Artist Bio

Influences:   Jeff: All the places I've been, left behind, and the highways in between. Suzanne: Since I have never left any place behind, I'd have to say being in one place... and all those who come and go.

Suzanne and I have played in several bands together over the years.
I am lucky to have Suzanne playing and writing with me!

We added our band facebook page. Check us out and give us a 'like'!

On leap day of 2020, the band went into the studio and recorded a CD. Then.... you know. So, if you'd like to check out some songs, or even get some, here is a link to Spotify!

Here's a link to our CD on Amazon

Most, if not all, of the songs were written during FAWM. The picture with the cabin is our CD cover.

Check out our friend, and fellow bandmate, for some great writing and tunes


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  • @litorne  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your comment!
    I know what you mean about my piece that could go for a Viking series! I must admit that I would love to do music for movies! Congratulations on your FAWM!

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for checking out the song "You and Me," that I worked on as part of @lavishdude with my buddy @deadhead. (Been a while now, so you may not remember.) Hope you had an enjoyable FAWM, and congrats on crossing the finish line!

  • @williamjames Feb 2022

    Hi! thanks or the listen! I dislike fake drums also but for fawm it's the only chance to most things done. Maybe I will turn some of these fawm songs into actual songs for my band :)

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Howdy jsini and thanks pard, for reviewing Gotta Sell Them Cows. I leave the music and recordings to others.