jessespillane 10


Pittsburgh US   Feb 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Snarky Puppy, Soulive, FORQ, Battles, Christian Scott ATunde Adjuah,Covet, Herbie Hancock, Hiromi, King Crimson, Kneebody, Agernon, Lena Raine, Niacin, Tycho, Ronald Jenkins (and a million others)

I'm a keyboardist living in Pittsburgh that makes instrumental music.

2021 was my first FAWM, and somehow managed, against my own expectations, to wrangle together 10 songs.

2022: Not sure I have the energy/time this year to make that happen, but we'll see :)


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  • @ampersandman  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment. Blonde Redhead and Sonic Youth are two bands that I love a lot, so this comparison made me very happy.

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    Quick 1-or-2-take acoustic guitar pieces are much quicker to cobble together than anything synthy or layered. So that saves a lot of time and effort. I treat FAWM like a sketchpad as well so a lot of my pieces are rough. One of these years I'll start listening through my back archives and find a couple dozen gems to polish up and maybe learn for a live set or something.

  • @wrenarcher  Mar 2022

    Hey Jesse… thanks for the comment and for listening to “Time to Say Goodbye”. You know I actually had to go back and look at the tracks to see what you were hearing because I know I don’t have doubled voice tracks. Well, not really.

    I recorded my voice on two stereo tracks with two mics. The pan on each was set opposite of each other and I changed the phase on one of the tracks. I added a little reverb and delay as well and I think the delay might be the culprit? The feedback on one of the voice tracks is just a tad longer than the other. Maybe that’s it?

    Anyway… thanks for showing me some love throughout the month. I really appreciate your comments. Really encouraging.

    And just in case you weren’t sure… yeah, you’re the Jesse I’m talking about in the liner notes. Really glad to have added you as a FAWM friends this year.

    OH!!!… and there’s a chance I might go see Snarky Puppy with Steely Dan this summer! Crossing my fingers! :D

  • @corvisier Feb 2022

    Thank YouJesse for your analyse !
    And pretty cat you have (on your bandcamp page !)

  • @splittybooms  Feb 2022

    YES! Mystic Cave Zone, that's the one! lol
    That's also one of my absolute favorites! Its so funky and vibey.
    That bassline, tho!
    I think that is my all-time favorite game soundtrack. Casino Nights and Hill Top are my other tops. And I say that, I can think of at least 3 others lol

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Hi Jesse. You are very kind, thank you. I really appreciate your comments.
    I've switched everything off here for the night, but I'm looking forward to hearing your tunes tomorrow. Your list of influences ticks lots of my boxes. Plus, it's always nice to catch up with another instrumental musician.

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Hey Jesse!
    Thank you for taking the time to listen to my song "Can You See the Light" and the kind words about my voice. Really humbling. I don't hear it and am actually rather self conscious about my voice but thank you so much. Really means a lot.

  • @b3nut  Feb 2022

    Thanks, I had a lot of fun with that one. :)

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ha! It totally would! I can see the album cover already lol
    Love your influences list, I’ve been a huge herbie Hancock fan ever since I discovered chameleon aged 14 and it blew my mind

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    Bonjour, Happy FAWMing 2022!!