johnstaples 18


Chicago US   Jan 2013  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Americana, Country, Folk, Rock (John Prine, Neil Young, Jethro Tull, Gillian Welch)

2022 will be my 10th FAWM!

I look forward to writing some songs and listening to those of all my favorite FAWMers!
Pronouns - he / him
I had a good year writing songs in 2020! I got 20 written at 50/90 and 18 at last FAWM.

I wrote a love song to all the knuckleheads who refuse to wear a mask for COVID protection called "Wear The F#cking Mask You F#cking Baby"

And I wrote a tribute to John Prine who we tragically lost to COVID-19 called "The Night We Lost John Prine"

I explored my rock side and still managed to crank a few country/bluegrass/Americana tunes.

Cobwebs and Rust


Love Song Fade Away

Real Love Remains
A few years ago I had a modicum of success producing and selling royalty free instrumental tracks. I stopped due to a lack of time but I have recently started up again. Below is a short video I created featuring 10 of my top tracks!
I live in the Chicago area, previously from the San Francisco Bay area and originally from western Kentucky! I love John Prine and Led Zeppelin, Hank Williams and Sia and Lorde and Eminem, Gillian Welch and Pink Floyd and Foo Fighters, New Grass Revival and Yes, Neil Young and Jethro Tull, Dolly and Taylor and Gaga and Amy and Madonna and Tammy, Willie and Waylon and Hank and Johnny and Merle and George, Elvis and Pearl Jam, the Jackson 5 and Michael, Prince and Jimi, the early Beatles and the later Beatles! There is very little music I don't like!

I use Reaper on Windows for my DAW. I record mostly with a Zoom H4n handheld digital recorder using its multi-track mode so I can easily record multiple tracks.

I play acoustic guitar, electric guitar, tenor guitar, baritone guitar, resonator guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo and harmonica.

Pronouns - he / him

Songs (18)

#1 The Smoke 63
Feb 2022
#2 Pretty 37
Feb 2022
#3 Roots and Wings 32
Feb 2022
#4 Childhood Memories 16
Feb 2022
#5 Take Me To The River @dannyk1 23
Feb 2022
#6 Hey Valentine (dance version) 25
Feb 2022
#7 Hey Valentine (rock version) 17
Feb 2022
#8 Overcome Myself 26
Feb 2022
#9 Winter Dream 21
Feb 2022
#10 Haunted Banjo 21
Feb 2022
#11 Song #1 That I Wrote But Have Not Posted Here 1
Feb 2022
#12 Song #2 That I Wrote But Have Not Posted Here 1
Feb 2022
#13 Song #3 That I Wrote But Have Not Posted Here 1
Feb 2022
#14 Celtic Fire 24
Feb 2022
#15 Revival 13
Feb 2022
#16 FAWM Over 12
Feb 2022
#17 Dead Night 5
Mar 2022
#18 I Die In Silence 7
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Hey, John - In case you're still around your song Childhood Memories made me think of the song Chickens in the Bedroom that @rdavis1962 and I wrote this month. It has blackberries and grandparents too.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you so much John for your support and for your recent comment on Stormy Ocean Waves. It is always amazing to read your comments.

  • @kadmad202  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the lovely comment on The Years Go By, John! I have long admired and enjoyed your songs, so it means a lot.

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    I don’t know about you, but I can never predict what my fawm will be like or even what types of songs will be. I REALLY think I know in late January but am always wrong. Always. Super fun that way. I really like you music each year and will be back to listen more. However I have to mix and post cassette 21 that I just finished up. Fawm is still going for me since the tape came late.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    John thanks for your words. Don’t forget the media also decide who goes on what part of the stage in debates as well and they gave Trump front and center while Kasich, the most legitimate centrist in decades, wasn’t even put on stage. There are piles of stupid people across the political spectrum. The media legitimized Trump which brought the white supremacists out from under the rocks. We need ranked choice voting now.

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Hey there! No baritone this year? I always look for those from you. Strangely, I didn't use mine this year, but last year it was pretty much my main guitar. This year was the SG almost exclusively....Are you streaky like that? Thanks for stopping by!

  • @sunfire Mar 2022

    Thanks for commenting on Pussy Riot. Appreciate your remarks.

  • @donna  Mar 2022

    John, thank you so much for your lovely comments on 'Ride from the Shadows'. (-:

  • @liz561  Mar 2022

    John, thanks so much for your comments on my song Photographs. I appreciate your kind words. For a song of mine that you might also relate to, I suggest The New Normal Sucks, which seems in a similar vein to your "Wear the F- Mask...". Congrats on a great FAWM!

  • @jsini  Mar 2022

    Thank you commenting on I Wish I Was On TV. Appreciate it! Btw, I just posted a demo if you interested. Thanks again and congratulations on a successful FAWM!

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    thank you for your comment re Hey Stewie, i feel like its a subject many can relate to in some way or another

  • @ianuarius Mar 2022

    Heh, well, sure. At least the arguments against were respectful and explained where they were coming from. It's valuable to have as many perspectives as possible. And then act with what makes the most sense.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    We are locked into the same reference point. Hooray for positive FAWMing!! :)

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    I keep coming to the same conclusion… it is such a wonderful hobby that I would hate to mess it up by getting all official. Even though I have basically unlimited time for it now, I still look at it only as a hobby.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    I keep *thinking* about joining TAXI, but just am not to the point where I think my songs would go anywhere. I have had a lot of discussions with licensing/placement places (InStyle Music and Crucial Music) and there is a big difference between a SONG you have written and something that is likely to get placed. I even have a song placed on both, but I need to work that out first and take time to think about what my plans are. :)

  • @sherrycanary Mar 2022

    John Thank you for your encouraging support.
    What amazed me was the powerful attraction of FAWM to give me determination to participate.....writing from my hospital bed. It really is almost tribal....and I'm glad to be a member!

  • @chariotbaldwin Feb 2022

    Just saw your comment for my song Old Friend and the unfortunate coincidence you and I share pertaining alcohol.

    It wasn't a song I was planning on writing, it just came out of me unprovoked. It was very visual in my mind, a danky bar, a man sitting alone staring at a glass of whisky, torn.

    It would've been nice if my dad made the right decision, but alas, it was not meant to be.

  • @chariotbaldwin Feb 2022

    Thank you by the way for your feedback on my 4th song Atomic.

    I'm very proud of it and certainly plan to have it demo'ed.

    I hear it often in my head, especially that chorus when I try to go to bed. I hope it gets received well by that particular generation too.

  • @chariotbaldwin Feb 2022

    Yay you won!!!! Bravo for FAWM #10. Can't wait to check out your songs and leave feedback. It's been a long ass month LOL

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Alright, so you misread it, no big deal, but my rhyming pattern was AAB CCB for the two verses (I don't do "sort of" rhymes, you know... especially when it comes to country). If you prefer to remove it, that's a real shame, but I'll leave the decision to you. I thought that perhaps you would want to use the song for something after FAWM, and that's why I wanted to perfect it.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    I don't quite understand what you mean, as verses 1 and 2 were exactly the same. I thought perhaps I'd messed up (wouldn't be the first time), so I read the verses out loud:

    Anyway, I'll be happy to rewrite the lyrics (post-FAWM) so that they line up better with your melody, but my initial thought was to leave some room for a short riff or something in the middle of each verse. Just a bit of nitpicking... constantly aiming for perfection. ;)

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    Very good, and definitely in the style I had imagined! I'm curious, though, as to why you've changed the rhyming pattern in the second verse. Admittedly, it works better with the melody you've created, but I still think it would be more interesting with AAB CCB (with some air to breathe inbetween the parts). Just my thoughts, you've done a great job as expected!

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Hi John, I thought you might like this one :)

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Just wanted to say a quick thanks. I set up my post for the superskirmish this weekend and had trouble with the edit option again. Thanks to your information you sent last time, I have it working now!

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    Hello, thank you so, so much for your comment on Stars of Glass! I am humbled by your words, you made my day! Thank you!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Madness'. Keeping a song at 100 seconds (or less) is not easy!

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks John! Maybe just sing and the rest

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    yes, I am scratching my cat's ear right now... If I don't do it right I get the teeth treatment...

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    That would be great, John! I won't add you as a collaborator, but as soon as you've copied the lyrics, I'll mark it as personal to avoid receiving more comments on the lyrics-only. Let me know. :)

  • @redhauer Feb 2022

    Hi! Thanks for the feedback on Echo of footsteps. Being my first time doing FAWM, I'm thoroughly delighted when people take the time to read and comment on my lyrics. I'm glad you liked it. = )

  • @kathym  Feb 2022

    Hi, John! I always appreciate your thoughts and comments as you are one of the fawmers and fb friends who understand where my spirit lies. I've learned to slow things down a bit in semi-retirement and have let go of a lot of things that have cluttered up my life (mentally, logistically, and physically to a lesser degree).
    I think my inner Carole King is calling! Love to Rose.

  • @vaughan Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out "She Had Packed It In". That is the kind of bosses I've had, too.

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words on my Conga song, John! Much appreciated

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Hey john i sent a very rough version of song i wrote. If you fancy adding your vocals to the verses then feel free. Have put details in email. But zero worries if not matey.

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Aww, thank you, and back atcha! I still have 4 of yours to catch up on!! I'm getting there! I'm getting there!! :)

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    John i got something brewing that you may fancy adding your vocals to. Would lurve to have you on this track. Its not recorded yet but its kind of an epic and imagined your voice at start, me for a little bit then passing over to my non FAWM friend holly to scream some improvs at the end. Anyway zero pressure matey. Just shout out if you fancy having a bash and if i ever get it written i'll whizz it on over

  • @ponygal1961  Feb 2022

    @johnstaples Thank you for your comments! Always kind and encouraging. Much appreciated.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'The Perfect Take'!

  • @jibbidy34  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the amazing comment you left on 24 Coins!

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much, John, for your comments on Daddy Don't. Leah did a fantastic job on it. She's amazing!

  • @artie  Feb 2022

    John, your comments are always such a delight to read. But your response to "Red All Over" was just so touching, and really heart-warming. Thank you so much.

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your wonderful, thoughtful and that profound comment on "Childhood days", John... I was so happy to read it...

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked my "Childhood Memories".

    That Chinese Rickenbacker copy is amazing and is about a tenth of the price of the real deal. Plus, it has a more sensible headstock. It is a little prone to neck dive, but that is usually the case with all hollow bodied electrics :-)

    You can see it here:

  • @angelinapowersuit Feb 2022

    Aw, thank you thank you John for your thoughtful and sweet comments on “The Kids,” I’m so glad you liked it and can relate. I hope my own kids do a better job of it (when that time comes far into the future haha).

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    I didn't get to your mate until umpteen others had, having been away, so I thought I'd wait for more songs.

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    Hey, if you ever want to collab for music licensing let me know. We are often looking for male vocals/instrumentalists.

  • @dannyk1 Feb 2022

    I'd love to hear what you hear! Looking forward to it.

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    Sounds good: I'll keep it open for you~
    Done,,, just didn't want you to forget *ties an invisible string to one of your fingers.

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022 Feel like Collab'ing with me on this?

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Hahah thank you for link but I’d just found it myself and watched it to remind myself! Loved it! Just sublime swearing on display there!! :D

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    I’ve seen every single episode dude! But I’m not sure if I can recall that one! What do they do, remind me

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Yassssss, I thought I could trust you to have excellent taste :D

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    c'mon John. I'm away for three days so I expect to hear something on my return, okay?

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Cheers john for your amazing living in clouds comments, I actually thought you'd quite like that one. Was actually so good to turn on my marshall amp for the first time in yonks and just rock out a bit

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    I'm just sittin' itchin' for some more Staple diet.

  • @jessicagraae  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my lab monkey song, and the vocals! I appreciate it.

  • @ponygal1961  Feb 2022

    @johnstaples Happy Fawming! :) 10 years! Great accomplishment.

  • @angelinapowersuit Feb 2022

    Hi John! Thanks so much for your note. It's so nice to be back, really.

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Aww, thanks so much for your kind words regarding my allergy attacks with cats lol Yeah, Karen... I don't know her real name still. Dont' really care to. I call her Karen cuz that's what she is... I never met the woman before. I was being nice, said hi and smiled... and then BOOM! And can I say I love the fact that you thought that said alcohol??! I bet alcohol would help clear up my allergies!!! lol Hmmm.... Thanks for the great idea! I'll give it a try! :D

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on my Week 1 Challenge song!

  • @wurzelfrau Feb 2022

    Oh wow, now I'm excited for this song... can't wait....

  • @cleanshoes  Feb 2022

    Happy 10th FAWM, John! Have a fabulous month!

  • @dukemeyer  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks a lot for your insightful comment to my song "Flieger" ("Aviator")!

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Hahah I’m still at work dude!! Nearly finished and then I shall palm my first “masterpiece” :D I see you’ve hit one out of the park already whoooop!

  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi John. Thanks. Hope you have a great Fawm 2022. Giddy up! :)

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Thank you John. Have a fantastic time. Looking forward to hearing your songs.

  • @dukemeyer  Feb 2022

    Hi John! Glad to see you here. A wonderful FAWM to you, too!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Yes Mr S. oooo a collab would be fab. ITS FAWM HERE!!!!woooohoooo

  • @sheilerk  Jan 2022

    Are you ready??!!! Just a few hours yet here. Here's wishing us all the greatest FAWM of this Century (so far)!!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Maaaaaan - I thought I had dropped by to say hello last week. My bad. Dude - here's to a great 2022! All the best. Feel free to stop by the factory anytime. The light will be on and fridge is stocked. Peace out!

  • @heidiserwer  Jan 2022

    Hi John! Here we go!!

  • @cindyrella  Jan 2022

    Hi there John!

  • @wurzelfrau Jan 2022

    11 Years, John! I realized it's been 11 years for me. How? I'm so looking forward to your songs, I hope you and your loved ones are well and you'll have a great fawm!

    Much love <3

  • @jwhanberry  Jan 2022

    On your marks.....Get set.....Watch out, here it comes!

    Have a fantastic FAWM my friend.

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    John welcome back again to you as well. Enjoy being creative in the most enjoyable way for you!

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    Hey John! I'm definitely looking forward to your tremendous songs as well. Have a great FAWM!

  • @aesthetic72 Jan 2022

    Hi John, I mean Chris. No, I mean John. I’ve been calling people Chris lately for some reason and did want to leave you out! Haha! Thanks for your kind note. Can’t wait to hear your stuff, too!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Duuuuuude. Lets get this FAWM thang up and running. Can't wait to hear some new staples magic.

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Intra-collab song skirmish!!!
    When the time comes, want to send me an email? I won't be on FB or anywhere else during Feb and won't see notifications

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Yes! We will write it. I'll do my best not to cheat by starting early :-)

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    "Oh and we had checkers!" is a great hook line for a song!!

  • @wingandwaltz  Jan 2022

    Hay @johnstaples ! FAWM on!

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    Yo! I love that you're using the cards. That makes my day. Have a great fawm, my friend!

  • @jackdawfactories  Jan 2022

    Yes, good luck to you too!

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Hey, nice to see you here. My congratulations on 10th anniversary! Looking forward to hearing new songs from you!

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hi from Milwaukee, John!

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with with all those instruments and influences!

    - Jorge

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Mr. Staples, I hope your creativity floods onto the FAWM plain and fills our ears with magic.

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Thanks for validating a deep dive done the "freedom" way :-) I hope to go exploring. This weekend or in March, right!

  • @zeekle1998  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing. I’m always impressed by your guitar playing so looking forward to what February brings.

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    So I'm a very poor videogame player in all respects (lore, dexterity, stubbornness) but I bought Subnautica because it is lovely and cool. Hint requested. Is it reasonable to discover how to make fresh water before dying of thirst? Should I play on an easy level (re-spawning from many deaths) until I figure it out? Got the component from the shell things (coral tubes? haven't played in a while) but not the other one. Hellllp!!

  • @robynmackenzie  Jan 2022

    I’m looking forward to your new stuff as well! Happy FAWMing!

  • @brownium  Jan 2022

    Merry Fawming!

  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    Howdy Mr. Staples! They tell me you play a little banjo around here! Well I betcha mine is littler (cause I have tiny hands!) Happy FAWM to you!

  • @bitshred  Jan 2022

    Have a great FAWM John!

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Why, hellooooooo

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

    Thanks for swinging through my profile and saying hey! Always happy to see your name on the FAWM site every year! Happy FAWM 2022!

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Welcome back..really looking forward to your take on Americana music.

  • @quork  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing, John.

  • @mikeb  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM 2022 John!