jodv 4


Pleasanton US   Feb 2011

Artist Bio

Influences:   Pixies, Elvis Costello, Spoon, Neutral Milk Hotel, Roky Erickson, Le Butcherettes, Pretty & Nice, The Strokes, The B-52s... I listened to a lot of punk when I was younger, so there's definitely a lot of that aesthetic floating around in my brain somewhere.

I started playing guitar in 8th grade and am completely self-taught. I was in a couple of short-lived gigging local rock bands back in the Aughts, playing bass and/or guitar and singing. Nowadays, I mostly do solo noodling and occasional recording.

Songs (4)

#1 Clean Up Your Mess 11
Feb 2022
#2 Positive Thinking 10
Feb 2022
#3 Don't Go It Alone 20
Feb 2022
#4 Another Man's Face 2
Feb 2022


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  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Woo hoo! Great to hear from you dude. I doubt I will scale the dizzying heights of a triple fawm this year, but buzzed about what comes out nonetheless.