Nancy Huebner 10

Artist Bio

Hi! This is my 11th (I think) year doing FAWM, although I only lurked the first year. I’m a full-time working RN, and some of my songs reflect my experiences as a staff nurse. I write musical-theater infused piano-based songs. I love the FAWM community and I am so looking forward to hearing everyone’s songs!! Happy for any feedback on mine!!

Songs (10)

#1 If I Knew 15
Feb 2022
#2 Hey Young Me 8
Feb 2022
#3 Chicken Truck 12
Feb 2022
#4 My Imperfection 7
Feb 2022
#5 A Nurse at the Supermarket 15
Feb 2022
#6 Dogmom 6
Feb 2022
#7 4800 Miles (Ukraine) 11
Feb 2022
#8 Window 11
Feb 2022
#9 Let's Let the Songwriters Take Over 8
Feb 2022
#10 Gino's Afraid of Golden Retrievers 2
Feb 2022


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  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you for listening and leaving such a lovely comment on "A Doomed Love". So glad you liked it.

  • @rwhosings  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Art song was one of my favourite types of rep to sing in university. I didn’t set out to keep the melody so static, but it just didn’t want to allow for embellishment. Your interpretation makes sense as to why that might be.

  • @aaronnathans Mar 2022

    I'm glad you wrote as many songs as you did. I'm sure you were quite busy with work at the start of the month.

  • @emkeev Feb 2022

    Yeah ten songs!

  • @franniezest  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment :)

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for you nice comments on my song, Nancy! You even noticed the foot taps in the cool!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Nancy do you have an email! I am trying to put together a few people to deliver a musical album and would like to follow up with you, if you like you can send me a message at [email protected]

  • @p3t3h4rv3y Feb 2022

    Thanks - sleeping lions is a children's game (did you know?) like musical statues but with your eyes closed lying down

  • @emkeev Feb 2022

    You got this, lady!!

  • @caitlin Feb 2022

    You put a huge smile on my face with your lovely comments on Satellite and My Body Is a Temple - thank you!! Your encouragement means the world.

  • @mikegtz  Feb 2022

    Aha, this is Nancy. Good to see you and good to meet you awhile back in Delaware. I'll be following you.

  • @caitlin Jan 2022

    Ahhh I remember you from a PASA house concert back in the summer! Can’t wait to hear what’s in store this month.

  • @the3queens Jan 2022

    LOL you're horny, good one! Looking forward to hearing you toot out a few!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing!!!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM 2022! Hope you are well! Your tunes always put a smile on my face!!