jcameron 14


Basingstoke UK   Feb 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   Power and prog metal, some plain old-fashioned heavy metal, and a bit of classical and baroque stuff on the side.

Hi. I'm Jim. I play the piano quite well, and the guitar and bass somewhat. I may try to squeeze in a bit of flute and mandolin as well since I've got them lying about.

I fawmed in 2012 and again in 2013 and wrote a few songs that I was more or less pleased with for what they were, but never really developed. I never finished the epic power metal concept album I was working on back then, but I've written a couple of fragments of it since. I don't have much of a plan for this year, but I'll aim to have fun, write some more music and maybe hone my skills a bit more, such as they are.


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  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    Hi Jim, thanks so much for your comments on Spaceship Coffeeshop! And the feedback. I'll keep it as it is and won't add anything else then :)

  • @jessespillane  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment. "...when the journey across the room to the sofa feels like a trip to Mars" is a really good way to put it.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Lost and Found'.

  • @darcistrutt  Feb 2022

    Thanks for visiting "Bye Bye Pluto". The fact they removed it from our list of planets is what inspired the lyric. Inspiration from Pluto's rejection.

  • @trolls2 Feb 2022

    thank you for your nice feedback on 'close'

  • @erucaesounds  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words on 'Deep Blue Sky', much appreciated!

  • @kirjis Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for the comment!

  • @caseewilson  Feb 2022

    *googles Gloryhammer*
    I had never heard of them but now I think I love them...

    Thank you for your kind comment on Unicorns Will Eat Your Face! It was my very first ever attempt at death metal screaming on a recording... I usually sing, well, very differently!

  • @spazsquatch Feb 2022

    Ha, that was a strangely lucky, or not since clearly I can't recognize at 165bpm tempo.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Hahah, thank you for the wonderful comment on Ukon malja! Drunken dance round a broken computers' bonfire really made me laugh!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hi Jim - thanks for your feedback about my "Who's shaking the jar?' song. I think the "Janet/Dammit" line comes from the Rocy Horror Picture Show and has stayed lodged in my brain ever since.

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! Hit that Commodore hard!

  • @liz561  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comment on Southbound Train. My folks were big bluegrass lovers (Jews from New York-go figure), so I grew up listening to a lot of bluegrass and folk. My Dad will never forgive me for joining the orchestra after he bought me a violin-I was never a fiddler!

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    Hey, thank you for your kind comment on my song "Your Brain is Running out of Storage." I appreciate it :)

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Thanks and I have no expectations or aspirations either. Songwriting is a hobby for me. I am very happy at my amateur level. While I have a few songs up on Bandcamp, they are mainly songs from other songwriting projects, or for friends/relatives who may want to hear what I have done.

    For a collaboration, we could either exchange ideas here or feel free to email me. Or the simplest form of a collaboration, for me, is when one person starts a song and the other finishes. Let me know!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the reply! If you are interested (no worries if not), and just for fun, there is a twin avatar challenge for collaboration. My skill set is certainly not much for metal and leans more towards guy-and-vocal/guitar lo-fi scratch track based although I do all sorts of musical experiments. Fun side note, among my other various instruments is an actual sort-of glockenspiel.

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Jim from a fellow glockenspiel avatar. I hope that you have a great FAWM!