Tuomas P 14


Helsinki FI   Feb 2011

Artist Bio

Influences:   all that stuff that used to be popular


Year 10 and time for some decisions.

I've decided this is my last FAWM. Why? Well, this is the tenth year in a row I've spent making songs for the entire month. Next year I kinda want to see what February is like without the "need" to participate. A decade feels like a good place to end things.

There's also the fact that declaring to do something for the last time (for the foreseeable future) might give some inspiration that I haven't had yet.

So, for the last time: let's do this!


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  • @natalie  Mar 2022

    I know it's kind of funny that I just added you to my watchlist ~ the day after you finished your last FAWM ~ but I've just found your music, and I'm so glad I have! Such an impressive blend of artistry and wit. I'm a fan!

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Noooooooooooo don't stop ! I too have doing it for the 10th time and have no intention of stopping !
    You have too much talent to deprive us of your music :)

  • @bandybum Feb 2022

    Hi Tuomas, just following up about our collab :)
    I'd like to get the ball rolling (perhaps next week, if you're still up for it), but finding your email address is proving a challenge... can you please help? :)

  • @plushbaby  Feb 2022

    Wow, fawm in action! Sounds great, will come back and explore your work further :)

  • @bandybum Feb 2022

    "Hey, thanks for all your kind words! I'm all for doing a collab :) "

    - Great! Drop me an email of what you fancy, i.e. work on one your songs, or start afresh, etc.

    Exciting! :)

  • @leka Feb 2022

    Kiitän nöyrimmin palautteesta

  • @bandybum Feb 2022

    "I found your song with the random function, clicked on play, listened to about 15 seconds, skipped to the middle, then watchlisted you.
    Then I restarted the track and listened to the whole thing. This is something I thorougly enjoy, the instrumentation and the feeling is something I'd want to sometimes strive for. Thank you."

    - Thank you, Tuomas, you just made my day :)

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Each year from about year 7 I went through the same mind thoughts. Then I realised my best material (and most) came out of either FAWM or 5090 and by about year 12 thought "what the hell" and just kept doing it. Although, from then on, I listened a lot more.

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the explanation and your perspectives. I’m now following you.

  • @nikopee Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments! Pistetään porukka nauramaan.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    I like your vocal. It sounds authentic. And I'm smiling at your "Influences" : "all that stuff that used to be popular"

    I can relate! That's where I live! :)