judypie 11


Chesterfie UK   Feb 2016

Artist Bio

Influences:   Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman (not the one she played in ww84 though, I really hated that film man, I can’t even describe my level of excitement waiting for it to finally come out and then.. dude, I cried, actual tears. Not because I was emotionally connected to the film you understand, just because it was SO shit and I’d waited so many years and.. ugh, what a let down). And Taylor Swift or something I guess.


Happy 2022 people! Have a splendid one, I’ve not decided how active I’ll be this year, will see if the fawm bug takes hold when/if February ever arrives. Is it just me or have we been in January for 18 FUCKING MONTHS ALREADY?? I don’t dislike January as a month, I just want to get my fucking pay packet already man and try some of February out, HELLO DAFFODILZZZZZ!!!

Okay dokey, so anyway, I love creating stuff but largely hate what I create (that rhymes so will obvs be a song title if I do manage to write anything)! AND, I listen to new music less and less with each passing year, I don’t think I heard ANY new albums last year?? Feck. I just listen to jazz fm or classic fm if I want music but I can’t really use them as inspo cos the fuck I know what I’m listening to. I have not been schooled in the ways of music/I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time. So yah, like, can you write a book if you don’t read books? Like many other people on the planet I would love to write a bloody book, but I never feckin read, unless it’s the back of my cocopops box, I can’t seem to get past chapter one when I do pick a book up. So surely my book would be shit? Can we create that which we don’t consume?? Is it fine that i didn’t read one book or listen to one album last year and now I’ve realised that, I feel a little weird like I might be a FREAK?! I don’t know, let’s see what happens, and regardless, I hope I manage to consume some of your stuff even if I don’t make any dishes of my own. I don’t know what’s going on with this food analogy man. I’m gonna go eat.

Shout out to my other half/third (I don’t let him speak much) @adforperu. He IS very clever when it comes to music stuff and he can play instruments and sing wonderfully well and all that good stuff.

^ That isn’t Ad, that’s my cat Ichabod. But I thought you should see her.


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    I am done with FAWM... although apparently until they slam the upload button door shut, I am never done.

    I have 3-4 songs on the go, which all suck ass. I am unlikely to complete any more, yet I'll probably manage some more BS ...

    And thanks for listening, means a lot! de-zonged.

  • @silvermachine Feb 2022

    Hope you're over your illness, looking forward to some more songs from you/ featuring you.

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    hahah yeah well I am uploading progressively shorter, weirder music....

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Oooh thanks! Yes, open the window and crank the song. Can you also scream when you hear my voice? You know, that groupie scream that makes a rock-star's ego rise? Yea that one. Oh and don't forget to pass-out after you scream!

  • @waltermosch  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for commenting. Yeah, I should maybe write more Heavy Metal Lullabies;)

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Also I swear your love heart just said “you suck”

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Mmmm brownies

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Business will boom!!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    I'm sure demand is high for a remix ;) Also, please re-write the whole halo song to tell us more about your epic octopus-fueled singing journey...

    Here's a starter for 10 chorus to get you on your way lol

    'Octopus is coming now
    Likes to listen to beyonce
    Baby, he can see your halo
    Only 25 pounds to pay
    My neighbours chuck bottles and more
    They're lacking all of my brains
    Baby, I can feel you halo
    You killed yo lesson today'

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Ahhh you are a comment queen, thank you lovely. You are one of my 12 tabs i have open ready to listen. Does anyone else do that?? its the only way i can keep track of my listening. Chrome is aching at my current multiple tabs ;-) . Forgot to say hope you're feeling better Miss. and glad my tune gave you some sort of er rock meditation end ;-)

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    oooo a meditation to end the day. Now thats perfect. You should join me with this amazing irish guy who does meditation every weds morning (7.30am) for half an hour. He is awesome!!! ooo that reminds me i owe him 5 euros ;-)

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Hee hee . Spent all day on another one . I am now a vegetable and taking a two day fawm break to listen and give ny poor old iMac a rest .

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Absolutely, if I don't get fish, it's the fishing equipment that's bad. Nothing wrong with the fisher.

    With songs my problem is that I get an idea but I have no patience to continue it so that I could get more than a verse or sometimes only the chorus finished. And I apparently hate waiting. :D

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Hahaha I can image.

    „Sorry I have to cook some octopus soup next week and that really takes aaaaaages…. “ :D

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    What the hell…. but this is really the bad thing about taking lessons, nobody really examines if their teaching style (if there is any at all) is good. I mean there are singing instructors out there who hurt the voice of some people. And you pay money for that.

    Thankfully she was so weird from the beginning and not like after hours :D

  • @frenchcricket  Feb 2022

    I go to a singing teacher in High Green which is a pig to get to but sounds a whole lot less fucking nightmare than yours

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    RAWK sounds absolutely appropriate for Liam Neeson but I'm not sure if I can... mmm... RAWK. Not sure if I'm RAWK enough. :D And is it right for an a cappella since I think egg slicer isn't the right instrument for this song and my only other options are broken melodica and perhaps a faucet or flushing the toilet... so perhaps you have to do the RAWK version?

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    I'm such a novice in writing lyrics and inventing melodies, I have no idea either how to make any new songs I should do or how to continue the ones I've started. Hence the egg slicer impro. :D

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Jazzy style was in my mind with Lazy Days, thank you for your praising words, Ella Fitzgerald has one of the great voices that inspire me.

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    I would love to hear your version of Not A Stalker. Or similar. It may be that I never get a good melody idea.

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Thanks! I've been wanting to play my egg slicer for so long and now I finally did it. :D Unfortunately my brain was almost out of lyrics but fortunately the universal: "I want to continue my dream but I have to go" saved me. I think we all should dedicate at least one song to our egg slicers.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Well do what you want, but @silvermachine will always be number one in MY heart.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Yes, of course I made up the words to "I Spy" all on my own cos I am a serious arteest!
    Thanks for all the great comments!

  • @frozenlonesome  Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out The Emerald Planet. Glad you liked the sounds I make. Attack FromSpace, the film I’m using as my vocal samples is something to be seen and is very rich with amazing dialogue.

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Haha yeah…although I think the kids would love it :D the parents though..,

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank youuuuuu <3 :) listened to your new song - now I want to get a ghetto blaster and just play that and dance around the streets like a maniac.

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Yes I'm reciprocating like a mad man

  • @evinwolverton Feb 2022

    Surely you can get him drunk or steal the shot when he's not looking : )

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Yeah, those 18 days will fly by--you know this .... So, you know that you could use the 4 track that's in your house....I think that you do anyway. In regards to the cassette loop, I was blown away how fun that was and you don't even need to make a loop tape if you don't want to. You can just record 4 different tracks on a regular tape. Just sayin.......wink wink.....

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Oh yes, mixing....doing that is the next task for me. I had to get some other things out of the way--i.e. that loop that I made after having a refresher tutorial from my brother. So, it will be up tonight. Thanks for being patient, as I just get so caught up with all of the things that I'm trying to do. Tonight! I think that people are really going to love it!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    It's a magic box I'm building. You play the guitar normally, but the pixies inside the box grab the notes and turn them upside-down before letting them go again... :-)

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Oh goodness, I need to pay attention!! I thought you were going to post it….sorry, my head is elsewhere I guess. I will put it up for sure!

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    I also have catching up to do.
    Seems you and that reprobate off the internets somewhere have been making some of that dangtastic evil music, eh?
    Gosh, FAWM is fun, ain't it!

  • @grayland  Feb 2022

    Hi! I wanted to stop by and tell you how much I appreciated reading your comments on The Meltdown. It's difficult to put into words what that means to me.

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    I know, that other guy you team up with really needs to start pulling his weight ;) No worries, the pleasure was mine !

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    The eels weren't saying anything.
    They were just making squelchy eel noises.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    It's a thing.

  • @hbusse  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the listen and comment on In Peace! So encouraging :)

  • @oddbod Feb 2022

    howdy :)

  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    So much wonderful swearing!

  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    I just watched this segment again...so good!


  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    They hired a chef who had Tourette syndrome but they felt they couldn't fire him because he was a Holocaust survivor (he wasn't). The restaurant was configured so the chef was visible and in earshot of those dining. And shortly after opening he let go with a string of obscenities. How Larry and his friends reacted was beyond hilarious!

  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    Have you seen the episode where they have opening night of their new restaurant? Maybe my fave of all!

  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    Julie, thanks for your comment on Pretty! And yes, we are huuuuuge Curb fans!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Nope! No mail yet!

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Ahhhh thanks lovely you for your awesome comments. I had fun with "forever" as really i couldn't get any more out of both parts when they were two song ideas so it was loads of fun trying to mash them together. scarily i suddenly felt like i was writing a song for a musical!!!! Karl and musicals don't blend ;-)

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Yeah had fun last year doing a collab with sapient... , think I will be less uptight about it (hopefully)

  • @atam94  Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out my recent songs! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing some of my old Japan footage again. I felt like I couldn't go through an entire FAWM without bringing it back for at least one song haha

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Cheers for all the comments! X

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I just wanted to drop by and say a genuine thank you for all the time you've spent listening to my stuff. :-)

  • @lanasolyluna Feb 2022

    I would die for Ichabod FYI. Seriously such a cute little floof. Welcome back to FAWM.

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    Lolz. Sorry for not wrecking your ears with that one. I'll try harder next time...
    But can you believe it. I actually wrote a song with real chords in. Like what guitar players are supposed to. I looked up what they were all called and one of them was even a 7th. Fancy, eh?

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hahaha!! I was laughing out loud…with my kids wanting to know why. How do I explain? I didn’t really….yes of course I can mix it. Perfectly fine with me. You are hilarious

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey there! Oh please do!! Id love that!! Thank you very much.

  • @bigmood Feb 2022

    I feel you w the "can you create what you don't consume" question - I have been listening to so many podcasts this year it feels weird to try and make music. But your music sounds great!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Thanksss :) Yeah I think the 'don't touch my skin' part is the chorus as you can tell all musical structure went out the window and it was just a random explosion of different length verses/ sections! Some poor purist will be screaming at their computer screen

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Haha thank you again :D yes that is the feeling that I wanted to create! Glad you like it.

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the compliment :) I like your voice too! Sometimes it is difficult for me to just be carefree with my voice and sing, you have that talent :)

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    hey! you've got my "song's" playing ... woo!

  • @pumpkinhead Feb 2022

    That spice rack is simply wonderful. My parents bought it in the sixties and I'm so happy it ended up in my house. Happy fawming. Peace

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Heheh the songs must just be *that* awful?

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    I think might be a cert thingy in chrome? It flagged up as unsafe.

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022


  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Thx for the comments on The Butterfly Dance...I do have an Incubus styled song coming...stayed tuned.lol

  • @spikedirection  Feb 2022

    Sounds like Garth Marenghi

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Haha you know me same shit different year Has no one told you…If you’re not starting FAWM with a healthy sprinkle of naughtiness, you’re not doing it right?!

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Ok, Judy, David here! Am I posting my thank you in the right place?? :)
    Thanks for listening to my song! I will figure this out somehow!!

  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    Hey J, where's yer first song? I stopped by to have a listen! Put those eggs down and get busy!

  • @badgag Feb 2022

    Thank you :) It is very fun writing lyrics! I've never done it before so will be very, very basic!

  • @silvermachine Feb 2022

    Hello stranger! Thank you for the messages left on my soundboard last year and the present! Very nice of you! I'm FAWMing this year so will be back to witness your progress. Good luck.
    Your cat has so much fur!, Is there a secret cat food I could try on my head?

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I told you I could play recorder badly... ;-)
    Thank for the lovely comments. Now put the egg beater down and get musicating!

  • @badgag Feb 2022

    Hello! thank you! I don't know how this works really but just hoping to have some fun with it. Really looking forward to hearing your tunes!

  • @theawkwardsleep Feb 2022

    Hey there lady! Excited to see what you’re doing this year.

  • @hanley  Feb 2022

    Yassss, you may call me Hanners, or Hans Moleman (the little old man from the Simpsons), or anything else appropriately Han’ified.
    Totes, let’s do this collab thing! I’ll shoot you some half baked noodly idea (that’s what I usually give Ad), and you make it into a masterpiece (that’s what Ad usually gives in return)?
    Looking forward to hearing what other weird and wonderful stuff you come up with this year

  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    Thankyou!! Happy FAWMING!!!!

  • @susyblue  Jan 2022

    Halloo back at ya n happy fawm! Haha I so feel you, I stopped listening to any new music a million years ago but am even worse in listening to old lady talkback radio sighhhh (would also love to write a book)!

  • @heidiserwer  Jan 2022

    Hiii! Super excited!

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    That is indeed one form a kidney stone can take. And I assure you: all those little spikes do NOT feel good working through one’s urinary tract!

    But on to happier topics: have a terrific FAWM this year! Regardless of your personal training / extent of your recreational listening, I look forward to what you create this year!

    Also, beautiful cat!

  • @jorh  Jan 2022

    Eyup! How are you?
    Looking forward to seeing what your create in feb - if we ever make it?! you’re so right about January taking an age this year

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    Thank you, Judy. Number 7 for you, I see - hope it's lucky.

  • @iwilleatyou Jan 2022

    I never saw that one. I only saw sleepless in seattle which I didn't like because there were no vampires.

  • @thedutchwidows  Jan 2022

    Don’t be taken in by their furry faces. The black one is pure evil (and to be fair, quite clever, but phenomenally lazy) and the tabby is an actual idiot (he was found as a kitten starved in a box on a farm, and he missed some key developmental stages, so is clinically dim. Sweet natured, but dim.)

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    I knew Adam had a beard but... wow, that’s out of control hairy there

    I hope you’re back this year.. even for a little. I love your voice and honest and thought provoking words.

  • @sirius Jan 2022


  • @lmr  Jan 2022

    I feel your pain about WonderWoman...Thanks for the welcome and looking forward to hearing what you do! Ichabod looks well-fed and happy...

  • @intoyourlight  Jan 2022

    Hiii your bio is hilarious :D I feel you. And yes, Björk is my idol also. I watched a video on youtube where she shows her „studio“ in her early days, which was a keyboard and a tape recorder on her floor. Inspired by that I threw my table away and now I sit on the floor as well. The table had been too small anyways.

  • @iwilleatyou Jan 2022

    No YOU feck off you fecking feckless fickle fuck feckle feck.

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    Hello! Good to see you. :)

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    Thanks @judypie! And for your supportive words!

  • @wrenarcher  Jan 2022

    Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by, saying hello and the well-wishes regarding my health. I appreciate it.

    I hope the groove of FAWM gets a little something percolating for you and we hear something from JudyPie this FAWM.

    Hope all is well with you and yours. Wren

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    yo yo yo lovely lady. Pull yer finger out and let Karl's ear hear some of that wonderful acoustic bliss from yesteryear please ;-) Next pic i want to see ichybod acting like a hat on Ad's head please!!!!

  • @toms  Jan 2022

    The fake band name string ending in KEVIN made me snort out loud just fyi. :D

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    I had the same sentiment regarding WW84.
    However, we know FAWM22 can't possibly be a steaming pile of failure with all these cool folks in the mix! Happy FAWMing and I'll be around!

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    *extremely Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby voice* JULIE JULIE JULIE JULIE, AHAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAAAAA. Looking forward to some jazz fm inspired choons this year

  • @gslade Jan 2022

    and a splendid oddening to you

  • @cynthiawolff  Jan 2022

    Hey your clever and get more so every year..
    Glad to see you here again

  • @sbs2018  Jan 2022

    Thanks for stopping by. Sounds like you feel about January the way I feel about July. In 50/90, I wrote a song called "Good-bye July" - it's only despicable when you live in a really hot place like Las Vegas or Florida (which I have done more than once). Ichabod is gorgeous!

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    PS Love the cat...my two 20year cats died about 7 months apart..buddies there were! So I love looking at others people's cat..those little freakie furballs, lol.

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    I am doing a tribute to Incbus this FAWM stated tuned...now the anticipation is going to kill you...lol

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Have a creative FAWM!!