Jorge Vallentine 10


Milwaukee US   Jan 2022  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Brand New, Bright Eyes, Elliott Smith, Arctic Monkeys, the Mountain Goats, Violent Femmes, Death Cab for Cutie, Hobo Johnson

Hi there!

I'm Jorge. Not sure how many years of FAWM I've done at this point, but I got a lot of good stuff done last year (I believe under the account SourceDecay) that I'm still playing out, so I'm excited to have a push to write more again.

A little about me:

I spent most of my life stuffing my emotions down and not being able to connect to them or to other people very well as a consequence. The last 6 months have been full of very intentional work inside and outside of therapy to undo that and be much more open, vulnerable, empathetic, and loving to the people around me.

I'm trying to make my music reflect that by shifting to more conversational lyrics versus cryptic ones, finding the sounds that best convey the emotion I want, and describing what my songs are about more openly when I play/post them.

This year, I want to really dive into the community aspect of FAWM, which I only scratched the surface of last year, and make some friends!

Hope you're doing well, wherever you are.

And if you feel like working on a song with me or just talking, feel free to leave a message. ️<3

If you'd like to connect/see what else I'm up to you can also find me at:


P.S. On Friday (1/28/22) my band and I played our most incredible show yet (intimate, but a packed, beautiful venue, picture above is from that night) where we played several songs I wrote during last year's FAWM.

You can check out a clip below to get an idea of what I'm doing musically at the moment (which incidentally features the first song I wrote last FAWM!)


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    sent you 'a happy mistake' though be sure to take a look at my others if this one isn't calling you .... just thought i'd put it through because idk it called me to? but possibly thinking maybe you'd like be my vulture? or hmm maybe one i have yet to write

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    Jorge, thank you for your lovely comments on Stranger with Memories and Glass Flowers! I'm excited to write with you / add some stuff to Finding Blue Garden

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    Hey Jorge, I have fired an idea through to your email I hope you can do something with. Let me know if you get it and if you can use it!

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    You are very welcome. Your song is truly special and it will continue to appeal to many. I hope what you are creating will continue to heal you.

  • @lastnightilie Feb 2022

    To be honest I'm not a big Dylan listener either. He's good so it was a compliment lol but I just never really connected with his music that much. I only know the popular songs. Maybe we both need to explore more!!

    And I wonder if it could be that you've been influenced by a singer who was influenced by him. That kind of secondary influence I know has happened to me before. Or maybe you just naturally & independently have a similar technique.

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    Hi Jorge, would be great to do a collaboration, drop me a message if you are interested!

  • @skyezor  Feb 2022

    Hey Jorge! Loving your songs, the melancholy, and the earnest heart of them. Keep going! You’re gonna kick FAWM’s proverbial bum!

  • @dasbinky  Feb 2022

    Sup! Haven't heard of Brand New, but "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" is a cool tune, I just gave it a listen. It's got the same suspension-over-maj7-chords thing, I think that's the common point that sticks.

    That 90s template for rock permeates everywhere, it's good stuff! Looking forward to catching up on some of your stuff, my main listening computer blocks Soundcloud stuff, so I've always gotta catch those tunes later.

    Rock on with your bad self!

  • @kevinmason  Feb 2022

    I strongly believe that an authentic, expressive voice beats a classically trained voice any day. With that said, you also sing smoothly and on-key, so you have absolutely nothing to be self-conscious about. Quite the opposite!

  • @jordandarl Feb 2022

    Hi Jorge! Yeah it would be great to collab again!

  • @estebanlartigue Feb 2022

    are you making a spanish song this year ? i want to get a spanish forum going on here :)

  • @tafkavince  Feb 2022

    Like the live clip. Look forward to hearing more

  • @bobjestes  Feb 2022

    Hi to a fellow Wisconsinite. I look forward to checking out your songs! Have a great FAWM.

  • @estebanlartigue Feb 2022

    Yeah let me know when u do your open mic in chi town!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for giving my first song this year a listen. I often write happy sounding songs with quite downer lyrics (and the reverse)
    Look forward to hearing your stuff.

  • @skylermf  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on my song Jorge!!

  • @kadmad202  Jan 2022

    We’re almost there, and I can’t wait for the fun to begin! Have a great FAWM, Jorge!

  • @vegansongs  Jan 2022

    Back atcha! Watching and listening! Its almost time yo excited. Have a great fawm!

  • @ecobox Jan 2022

    Hey Jorge! Looking forward to hearing your work this year. Thanks for the follow!

  • @abudabard12514  Jan 2022

    Thanks for your message, Jorge, I'm looking forward to hearing your work too. Be sure to stay hydrated and eat lots of mango this year!

  • @estebanlartigue Jan 2022

    totally !!!! welcome back !

  • @fiftydegrees  Jan 2022

    Nice to see another Sconnie. Welcome back!

  • @theawkwardsleep Jan 2022

    Hi! Nice to meet you. Love the influences.
    Also I totally get the shift lyrically. I tend to do this as well and have also tried to switch as of recently. It’s harder to be more straightforward. Interested to hear what you come up with. -Ru

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    Bonjour! Happy FAWMing 2022~ *if I write a folk/indie song lyric I'll be sure to run it by you to see if you'd take it from there adding voice vocals and musical instrumental melodies... :)

  • @kahlo2013  Jan 2022

    Dear Jorge! Glad to have a FAWM neighbor! Looking forward to your music! happy FAWMing! Liz

  • @rayboneor  Jan 2022

    Howdy...and welcome! FAWM is a pretty great community. I like the look of your list of influences. Have fun!!

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Hey, Jorge! Nice to meet you. One of the hardest things about songwriting is to fearlessly share your inner world with others. I am still learning how to do this. Have a nice trip it this FAWM. Looking forward to hearing you songs.

  • @owl  Jan 2022

    Ps the latest big thief singles have been a mixed bag for me! I really loved No Reason but Spud Infinity was annoying—some other good songs but I haven’t been as enamored with the latest albums as their first couple. What are your faves?

  • @owl  Jan 2022

    Hello from Madison! Looking forward to hearing what you come up with!

  • @bethkille  Jan 2022

    Greetings from Madison, Jorge!

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM! looking forward to what you come up with!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    Hey, good to meet you, hope this Feb is a blast and a boost to your songwriting. Great to see you jumping in with both feet!

  • @onewholovesrock Jan 2022

    Hello Jorge! See ya around!

  • @doglatin  Jan 2022

    Hi Jorge. Looking forward to hearing your stuff this year. For some reason, reading your bio struck a chord with me. "more conversational, versus cryptic"... I think that's a direction I should consider, because I've always leaned heavy on cryptic. We'll see!

  • @bitshred  Jan 2022

    Hey Jorge! Have a great FAWM. If we get around to it, maybe we can work on a song together?

  • @skylermf  Jan 2022

    Hey Jorge! Great to hear from you again. I'd love to do a song together sometime!! Looking forward to hearing what you come up with this year :)

  • @toms  Jan 2022

    Hey Jorge!!!

  • @paulotteson  Jan 2022

    Howdy, fellow Wisconsinite! Looking forward to hearing your tunes this year!

  • @kevinmason  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the note. Can’t wait to hear what you make!

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Jan 2022

    Howdy! Good luck :)

  • @johnstaples  Jan 2022

    Hi Jorge! Hope you have a great FAWM!

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Hi Jorge! Have a wonderful FAWM!!!! :)

  • @cowex  Jan 2022

    Welcome from the north ;). Looking forward to hearing your tunes!

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the shout. Happy fawming!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Hi from Madison! I'm a Violent Femmes fan too - great Milwaukee band. Looking forward to fawming with you.

  • @seanbrennan  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the well wishes - and likewise!

  • @amelea Jan 2022

    Milwaukee is such a fun place! Midwest doesn't rhyme with The Best for no reason! Although then I guess you could say west as in west coast rhymes with best too...

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    p.s. - just checked out 'Trouble' on Soundcloud, which was awesome. :)

  • @jeustan  Jan 2022

    Sweet! Welcome to FAWM 2022, I hope you have a great one!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Hi there!! Welcome (back) to FAWM. I am looking forward to hearing what you come up with! And yes, the community part of FAWM is probably the best part for me. This is an amazing place! :)

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!