Mama April 3


83536 US   Feb 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   Led Zeppelin because they changed my life and keep my expectations high. Patty Griffin because of the simplicity and vulnerability of specifically her first album. (It is especially thrilling that she and Robert Plant collaborated.) Jars of Clay because the first music I loved was Christian pop. My taste has changed dramatically, but when I think of lyrics that I respect for being poetic and meaningful, i think of them. The Punch Brothers for thinking way way outside the box. Greta Van Fleet for re-turning on the part of my brain that wants to create and be loud.

Wow! I haven't FAWMed in ten years! High time I take my fifth crack at this. In the years that I've been gone, i graduated from college, got married, had three kids, and moved twelve times. Unfortunately, writing and playing music took a back seat during that crazy ride. Now as things are hitting a more peaceful groove, I'm ready to try again. FAWM for me this time around represents stepping back into a part of myself that I let go of, but needed all along.

Songs (3)

#1 Eve and All Her Daughters 3
Feb 2022
#2 One For the Money 3
Feb 2022
#3 Hell Fire and Well Water 1
Feb 2022


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  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    I look forward to hearing it.

  • @paulotteson  Feb 2022

    Hey Mama April! I'm honored that you remember "Flies and the Honeypot" from all those years ago. Sounds like we've had similar journeys these past 10 years.. (Kids, moving, jobs, life) I only just got back to it in earnest last year. Hope you have a great FAWM!