jimeddy9 14

Artist Bio

Influences:   Richard Thompson, Paul Kelly, Bruce Cockburn, Graham Parker, Jonathan Richman, Van Morrison

Old retired guy with marginal voice who can play just a bit of guitar when the arthritis allows. My first FAWM, so I guess that makes me a "fawmling." Thought I'd give this a try, since it seems to fit with my motto, "Forward In All Directions!"


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  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the love this year Jimeddy. Congratulations on finishing! May the FAWM be with you ALWAYS

  • @paulroe Feb 2022

    Hi. Yes! Blake and his wife would invite people into their house while they were buck naked LOL. Was a deep hallucinatorily vivid imaginer but, agreed, he was not repressed in any way, from what we know. He must have been the coolest person to hang out with :-)

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for the listen to ":Humors of Shoreline"! I have to admit I don't know what exactly "humors" refers to in the title of an Irish song -- it could be the Shakespeare-era ones you mentioned for all I know -- but I figure whatever they are, Shoreline undoubtedly has them. :)

  • @philmcmill  Feb 2022

    Hey Jim! Welcome to FAWM! Thanks so much for your comments on some of my songs.

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out "Hung out to Dry!"

  • @jimeddy9 Feb 2022

    Hey jimeddy9, your videos are living proof that your mom was right -- you have the looks for radio! (signed), jimeddy9