joefahey 14


55432 US   Jan 2011  

Artist Bio

Influences:   AM radio, FM radio, shortwave radio, CB radio & Radiohead.

This, I believe, is my 12th FAWM!

This year I wanted to make an effort to write and craft at least a few strong songs to maybe use to fill out a new album I’m working on. I’m looking forward to having fun too and writing whatever less serious song pop into my head too. The usual weird stuff.

In February 2021 I put out an album of the songs I wrote for 2020 FAWM called “February On Ice”.

You can listen to it on Spotify at:

Or on check out my Bandcamp at:


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  • @tspoon  Mar 2022

    Hey Joe. You really had an excellent year!. Thanks again for the kind reviews of my songs. It would be good to some day meet in person. Let me know when/if you ever play in Mpls. We are back in April.

  • @toddnorem  Mar 2022

    Great FAWM, Joe. You got to 14...which is super impressive. Banging out 4 songs in the last 24 hours too. Crazy what all can be accomplished in this short month of intense focus.

  • @resonut123 Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my song: Minds Eye High.
    It was cool to try for that mellow Psychedelic Vibe.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Emerald Fire'!

  • @truetone  Feb 2022

    Hey Joe! We met through Tom Herbers years ago. A fellow MN songwriter. Just wanted to say hi. This is my first FAWM.

  • @tspoon  Jan 2022

    Hey Joe... are you with us again?