Abdicrat 4


Iowa City US   Dec 2018

Artist Bio

Influences:   Richard Dawson, The Drones, black midi, The Voidz, Death Grips, BC NR, Quelle Chris, Slint, R.A.P. Ferreira, Xiu Xiu, Black Dresses, The Strokes, Adam Green, Open Mike Eagle, Protomartyr, Daniel Johnston

He/They (the person) // They (the artist/band)

Currently in the midst of an artistic metamorphosis brought on by recent massive life changes and mental health crises. This is my third year doing FAWM, having previously participated in 2019 (Rap Mixtape) and 2021 (Live Concept Album).

This year, I'm just writing short little songs to be expanded upon and put on *popular algorithmic social media platform* at a later date.

Hit me up if you want bass or percussion on your track, I'd love to collaborate!


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  • @alonetogether Feb 2022

    im trying not to deflect all the nice things you said about my songs! i appreciate it so much :3

    also, it would be super cool to work on something together. i dunno what kinda messaging thing works best for you but we should make that happen!

  • @jsmalls  Feb 2022

    Lil Update:
    Realized yesterday that the original *musical* concept for this FAWM is bunk, meaning I'm starting half the process over from square one today. Time to get on that sigma grindset

  • @katzmaa Feb 2022

    Hope you have fun writing this month :)

  • @tretopcarter  Feb 2022

    Glad to see you back and hoping to see some fun and wacky stuff!

  • @alonetogether Feb 2022

    thanks for the comments! i was definitely going for a black dresses vibe so thanks for noticing :)

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Thanks for offering to add percussion to tracks - I plan to take you up on that!

  • @w1n  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM, love a lot of the artist and bands on your influence list. Will definitely get in line to ask for some contributions on percussion.

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022

    Glad to see you here again homie. We'll have to collaborate again per every year. Happy FAWMing bro!

  • @ajna1960  Jan 2022

    Hi Mr Abdicrat :) Just read your post about sharing percussion sounds. I'll likely hit you up sometime if that's ok, both for FAWM here and possibly non FAWM projects I work on all year.

  • @chroes  Jan 2022

    Disco Elysium Fans should stick together! :) I'm curious what you'll do in February!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Hello from your neighbor in Wisconsin.