Whilst 12


95240 US   Jan 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   Buncha different people. I hate to be a name dropper.

Singer songwriter and pest management company employee from Northern California, who left Sacramento after several decades and is currently living and performing in and around a bucolic wine-producing town called Lodi. Writes and sings original tunes and accompanies himself with acoustic guitar. Wishes he could form a band just for recreational purposes, but hasn't been able to find the time or the players to make that happen. Yet.


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  • @jaxong  Feb 2022

    Aimed for 14, got 12.

  • @rdlinder  Feb 2022

    I see your rock hands. Mine were posted the next day.

  • @jaxong  Feb 2022

    How soon does it take for "rock hands" to show up after you donate?