Heuristics Inc. 16


21042 US   Jan 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, Banco de Gaia, Atom Heart, Blue Man Group, Delerium

Heuristics Inc. is an electronic musician, originally from Buffalo NY USA but living in Maryland USA. Regular at Songfight, Tapegerm, Remixfight (when it was active). I am intending to do a mix of songs with vocals and some without. Maybe some collaborations, especially with my Songfight friends!

I've put together an album with my favorite tracks from the previous 7 years! The album is available here:
Download and physical copies available!

11th time doing FAWM:
2021: 16 songs: I AM A WINNER
2020: 16 songs: I AM A WINNER
2019: 18 songs: I AM A WINNER
2018: 15 songs: I AM A WINNER
2017: 14 songs: I AM A WINNER
2016: 15 songs: I AM A WINNER
2015: 15 songs: I AM A WINNER
2014: 15 songs: I AM A WINNER
2013: 10 songs
2012: 10 songs
2011: 15 songs: I AM A WINNER

Collaborations: I like doing collaborations. I think it's best if any monetary uses for collaboration songs are discussed before placing them into that venue. I also would only do that with songs where I was the main contributor unless we did it together.

Constructive Criticisms: if you have a helpful suggestion on how to improve a song, feel free to include it in your review, but don't get upset if I don't change the song :)


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  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    I am happy to have a swing at "Rain Defeat" - I am free after 4pm tomorrow to try it, send me the instrumental track and if all turns out good, then i'll be able to send something across tomorrow night. Only if you don't get any better offers! j$

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    I've had this issue of making bad spelling mistakes since yesterday. I was writing up swim reports for the classes I was teaching & spelt "effort" as "efrot". So yeah, not surprised I flubbed "pervades". Glad you enjoyed the song tho! I gotta get back & listen to your tracks. I'm so behind in my listening.

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    You're very kind, thank you. :-)
    The secret to playing fast? Practise slow for half-a-century. :-)

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    We could probably get rid off the pre-chorus “relinquish it” parts, as they’re not really saying anything new, which would shorten it quite a bit. Maybe have a play with it and see what you think, and I can write something new in background as a back-up :)

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    I’m happy to write something new might just be a day or two though cause busy at work, if that’s ok? Or feel free to have a look at the non-nsfw lyrics in the meantime and see if anything takes your fancy :) if I write something new, Is there any themes or ideas you’re thinking?

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Hey :)
    Apologies I’ve been away for the weekend and only just seen your message in the random collab forum. Happy to do a collab if you are, was fun last year :) no worries if not though as I know I’m a bit late to the party ha!

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hey! Yeah, let's do it! Do you have anything in mind?

  • @hyljetronic Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment. It made me laugh!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Apologies my fault somehow i missed it do you want in for round 3. I can probably find a partner please let me know asap.

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    I've sent you a demo. j$

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    We, I am available - just want to finish the '14' (probably by Valentine's Day), giving me two weeks of so-so-singer availability! Happy to re-sing "So Important" and/or something new ...

  • @ductapeguy  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on ARRRPreciation. I used the built in arpeggio generator in the note repeat function on my MK2. Then I improvised on different intervals and octaves on the basic chord pattern.

  • @tesla3090  Feb 2022

    Hey! I would love to collab! Unfortunately I've had something unexpected come up that's probably going to prevent me from FAWMing for a week or two. So let me get back to you around the middle of the month! I'm hoping my schedule will clear, but I'd hate to agree to a collab and not be able to see it to completion.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    You are probably right - e-mail me at zecoop at yahoo dot come and we can talk more. If you need WAVs etc... :)

  • @terroratspacecamp  Jan 2022

    Hey friend! Happy FAWM!

  • @sheslin  Jan 2022

    It is indeed! Even smaller - I am from Rochester, NY - not so far from Buffalo. Wow you are a long time FAWMer! I have seen Blue Man Group live - and after listening to some of your excellent music I can hear the percussive influence. Thanks for reaching out. Hope your are surviving this cold spell!!

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    Happy fawm!

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Hey fellow Song Fighter :-) have a great FAWM this year!