huron grand 11


Ann Arbor US   Dec 2020

Artist Bio

Influences:   Agnes Obel, Sufjan Stevens, Dermot Kennedy, Geographer, Kishi Bashi, OneRepublic, Mother Falcon. Aiming for a sound that is somewhere in the realm of piano rock, chamber pop, and folk... but my music taste is all over the place, so who knows what'll come out of my head this year.

Grad student by day, musician by night. She/her/hers.

This is my second ever FAWM! Due to some life chaos I'm not sure if I'll make it to 14 songs again this year, but I'm looking forward to writing what I can and listening to all the wonderful music everyone else creates!

My goals for FAWM 2022:
- Keep it simple! I went INSANE with the BBC Symphony Orchestra plug-in last year and I do NOT have time this year
- The one exception to the above rule, I want to write one song that uses all of my instruments: piano, guitar, bass, ukulele, banjo, and kalimba.
[X] Participate in at least one Skirmish (I never have before!)
- Write more songs that break free from the "verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus" song structure that I cling so tightly to

PS none of the drumming is actually me, it's 100% courtesy of GarageBand :')


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  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    Thank you for your very lovely comment on Finding Blue Garden, and for sharing your experience as a child exploring the ocean. That really resonated back with me! I'm glad it managed to sound beautiful, but also vast and mysterious at the same time

  • @bandybum Feb 2022

    "This is awesome! The low-key vocals really suit this song; it doesn't detract from all the great instrumentation you have going on in the background (I especially love that bass part that first shows up around 15 seconds in — super catchy)."

    - Thank you so very much for this comment, you made my day :)

    - Good luck with the Skirmish (they're great fun! and the exquisite corpse challenges too)


  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hi from Milwaukee! Looking forward to hearing what your sound is like based on your description!

    - Jorge

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM to you! :)