howthenightcame 14

Artist Bio

Influences:   >> soundtracks for soundscapes

Hello everyone. This is my fourth FAWM and I intend to write some music for Wallace Steven's poetry:


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  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    Enjoyed it a ton so far - I still need to get back to them and complete my listening. Good work! :)

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    thank you for your insights on ghost in the window. thank you for dropping by to listen to my music, as now I have an opportunity to dig into yours! #tit4tat

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment.
    Yeah, I like Arto... More so his Ambitious Lovers and later solo albums.
    Although I do find his Noise/No Wave sound used on the first Lounge Lizards and Golden Palominos discs interesting.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    Also, I was not familiar with the poem. I was enjoying it, but when I got to "Haddam" I had to stop. Looking further I saw Connecticut and it was a glorious moment. I lived there for 13 years and one of my all-time favorite places was Devil's Hopyard State Park in East Haddam... :)
    Looking forward to listening to the rest, with the poem now familiar.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    Haha, I had to listen to the Tectonics song to hear what you noticed... It's my kick pedal (which is closer to the overhead left mic). I really need to oil that I guess! Thanks for the listen. Much appreciated! :)

  • @roblincoln  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my song, Andromeda. To answer your question, the tuning is CGCFCE and I got it from Nick Drake.

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Yes, definitely! Grind gods!

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Cheers for the comment on "Florida Man"! Great bands you name dropped there, glad if we could bring some of them to your mind. In addition to ones you mentioned, Repulsion is also one of my absolute favourites from old school grindcore bands.

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Happy Fawm. Have a good year creating

  • @hyljetronic Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening to my bass piece! So glad you liked it.

  • @felixfelix Feb 2022

    Thanks for the recommendation on Agitation Free, really digging it!
    Let me know if you ever use the slide effect, I'd be curious to hear what you do with it.

  • @felixfelix Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to my track! To answer your question, I use Audacity's 'Sliding Stretch' effect. I didn't actually speed anything up if I recall correctly, but I did use the effect for a tonal shift over time. It's a pretty awesome effect, you can select a part of a recording and then specify to shift the pitch from -12 steps up to +12 steps over the selected region. I've been using it quite a lot to add some variation, transitions or weirdness over my tracks.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Cloaked in the Fairest Melody"! The glitch you heard was a product of automation and compression working badly in tandem and me being too lazy to smooth it out. But I would have done that already if soundcloud let me replace the file in a submission.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Oh yeah, I will have to listen to that one.

  • @gregwere Feb 2022

    Thanks - I've added the link now to 'Train to Digne' - what a Wally I am!! Thanks again.

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    This is so great! So peaceful. Would you mind if I download the whole album? I expect I'll listen to it for years to come.

  • @mrmadcarpenter Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment. I am using Ableton, free trial version. The drums took about a day, and then were processed using some of these techniques.

  • @kadmad202  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting on Isaiah’s Songs. He’ll be excited that people are listening to his tunes (and especially someone from Japan)! I’ve also had a chance to listen to some of your songs, and read your wonderful narrative along with photos and music of your walk along the Japanese coastline. What an evocative way to note and remember a remarkable day. I’ve enjoyed reading about it, seeing the photos, and listening to your musical interpretations. I will sometime go back and listen to the music that inspired you! Thanks again!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the compliments on Tulen nielemä hirvenkaataja! I'm pretty sure I can reflect on this journey with pride, since I've already been able to listen through some of my own tracks several times and been happy with them :)

    Swans are majestic! And yes, I think you touched on something with your comment. Our works definitely have a bit of the same kind of approach.

  • @looprication  Feb 2022

    Ha-jee-may-mash-i-tay :)

  • @frozenlonesome  Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out Sabotage. I’m glad the track resonated with you and was the right vibe after your busy day. Much appreciated!

  • @unpronounceable  Feb 2022

    Geez, thank you for your very kind comment on “you are here” ️

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    And yes, Hellusios et Oxionas definitely ended up with some death/doom vibe in it. At first, when playing the picking guitar which starts the song, I thought I'd take it again towards a post-punk path, but then the chords I ended up playing to back it, were more melodic death/doom to my ears.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much again for the comment, I really appreciate it! I really dig your work, so it means a lot :) I have to admit I've sometimes felt like this project overwhelms me and burning out, but it's so great to hear people appreciate what I do. And with that said, I've still had fun far more often than I've felt frustrated!

  • @gregwere Feb 2022

    Hi there, I've put up your first remix of Train to Digne - thanks so much for your work on that. I'm going to put a link on a public youtube video I like of the train for the youtube world to listen - your version (#1). Cheers Greg

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Quite a creative adventure. All of it ! Read the word press and "suddenly a graveyard consumed me" struck me as words of realization, that, if present, we become the "whatever." It is useless to describe because your words did a better job.

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    I really went down a rabbit hole with your songs and wordpress today. Enjoyed your very thoughtful compositional approach to fawm this year, then went on part of that long walk with you, looking and listening... Got stuck when I heard Shelter in Space and had to purchase that album from bandcamp. Dozed off listening to that. Thanks for an interesting afternoon!

  • @howthenightcame Feb 2022


  • @gregwere Feb 2022

    Thanks I'm excited to have a listen, but I can't see your email in your profile - apologies. I've added my email to my profile so it's visible if you want to do send via that, sorry I'm a clutch at these sites!!

  • @gregwere Feb 2022

    No problem, I have set Train to Digne to download, learnt something this morning didn't know how to do it.
    I've enjoyed this piece most by watching the video link with the actual train - link is in notes on the song - from about 7:54 onwards. Let me know how it goes. Cheers Greg

  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    Howdy and thanks for your generous comments! Some years ago I saw this fantastic Japanese movie, Harakiri (1962) by Masaki Kobayashi. I thought then that obviously the Japanese know how to make better westerns than the Americans. (And it make sense, since Japan is situated to the west of the United States!) With this in mind I appreciate so much more your kind input. :-)

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much! You made me smile :D but yes you’re right!

  • @ianuarius Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I must confess, I've never heard of mancini or thomas. But for this project, yea, I had scenes from the game on the other screen while I made the music. :)

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on „change of weather“ and „black widow“ :) glad that you enjoyed it!
    Yes I’m into very different styles of music and as this is my first FAWM I’m just going with the flow. Hopefully after FAWM I’ll do an album that is more coherent.
    I like the idea of your concept album! Tomorrow I’ll have some free time to listen to your songs as well.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments on "Johanneksen tapuliin" and "Dance of the Desert Sand"! It may come as no surprise that Agalloch is one of my favorite bands ever. :D As for @emplate, we've been bandmates for just a bit over five years now (and considering that fact, we've done a surprisingly small number of FAWM collabs). Metal is my bread and butter but this time around, I've done most of my writing at work where I have little else besides vst synths to work with and the result is an underabundance of metal.

  • @balancelost  Feb 2022

    Hey, yeah I would recommend Laughing Stock. Best listened to on headphones in a dark room if you have a lot of free time. It's not something that reveals it's charms quickly or while played as background music.

  • @gregwere Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your comments on Train to Digne.
    I didn't know about Glenn Jones - just watching his tiny desk concert to get an idea of his style, embarrassed by the comparison. Learning from his 'half' capo. I wondered if there were such things, as I tried the idea with my existing capo, but couldn't get it to stick. Also my technique with fiddling with Garageband is shocking - thanks for the advice but I really struggle with the simplest of technologies. Thanks again, it's great when you learn like this in FAWM.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you again for the comment! Heheh, yes, I record my vocals at home, but only one scared is my spouse, as we live in a house :)

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Unfortunately, no, I don't play taiko for real. I wish I did!
    The drums are programmed in Hydrogen, with a home-made kit I built from real taiko sounds recorded in a school (not by me).
    Thank you for your comment, glad to see you back!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Cheers for the comment on Sárva! Glad you enjoyed the bass rumble!

  • @stephubik  Feb 2022

    re the horses: thank you!! :) It's wonderful, Sounds like I need that book!

  • @stephubik  Feb 2022

    Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment on "Father's Day". It's much appreciated... :) You wrote about this audiobook with a passage about the dreaming of horses? I'd be very interested in that!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for the comments on Ukon malja and Löyly vainajille! I'm sorry but also a bit satisfied that the mood of the former caught you off guard ;) There will most likely still be some lighter interludes, but I believe they'll be more melancholic than happy.

    Yeah, I record everything myself, but the drums are programmed, as I don't have a drum kit and don't really know how to play one for that matter. I hope to one day change this, though, as it is my eternity project to renovate our house's basement into a home studio. But that'll probably be in a distant future, currently we have things that need to be prioritised with the house.

    Concerning this project, I'm half-seriously considering working this into a proper one man black metal release. We'll see!

    And yes, I think I know the documentary you're talking about, but I haven't seen it. But there are definitely great one man black metal bands! Of the newer ones I'd recommend for example Lamp of Murmuur, Këkht Aräkh and Hulder (one woman band, actually). All of these bands put out great albums last year. A bit longer runningone man bands The Ruins of Beverast and Funeral Mist also dropped spectacular releases in 2021.