Aging Ophelia 5


Kenmore NY US   Jan 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   Snow, bunnies, grief, loss, sci-fi, ghost stories.

Now in my third year of lockdown!!!

Been singing in choirs since age 9 and in bands since 20-- believe me, that is a long time now. My throat has been sore since Dec. 2019, but I'm still singing. To myself. In my house.

Songs (5)

#1 He Was Here 3
Feb 2022
#2 Shuttered 1
Feb 2022
#3 Fireman 1
Feb 2022
#4 Rabbit Dance 1
Feb 2022
#5 Pillar 2
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @mikegtz  Feb 2022

    Hi Mari, I made my 2012 digital album with You Can Catch More Flies into a CD album, If you would like one, email me at [email protected]
    Good to see you here this time around,

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    I'd pick up the catcoree but it's too close to the bone for me. (I wouldn't say my emotional stability is very good of late. In theory everything is sorting out. In theory)

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    knock knock?

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    Glad to see you back. :) I can really relate to the sore throat, singing for yourself. I've been there for awhile. Hope you find work arounds that make you happy!

  • @sentense Feb 2022

    Heeeey, i may not have the time this year, but i will always have the time to listen to your stuff - looking forward to it :)

  • @donna  Feb 2022

    Lovely to see you back. Your house is very lucky to have you singing in it. (-:

  • @barbara  Jan 2022

    Hello again and again and again! I very much look forward to exploring your rich weavings. :)

  • @dukemeyer  Jan 2022

    Thanks for your wonderful welcome! Have a good FAWM time, too!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    As I live and breathe! Good to see you in the place, my friend. Wow. It's gonna be a wild ride so hold on to your beanie!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Welcome back and happy FAWM

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Aha! You're awake! (which account did I write on??)

  • @looprication  Jan 2022

    We'll take whatever you can spare! Welcome back to FAWM!