henika 9


Auckland NZ   Jan 2014


Artist Bio

Influences:   Hendrix, Bjork, Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, Kate Bush, Yes, Genesis, Devin Townsend, Tomahawk, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk, Ron Carter, Miles Davis, Jaco Pastorius, Bela Bartok, Elvis, Stray Cats, Les Baxter, Burt Bacharach

So it's been a while but I am back. Much has happened since my last FAWM. I have upped my writing, recording and production game by A LOT. I have put out an album I am really proud of (check it out on my website). I've spent way more than I should on gear and plugins! I love writing and producing more than ever.
This year I aim to push my skills further. Produce whole tracks and mix them as best I can.
I have a busy February with gigs as I'm in the Southern Hemisphere so not sure I will make it to 14 but I prefer quality over quantity. Expect to see a couple of rockabilly tracks for my other band Boom! Boom! Deluxe. There will be loads of theremin too!


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  • @davewermers Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting!

  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the love this year henika! Keep writing and rocking! And May the FAWM be with you!

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Ta for the comment! And... You were close: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1prJr9VIaY

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "At your command". It's well appreciated!
    I listen to prog metal and symphonic metal both but I never heard a mix of both. Seems like both influenced me a lot. Though the piano solo has something of Archive. Last FAWM I also did some symphonic metal. Maybe I should write it down on my to do list for next year.
    BTW the download is available now. It's not the final version but good enough to listen to.

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out "At Your Command"! Appreciate the feedback.

  • @fiteclub Feb 2022

    You wanted more verses in the style of my fragment called Triple Dog.......I tried to deliver, and hope they don't disappoint.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Ah yes the inner critic. For what it's worth speed writing and skirmishes can often kill that ! Best of luck with getting some songs out there.

  • @chroes  Jan 2022

    Oh, another cabasa person! Hi there! Wishing you an awesome FAWM 2022!