jerrypettit 14

Artist Bio

Influences:   Everyone

Former musician a LONG time ago. Retired now and dabble.

Update for 2021: Had a successful 50/90 (my second one completed!), so FAWM should be a piece of cake, right? Hope to stretch my wings genre-wise, per usual. Looking forward to listening to the rest of you.

Update for 2020: Health problems, including NO VOICE so far (writing this on 2/6). I've written lyrics for 6 songs while I wait to recover, so I THINK I'll eventually get my usual 14 in. Stay tuned...

Update for 2019: I'll be putting out my 3rd album (pop) shortly after FAWM 2019 closes, and a 4th (country) album later this year. Going to try and do about half my usual "country" fare this time around and half R&B. FAWM has been life-changing! Good luck to all!

UPDATE FOR 2018!! I have an album out now--all proceeds go to to provide microloans for educating women in developing countries.


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  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Congrats on the win, my friend. I've got a lot of ground to cover in March. I hope you're sticking around.

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    You’re stopping? Gasp! LOL! See you in 50/90…

  • @jamkar Feb 2022

    I think that title just popped into my head. No clue.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Jerry! You've put out a lot of solid work this FAWM! I'm still holding that lighter for the saxophone solos. YES!! Have a beautiful spring and see you at 50/90 this summer!!

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind words on Geraldine…I’ve been trying to focus or production and arrangements during this FAWM so you pulled at all my heart strings by pointing that out! Thanks again!

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Thanks for stopping by for a listen to Silencing the Candle. I'm so glad you enjoyed my arrangement and vocals put to @crisp1 inspired lyrics. I really vibe out with his use of language. Glad you enjoyed it and congrats on your output this year!

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Jerry, Thank you for your generous comments on Ghost of a Chance. I agree with you that Gwyn did an outstanding job, and I appreciate your comment about knowing how to tell a story. I LOVE story songs, so that really hit it for me. Thank you!

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    lol! I do appreciate you going back and catching the ones you missed. But I'm afraid I'm done until I get a new computer... I barely got that last song out. In the meantime, I've been trying to do something on my new iPadPro with the M1 chip. The power is nice, but, so far, full music production on an iPad, for me is like driving with my hands tied.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind and thoughtful comments on both versions of The Window to Your Soul. I hear you about separating whites and colors. I do love the smell of bleach, so do separate sometimes.

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks Jer. No, the movie isn't very good. Just a 3 out of 10 on IMBD. The acting isn't very good.

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Thank you Jerry for your kind comment on "Missing Texting You". You see, I used to receive many text messages from my late husband and texting him in return. We texted a lot as there was time when we both fell very ill and we couldn't reach for one another being in the same house. Then he was admitted to the hospital and we were texting a lot too and then, very sadly he passed away. When I saw the promp "text" I shared what I feel, how sad it is not to be able to text to someone I love. I didn't find the prompt "odd", it was very open to suggestions, the song could be about a text in a study book, text in dissertation, any text, mega text, etc. I find skirmishes very inspiring as many prompts are about something I wouldn't nessasarily written if I didn't see the prompt. Thank you again for all your support and kindness. I adore your songs and comments from you are very special to me.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Jerry, You are so flattering! Thanks for your comments on In Love All Alone. I feel very lucky to get to work with Gwyn and Georgie. They sure pulled this one off! Loved your comment about the 3G's!

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Jerry, you are too kind. Thanks for the listens and encouraging comments on I Should Have Seen It Coming and The Window to Your Soul. I didn't write the lyrics for either one so I need to knuckle down and write some!

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Be a free-roaming chicken, Jerry. Cross that barrier; that road and break out them horns! Thank you for stopping by and while my work has me stymied a bit, I will be back for my listening enjoyment and commenting!

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thank you for breaking my zong!! At last! Was starting to wonder if it was *that* terrible - lol! And, no, that is not me. I’m on my profile page. :)

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your very kind comments on I Don't Want to Talk.

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and kind words on Somewhere East of Nashville, Jerry. Doug's ( @crisp1 ) lyrics sort of just write songs by themselves.

  • @leka Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting so kindly

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    hey there! Tape refers to cassette tape. It started out with the first track recorded on a 4 track cassette recorder in an RV somewhere in the south, then went to NYc, then mailed to Madison, WI, and then to me in Ohio. So, a physical and old school collaboration. We even have them going to and from Europe/US. Fun!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    That is so very kind of you. @coolparadiso just mage my words sing. Literally :)

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the details :) It's extraordinary what you have wrung out of seemingly ordinary gear.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @jerrypettit it was vocals and music by @shallowcarrot
    I just do words unless you need frog sampling :)

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    Hello, thank you for your comment on 'The Ribbon Song.' It was I who sang it, @jayjay wrote the lyrics :)

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Jerry, I might have to work on that video idea.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    for some authentic bill whiite punk, try this
    (1977 -2021)

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Jerry, Thanks for your enthusiasm for Hit Man. It was a totally fun collab and I'm glad you liked it!

  • @quork  Feb 2022

    Re. Florida Corpse, the whole process is a lot of fun. The first person records a minute of a track and passes on the last ten seconds to the next person. The last person records their section and stitches it all together. The end results can be crazy, and it’s a lot of fun. There may be a few more organized. Keep an eye on the forums.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey, I’ve got to say that I really like your music a lot! We are from the same fawm generation and somehow I haven’t run across you before. Very good and I will be back for some listening!

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Hey Jerry! Thanks for your generous comments on Waiting! Yes, I told my friend about FAWM and he was interested but not for this year. He and I have been doing a handful of Zoom calls to get songs underway and then we exchange notes (no pun intended) in between calls. Btw, we both enjoy Summersongs songwriting camp (when virus stuff permits) if you're looking for a live songwriting adventure.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    poetry? no. just a simple song about my daughter growing so fast that she refuses to wear any thng but dresses.

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comments!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    It wasn't 2019 or maybe Bill did the lyric then. I did it yesterday!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Thx so much man. I love the old style western movies and music.
    I am doing a western song this FAWM....

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Stop, Jerry, stop! lol! But, yeah, in my dreams.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    my collab with johm was brand new in 2022, maybe someone else wrote a song with the same title in 2019.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks much! I do recommend it, rapping is a lot of fun! It is to vocals what bass is to guitar… like bass is more like a drum set than a guitar rapping is more like a drum set than sim singing lol

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Yes, that BiaB sax solo, like a lot of their guitar solos, are gems when used on the right track. Your choice was perfect for that one.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Oh really Jerry? I'm so flattered! We're still working on that draft...

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked our Collab "Together" (appropriate title for a Collab, eh?

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    rapping is a lot of fun! give it a go! my biggest advice is just be honest and be confident it's a fun genre to get in some word play and pass along weird philosophical musings lol

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Heyy thank you for the kindness! Coming from you it means alot!

    ...If you are intrested, we could make a collab? An amalgamation of our styles? :D

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the note on the off tempo. Ooops!

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    thank you for your comments on street corner angel. this weekend i wrote a lyric with you in mind and because only you can do it justice. i have sent the lyric to your facebox messenger. as you would like to write a bill song and i would like to wri te a jerry song, this could be the perfect collab.

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your nice comments!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Jerry! For some unfathomable reason you weren’t on my watchlist. An error I have now rectified. Will try and catch up this evening :)

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Its nice that you are looking after me :-) but i still have as much energy as the sun. I am easing a little, but hey i have March to rest from music. Now back to listening, hmm there is one of Jerry’s, oh good!

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Thanks alot for the comment on Yggdrasil Dawn! The song is very much mimiced from the style of Wardruna, and inspired by the video game Valheim.

    I use storyblocks for footage :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment! I'm glad that I inspired @tinear, but he some parts of the lyrics and not it's a dope track! So happy how it turned out!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked my collab with Bill White.

  • @gordon  Feb 2022

    Hi Jerry, thanks for the kind words on Winter. That weirdo doing the harmonies is also me, doing my "high" voice, he he. A bit of fun

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Yes, that book is, to me, a fresh take on songwriting - the first one that didn’t bore me and didn’t feel like dancing about architecture - lol! That chord progression has been used a lot. He named a few songs, but I immediately heard “Don’t Stop Believing.” I got excited about it and had to use it because I don’t usually get excited about chord progressions. That’s not how I approach music. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening. With ziptunes I do top-lining(melody and lyrics.) But stick around we berniced (trimmed and simplified the lyrics)the song and it’s now teo: my version and David’s version

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind world on "Mulholland Runaway", I know of the movie but have never seen it. The song really just came out of me imagining being disalousioned with LA.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Haha! Thanks, Jerry! I feel like Amazon should pay FAWM commission for these profile pic purchases! Will you create with the Korg synth? :)

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the encouraging words Jerry. I have a vocal from Bill in the pipeline for one of my own songs. Watch this space.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words :)
    Most FAWM writes are with virtual instruments, because I don't own proper microphones and can't play guitar properly yet. My singing is heavily processed to make it sound okay'ish. I never release something like that in public.Thanks for your encouragement, but I need 5-10 years of practise to perform in a way that I can work with my own voice and playing without hearing all the processing and artefacts. Believe it or don't - My imagination is running wild, but I can't perform 80% of the songs I write.
    Real magic happens, when I work with people who are good in performing and recording. So all the stuff you listen here are 20% versions.

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    2 drum loops and I did all the rest.. with a BOSS pedal

  • @jamkar Feb 2022

    Hi Jerry! On "Everyone Needs", that was grand piano stacked on top of DX7 piano in my Yamaha digital piano. Thank you for dropping by!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Honoured you chose mine! By the way there is a good recommendation forum thread

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I'm glad you enjoyed "Skyscraper". I'm sure that this won't be the last collab with this team. It was super fun!

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words in regard to Daughter

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thank you Jerry!! I hope you have a wonderful FAWM! It's so nice to see your comments :)

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    You know it was! Bill is just an excellent emotional can't teach that.

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening to my piano!

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Hey Jerry - for reasons unknown I go by hypnotist on 50/90 but brisk here, and I want to keep up that pointless and confusing tradition. Hope you're rooting around in your bag of tricks, can't wait to hear what you've got!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hi Jerry, let's do this!

  • @katestantonsings  Jan 2022

    Hi Jerry! I hope FAWM 2022 is full of creativity for you :) Have a wonderful time!

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Welcome back..have a great FAWM!