janeg 9


Toronto On CA   Feb 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   Filk, folk, rock, some jazz and blues. Talis Kimberley, S. J. Tucker, Cathy McManamon, Michelle Dockery, Seanan McGuire, Mary Crowell, Jeff Bohnhoff, Cat Faber, Vanessa Cardui, Twotonic, Annie Walker, Karan, Devin Melanson and many more filkers. Also Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, James Keelaghan, Al Stewart and many other folksingers.

FAWMer since 2011, initially just to listen and comment. Finally made it to 14 in 2019. Every new song is a win and some have been done on stage.

Involved in filk (the fan music of fantasy and science fiction) since 2003. ZERO musical training or involvement prior to,that. CoChair FilKONtario 23. Married to Phil Mills who is an active filk songwriter and FAWMer.

Part of monthly filk song circles in the Greater Toronto area, at various fan conventions and people's homes wherever I travel on business. Or will again when COVID permits.

In my other life, I'm a Peer Mentor and Senior Advisor to not-for-profit Executive Directors and board chairs, especially Interim Executives.

UPDATE: I would truly love music collaborators; Phil has been sick, in hospital or recovering all month. Since we write to share songs with friends in circles, acoustic guitar compositions (with chords) have by far the best chance of being performed live. But I'll welcome any style, any instrument!


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  • @jtsteam  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comments! I've been doing German Duolingo as well. The boy's obsession with beetles has always puzzled me...

  • @tuneslayer  Mar 2022

    Thank you or the reminder! I was going to spend some time hunting up a Band-In-A-Box style with a nice fat horn section to back this up. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

    I also like that line you mentioned. In the grand tradition of folk, filk and allied trades, I stole it from this limerick:

    There once was a fellow named White
    Whose speed was much faster than light
    He started one day
    In a relative way
    And returned on the previous night.

  • @infilktion Mar 2022

    Hi Jane, Let me know where to send the chords for "A Success Like Few Others". Thanks!

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    Hi Jane, thank you for the lovely invite!! I would have loved to attend, but I was out with a friend for a birthday lunch today. It looks like it would be so much fun! I’m hoping to attend the Faerieworlds fantasy festival this year. It’s been outside of Portland for a few years, but is back in Eugene this summer.
    I still need to pin Andy down about sending us the chords for Muggles and Fae. When he does I’ll get them to you. Tell your husband I hope he’s feeling much better. It’s just not fair that he got sick for Fawm!

  • @mhorning Mar 2022

    Jane, in re a certain Author Friend of ours. I've known her since high school. We even went to her HS production of Into the Woods. ;-)

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your comments on The Mad Hatter’s song. I’m hoping to get music for it before I show it to Alex. The festival is in Eugene, Oregon this year, and. Alex has moved across country and is working more than full time, so he probably won’t be able to make this time. I’d also like to be able to play it for his friends, who’ll be missing him. It’s really quite like a family, like faemily, only a Faemily, so to speak. Alex has a lot of characters besides the hatter. He could probably have his own album! ;)

  • @infilktion Mar 2022

    Fixed the video link. I hope it will play for you now.

  • @karan  Mar 2022

    I am SO sorry about what you experienced as a child! You can be ever so proud of yourself for overcoming the hurt inflicted by this bad teacher and finding your joy of singing again!

  • @infilktion Feb 2022

    I have finished (At the last minute to be sure) a melody for A Success Like Few Others. Have posted it. If you want the video background and tune on yours you can paste this into it. https://studio.youtube.com/video/dO777QK0KbU/edit

  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your patience! FINALLY got over painkillers and antibiotics from dental surgery on the 16th, and got the Five Acres of Heaven uploaded! Thanks for your patience! Hope Phil is doing better on your end....

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much. Sometime at an open filk I'll have to tell you about They're Hanging Me Tomorrow's Canadian connections (there are at least two)

  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    Jane, thanks for the note. I do agree that FAWM in general encourages one to maybe write a bit outside their comfort zone. Odd tunings, odd instruments, foreign languages. Maybe different genres than one is used to. My FAWM songs are definitely more eclectic than normal.

  • @rwhosings  Feb 2022

    Hi Jane! I’m so glad my song could bring back treasured memories! I would love if you shared it with those folks. Shall I just email you an mp3?

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    Haha! My fave. Bosc, wasn't in this showdown.

  • @rwhosings  Feb 2022

    Hi Jane, thank you so much for the comments.
    I look forward to the day you can bring me a list of requested songs to hear in person!

  • @janetjulian  Feb 2022

    Hi Jane! Thanks for the comments! I’m hoping to eventually do music for most of mine, but focusing on lyric-writing for the present.

    Also the Leslie who collaborated in Underworld isn’t the Leslie who lives with us. But it’s always great to inspire someone!

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Jane. That song was a lot of fun to write.

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Hey Jane, thanks for the lovely comment and I'm glad the song helped :-)

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    Hi Jane :) I'm glad you like our Muggles and Fae song. It's one of my absolute favorites this year. I'll have to ask @andygriff about the chords, and sharing them, since he wrote the music. As for me, I'd love to have it sung at your gathering!

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    Jane, I'm so glad you like Wheel of Fortune :)

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked "Death's Kiss" - it also needed more listens. I was proud of how I'd got in all the references and kept them in the context of the narrative.

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comment on “Left Ankle Blues.” Sorry to hear of your aches and pains - I can relate! My husband and I have been planning our 2022 calendar around various surgeries and procedures - when one of us is out of commission the other needs to be more or less able-bodied. :-)

  • @complexissimple Feb 2022

    It is my understanding that pumpkins become vampires if:
    1. You keep them in the house for more than 10 days
    2. You leave them out on the porch under a full moon
    Or 3. You don't eat them before Christmas.
    Once they are vampire pumpkins, they will drain the energy from anyone inside the house, and may roll around and make funny noises. Also you will probably get complaints from the neighbors.

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to Skirmish Skirmish. She's still got a couple of pellets in her body and I can't touch those bits. Who shoots at a cat... Some people are so cruel. Glad she is safe and loved now.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked my Delius song.... Believe it or not, I knew very little about Delius. When I saw the prompt I immediately had the idea of writing about an Unfinished Symphony (which I was going to use as a metaphor for all the things we leave undone towards the end of our lives.

    I thought about classical composers I knew who had left symphonies unfinished, but I thought they would demand a lot of research. Then Delius popped into my mind. I didn't associate Delius with a symphony and wondered if he had written one. A quick Google search revealed he hadn't and I skimmed over his biography and the thought came: "I wonder if he wanted to write one." Has there ever been a classical composer who didn't? So, armed with Google's info, I blocked out the song and filled in the details from the list of his works. He actually had a very interesting life. He was born in Bradford, England. Who knew? I had always assumed he was Scandinavian, I knew so little about him. He managed a plantation in Florida at one point, he lived all over Europe, hob-knobbed with leading figures of the day, like Nietzsche and composed some fine orchestral pieces. But no symphony. I imagined him in his last years, going deaf and blind and wishing he could make that last great effort. I still don't know how I managed to do the research, write the song and record it all in just over an hour.

  • @kadmad202  Feb 2022

    Hi Jane! Thanks so much for being my soul-sister in our adolescent love of Paul McCartney! It's been so fun to renew my fascination with the Beatles, and I have recently done much more exploring of Paul's music after the band broke up. He really is an amazing songwriter and incredibly talented musician. It's interesting to wonder what his life (all their lives, really) would have been like if the Beatles had never existed. Would he/they have been as successful in the music world by the sheer worth of their individual talent? We'll never know, and I'm glad we don't have to!

  • @clioem Feb 2022

    Thanks so much! I'm still not sure if I want to make a sequel of them hanging out being best friends, or just leave it at what it is, haha!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked my "Witch" - yes sadly that's one story among thousands.

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the prompts you left and hoping to hear the one you took! As it happens, in my bio are some lyrics to a tune I wrote in French even though my French is basic at absolute best! Hah!! Looking forward to hearing your stuff this year, boss!

  • @ineloquentsd  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on “Silver.”

  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on "The Sun Will Return". Since the Oregon coastal beaches are public rights of way, we're happy to help keep them clean rather than have the "Private Beach Keep Off" signs that one finds in many other places.

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your generous comment on “Shadows and Signs”!

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    That is a great point about dogs, horses, etc. Devotion isn't necessarily a very, what's the word I'm looking for... sophisticated thing, is it?

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the tip on the flik hashtag!

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on I Put It Down. It has given me the idea for the direction of the rest of the song. I was running out of things to say, hence it was so short. I shall return to it and try to finish it.

  • @infilktion Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment on Dragon Hoard! I am pleased to know so many bookwyrms!

  • @rshakesp  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your listen and comment Jane - part of a series you asked - the answer is yes, I’m traveling round the US for FAWM trying to draw inspiration from the things and people I see. I think I’ve given myself a huge logistical challenge- but I’m having a good go of it…

  • @azraelarmond33 Feb 2022

    This is a nice thing to do together while it is still difficult to see each other. Happy fawming!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for giving my "Cosmic Dance " a listen

  • @hummingbear  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing! Here's to another year of fine tunes and fun wordplay.

  • @rshakesp  Jan 2022

    Ha, sure I’ll be a Canadian for a month!