isaac quatorze 1


R2V 0Y1 CA   Jan 2007

Artist Bio

my name is Denys. i record music as isaac quatorze and DODEKAHEDRONS.

using a new DAW this february: Bitwig 4.1. well, i've actually been using Bitwig for a few years, but this will be my first bitwig fawm, and my first time using it for more than just wee sketches.


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  • @doeeyes  Feb 2022

    Haha, not even a deliberate name change, I don't really like it either! :D Always positive

  • @doeeyes  Feb 2022

    No way! IQ is back! Great to see you!

  • @johncrossman  Feb 2022

    IQ 4eva. 'Nuff said.

  • @charliecheney  Feb 2022

    <3 <3 <3

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Nice to see you again! Thank you very much for your kind words.
    Hope I'll hear some of your great music this year!

  • @elainedimasi  Feb 2022

    [dances around, dances around, dances around]

  • @philnorman  Feb 2022

    I missed you, friend. Thank you, forever, for the kindness

  • @stevenwesleyguiles  Feb 2022

    Denys - hello friend! I'd love to touch base and talk sometime soon! Life has certainly thrown me some loops I wasn't expecting. :)

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Denys returns! I'd given up hope. Now stick some music in my ears. It's been too long.

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Hello! Good to see you round these parts again! Hope you're doing good!

  • @jackdawfactories  Feb 2022

    Isaac! You have been my biggest "I should do pop music" inspiration since 2007 and so hearing you be so kind about my electropop noodlings has brightened my day thoroughly. Thank you!

  • @philhenry  Feb 2022

    Oh, sure, me and Janet J.! Thanks for the comments!

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    A wild IsaacQ appears! Thank you for listening :) any music coming our way??

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Denys! Mon dieu! C'est bon que vous êtes ici!

    How are you? How is Grant? I'm happily surprised to see you comment on one of my songs. Thank you so much :D And yes, we do need to catch up!

    On Ce Vera Dans Les Ombres…

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    My momma told me to watch out for that guy, so I've been keeping an eye out for your songs. I hope you get the chance.

  • @autoclamp  Jan 2022

    How's Rob? Say hey to your sister.

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Et tu brut? Hope you drop in & share some songs with us, my old friend!

    On Ce Vera Dans Les Ombres…

  • @philhenry  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM!

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Let's goooooo