JS6 14


Tampere FI   Feb 2014

Artist Bio

Felt cute might fawm later.

What has been said:

“Hmm how do i say this....I didn't really like this song, but I'm happy that it exists.” - sci

“Could work with a trained vocalist.” - radioovermoscow

“Listening to this in the sauna right now. “ -bonnieschippling

“Would maybe have done a double chorus at the end.” -Mt. Mélodie

“Epiano riff creates tension and towards the end it hat a cool rhythm. Great work...to my taste the epiano could mix a tiny bit better with the rest, maybe with some reverb?” -martinneuhold

“I hope you don't mind a bit of constructive criticism. In the segue between the two parts the E-piano arpeggio ended a bit too abruptly for my taste (especially if it's that present in the mix) before that sound got back in. Plus I expected that beat to be fatter (distorted, NIN- or breakbeat-style), but that could be just me. The end has a similar problem - the line just ends without a climax, coda or at least a powerful last chord.” -ampersandman

“I'm not too fond of how the vocal samples are used in here (it's a bit excessive).” -sci


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  • @tamsnumber4  Mar 2022

    Congrats on your trophy!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Mukavaa jos Florida manin seikkailut viihdyttivät!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Wireveaver's Theme"! I know what you mean but the best I can do is a pair of really cool sunglasses.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on Ukkoslinnun sulat! Yeah, I definitely aimed for a folk-ish approach with that riff, so I'm glad you picked it up! :)

  • @popmythology  Feb 2022

    Hahaha, OMG, Jussi, you just won FAWM with this one song. This one song! You don't need to do anything else. No need for 14 songs, you're done!! I think I counted almost 14 different genres in this song so it counts as 14 songs!! Congratulations!!! No, but seriously, this was so awesome.

  • @quru Feb 2022

    An inside answer: yes.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Kiitos kommentista! Toivottavasti myös jatko miellyttää!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Arms of Andromeda"!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    I really liked the surströmming.