Kate Sikora 6


Tokyo JP   Jan 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   I’ve been listening to “newer” to me artists lately. Here’s a mix of old and new: Julie Doiron, Cate Le Bon, Sharon Van Etten, Angel Olson, Belle and Sebastian, Aldous Harding, Neutral Milk Hotel, Kevin Morby, Walter Martin, Jess Cornelius, Violent Femmes, Veruca Salt, and my girl Liz Phair.

A Jersey "girl" living in Tokyo for the past 16 years. I'm struggling to keep the songwriting alive now that I've got two kiddos and a full time teaching job. Until the pandemic hit, I was pretty active in the Tokyo live music scene and I really miss playing out. While I have the usual social media accounts, I haven't really had the time or motivation to put myself out there since I had my second baby in 2020. This FAWM, I'm going to try to dust off the cobwebs and get some ideas out into the physical world. I don't have grand plans, but we all need to start somewhere, right?

To hear my most recent album,
check it out here: www.bandcamp.com/katesikora


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  • @k8sikora  Feb 2022

    Hmmm... having trouble with the player. I shared the URL from soundcloud but I don't see it here.