Howling Horse (Henri) 10


Helsinki FI   Feb 2013  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Tyko's Folly, Vangelis, Kaelan Mikla, Anaal Nathrakh, Full of Hell, Anathema, Antimatter, Blut Aus Nord, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Esoteric, Shape of Despair, Skepticism, Svrm, Wolves in the Throne Room, Woe, Barghest, Cannibal Corpse, Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel (I will update this list as I go along)

My intention is to reject limitations.
I expect not to succeed.
My intention is also to listen through my watchlist and return comments but it's slow going.
That I expect to succeed.

Last year I managed 13 songs (two of them collabs with @emplate), which is kinda ok, I guess, considering Covid fatigue had already set in. This year, I'm not altogether optimistic. Some big changes in my personal life (that happened right as 50/90 was starting, which is why I flubbed it) have left me feeling devoid of creativity, although I did write 2 of my all time top 10 best songs between last February and now, one of them even as I had gotten accustomed to the changes. I have plans now, though, so it's all in the hands of inspiration.

What I'm using in these recordings (I'll update the list as I add to it):
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4

røde NT1-A

Serpentine Guitars (later rebranded Kemp Guitars) 6-string electric guitar
Ibanez SR305 electric bass
Schecter Diamond Series Damien Elite-7 electric guitar


Darkglass Microtubes B7K
Unsound Circuitry Shivver
Frank Caskelot Effects Frank's Spaghetti & Meatballs
Behringer TO800 Vintage Tube Overdrive

EZDrummer electronic kit
u-he TyrellN6
Harsh Digital Nose
EZKeys String Machine
Bias FX2
Ignite NadIR
Brainworx Oberhausen
Brainworx Ampeg SVT-VR Classic
Brainworx Diezel VH4
Brainworx Gallien-Krueger 800RB

Some numbers about past years:
(2013 & 2014 I didn't do anything)
2015: 14/14
2016: 7/14
2017: 15/14
2018: 1/14
2019: 2/14
2020: 11/14
2021: 13/14

Check out my band, Ever Circling Wolves, at because!
Also my other band Loputon Suo (founded and fronted by fellow FAWMer @emplate) at because why not.
Also also check out my other other band Pihalla Liekehtivät Oravat at
Also also also check out my other other other band Murkdweller (that released an EP last year comprised almost 50% of my FAWM material from the past 2 years) at


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    send me some ideas as when you get them. See the forum for the new one, and rules, etc.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    one more GIMME15, my friend. I know you wanna..... :)
    let me know.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    I'm sad... tell me can you do that vocal into a phone if I send you a few words. Or recommend a fawmer and point them to the page who does death/black metal... who might want to add just 15 seconds or so?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    hello, my friend. I've been busy.
    I'd like to personally invite you to be a part of this:
    Please read the "rules", consider joinng in, and if you do, I hope so, email me WOLFKIER/GMAIL with any questions, or inspired idea you might for quick approval and a GO. Besides that if you draw blank, I have an idea, you can do or do as well as your own! It's fun, quick, and you'll be in with some of FAWM's best! :)
    Hope to hear from you soon one way or another. Hugs.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Ha, Nick Cave - for me, he was better (best) when he was with The Birthday Party!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thanks for the response and the kind words. I do all that to my vocal treatments and it never ends up sounding like that, so it's all in the throat. OK I'm a practice more on my prick neighbor - there might be a career for me in there. :)
    And we're in the same place about cross genre/style input. but the discovery and cross polination offered in a place like fawm makes life and listening, more interesting, and opens creative stimulation. I'll be back to happily continuing our #tit4tatting . Looking forward to it and many happy encounters into the future.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Hi Henri,

    "having your had in the punch bowl" is really a reference to just being drunk on any alcohol. At parties in the UK and Ireland, it is very common to have a huge bowl of punch with lots of wine fruit and spirits in it. Hence the choice of image for someone who is permanently sozzled. :-) No reference to the famous Kool Aid intended. ;-)

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Fo sho!

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Very kind of you to give a few of my tunes a listen and some comment love! Happy March and beyond.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments about 'Know Nothing'!! You know I was so nervous about sharing that song I felt like I might throw up? Extra happy you left me that...

  • @leka Mar 2022

    Kiitos kuuntelusta ja hienoista sanoista

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    As far as I know people handed in a demo until November then a jury decided on the top 5 and the last round I dont know if jury or people decide. I listened to all entries and they sounded like cheap and obvious copies of current chart music. I really don't understand why Germans ESC entries are soooo bad because we have plenty of good musicians.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Skyscraper". It's funny how often Kate and I are compared to Evanescence! I wish it was a real Eurovision song... but Germanys entries are REALLY bad. They kicked the two best applications and now people think about a boycott.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Tattis for the comment on "But the Stars Shall Never Be Put Down"! I'm very happy with it, too, especially considering how quickly I put it together. It just seemed to flow out of me relatively effortlessly.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks. I've sent you a mail :) No hurries, no worries!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Same struggle here. My strengths are composition, arrangement and production. I can write songs in different levels of difficulty from catchy 4 chord pop to syncopated prog metal on weird scales with chords that don't even have a name. My piano performance is good enough to add some pads or melodies, but I can't play jazz chords, accompaign with my left hand or improvise a lengthy hammond solo. I just started playing guitar and it's the first time I sang. I cannot imagine doing this on a real recording in the next 3-5 years. My gap in between composition and performance is 18 years and it hurts badly if you can't play your own songs. So when I write songs I think a lot about who could pull that off.

    But let me tell you something. I've listened to nearly 700 songs during February and most of them were open chords on a acoustic guitar playing A, D, G, Em, C. You can write a metal song just using powerchords and pentatonic leads. A good song doesn't have to be complex, when the emotion and arrangement is good. But somehow my songwriter heart enjoys complexity.

    Let's stay in touch and do some dark heavy noise! Maybe it's worth turning "Inner Demon" (see profile) into a real song someday soon. I love the lyrics, but the instrumental is uninspired xD Or dive into industrial metal, when I'm healed from my electronic music sickness.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    You're right it's a little bit too late for this year. But there are some folks around that make music throughout the year. I understand the point about working with people you know. It's faster cause you know each others workflow, but I learned the most doing the opposite. But there are workflows that didn't work for me (starting with an intro or giving me sheet mhsic, for example).

    During FAWM I focus on composition and after I'm deep into production. I always search for singers and guitarists cause I can't perform and record my own songs. Co writing and mixing during FAWM is too heavy for me. This year I tried with two songs and this is the maximum I can do with a full time job. I can imagine doing this around autumn or winter when I'm done with mixing most songs. I wanted to write some lyrics for other FAWMers but my mind has been completely blank.

    Maybe we can do something end of the year or next year?

  • @howthenightcame Feb 2022

    hello, and thanks for stopping by. yes, a few people said my tracks are too short!! they are miniature studies that are intended to be remixed into a longer track (which I've just uploaded).

    I love sunn o))) too. "my wall" is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard...

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on Ukkoslinnun sulat, mate! You're the third person to comment on the punky feel, so I guess I have to believe it's true :D I'm not completely sure what part of the song people are referring, though. But I like punky bm, so I'll take it! The folksy influence, however, is completely intentional.

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    Niiiiice! That sounded absolutely killer! I've updated the song info now. Feel free to add your own liner notes. :)


  • @cblack Feb 2022

    Yeah, that works for me. :)

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to and commenting on „Gestaltwandler“.
    What you hear is a harp loop by Garageband.
    This track is one of my favorite ones I made till now - glad, you like it :-)

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    Do whatever comes naturally. :)

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Cheers for the comment on Alkutuli! Glad you're digging it, I'm pretty satisfied with it myself.

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    Hell yeah, set it to music if you can! That'd be awesome!

    And My Dying Bride are awesome. :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thank you! Now I get it roughly. I don't have the same gear but I understand the signal chain. Interesting combination and lots of processing!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I never heard about the Bias FX2. And I don't find the information on the modules. Reminds me a bit on Waves GTR with all these pedals on a virtual pedal board huh? So what's the signal chain in short?
    high gain distortion -> cabinet -> eq <- reverb (send) <- compressor (send)?!
    Some months ago I tried something like:
    eq -> distortion -> reverb -> compressor and it didn't work... even with an external compressor with ratio 10:1 and long decay
    I'm new to guitar amp sounddesign, but I have background in production and physics.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    No worries. It's FAWM time, most people want to get things done without diving into details. I do all the refinement and production afterwards and it takes me months! I just noticed that very steep increase of volume on your intro of Fairest Melody that sounded more like a cut.

    I listen to some doom but I have no idea how to approach these sounds. Fuzz with tons of reverb? Heavy compression and than fuzz?! Some octaver hidden?! I'm not a guitar player yet but I work with software amps.

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    Ha! Careful, though. You might become a cybergoth in the process! ;)

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    If you want to hear some EBM, I'd recommend the following:

    Noisuf-X - either Geh Zur Hoelle, or Doomed (or both).
    Centhron - Dominator
    X-Rx - Stage 2

    Just a few to get you started. There's a fair variety. Centhron's extreme, Noisuf-X is weird, X-Rx are somewhere in-between.


  • @js6 Feb 2022

    You really nailed the horseback ride sound.