infilktion 15

Artist Bio

Char MacKay & Natalie Rogers are a duo who love writing geeky music. We are active in the Filk (geek music) community.

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Check out Char's first album:


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  • @janeg  Mar 2022

    [email protected]. Thanks!

  • @infilktion Mar 2022

    Let me know where to send it.

  • @janeg  Mar 2022

    Belated request for the chords for your lovely music, Char, for A Success Like Few Others, so Phil can learn them if he wants. He's not great at deconstructing, and rarely finds time to try, esp. not now when he's still recovering from surgery. Thanks! Only if it's easy to send, by email if possible.

  • @janeg  Mar 2022

    Delighted you have created music for A Success Like Few Others! I get an error when I try to play it though.

  • @infilktion Feb 2022

    Hi Janeg, I'd love to create a melody to it.

  • @janeg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your note on my Sansa song. Would you like to create a melody for it? Sorry I haven't heard most of your FAWM songs yet; I'm 20 pages behind in my Watchlist.

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022