIDI animation tool called Harmony Ray (www.harmonyray.com)

#fawmtronica #electronic #synthpop #instrumental #chiptune #music #odd-time-signature #youtube #cinematic #orchestral #animation


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  • @willyviste Feb 2022

    Hi man, thanks for the kind words on Perseverance.
    When I discovered you and your music in 2020, I really really liked it, and I have listened a whole lot to it. It had a very retro, yet so unique and modern feel to it:)
    I've defienetly been inspired by alot of what you've made, for example: using supersaws in a basses and chords, chiptune vibes all over and 8-bit leads, hocketing between different sounds to create cool riffs, with also a more melodic focus.
    I do also see however, we share much of the same influences, so I think that shure has something to do with the "mirror-image" situation:)
    I do still feel quite new to the game(righfully or not, idk), and haven't fully "FoUnD Da SouNd". So I try to make a lot of different stuff and I hope that will lead me anywhere.

  • @roysmith  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment, its been a miserable day and always good to get some nice words...love making odd and slightly wonky ambient stuff and even more when people take the time to listen...cheers

  • @sci Feb 2022

    "It's kinda like elevator music but in a good way"
    jokes on you, i am inspired by elevator music
    (thx for your kind words!)

  • @ericlord  Feb 2022

    Cool that you did that software!! I played a bunch with Processing, but I wouldn't dream building something from the ground up.

  • @postcardhelicopters  Feb 2022

    @kable @fuzzy - just dropping by to say it looks like I won't be available for that triple-collab we discussed. I know I offered a framework for the collab, but I wanted to say please don't feel compelled to stick to that plan since I won't be able to join. Again, my apologies.

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    Howdy do! I have any idea of something to send you. Still up for a collab?

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    Woo hoo! Nice to meet you also!!!!!!!!!!

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    Thanks man, that honestly means a lot. Looking forward to what you come up with this year :D

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    @adnama17 told me to come here and check you out. And here eye am ( digging your soundcloud!)

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    Shhhhh... they're watching......

  • @andrewjtaylor  Jan 2022

    Hey Caleb! Looking forward to your work this year. This go round I’m going to try something new - producing all the way, and this time someone else’s lyrics entirely, and rap! :)

  • @splittybooms  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to yours, too!

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    Right back at ya! Almost time!

  • @postcardhelicopters  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! And continued good luck on Harmony Ray. I remember some of the videos from last year.

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Welcome back for another FAWM!

  • @willyviste Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM, let's do this!!