Hannah Busse 13


53711 US   Jan 2010


Artist Bio

Influences:   Regina Spektor, Sara Groves, old musicals, The Swell Season, Nickel Creek, Sufjan Stevens, Fernando Ortega, Disney movies, Ben Folds

Hi everyone! This year I'll be joining the FAWM party about a week late due to previously scheduled obligations... but I DO plan to start posting some new creations after February 7!

I'm a singer-songwriter, vocalist, pianist, oboist, accordionist, worship pastor, wife, and mom-of-3-kids from Madison, Wisconsin. My wheelhouse is soulful, contemplative, or quirky-fun folk/pop music.

My debut solo project Underneath Our Surface released in 2017. Lots of the songs were written in FAWMs over the years. Check it out!


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  • @arthurrossi Mar 2022

    I would like to thank you so much for your beautiful and that kind comment on "Yugoslavia"! I was very happy to read it...

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a generous comment on "Tiny Grass", Hannah. I really appreciate it.

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    So happy you like our harmonies! Will definitely be checking out more of your songs this month!

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Seriously, your voice is one of the best I've heard. You are an AMAZING vocalist,

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the lovely comments Hannah. We use Sounds online/east West symphonic orchestra platinum.

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thank you so, so much! Always curious about people’s reactions.

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thank you for taking a listen. :)

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on Aurora. Funny enough I never really listened to Arcade Fire growing up but I do get comparisons sometimes. I love Deathcab and def get that a lot on these kinds of songs. I think we have similar vibratos. But I'll take the compliment! I love how Ben Gibbard writes and produces.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind and thoughtful comments on Caped Crusader :)

  • @halfwayhome  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks dropping by with some super-nice word for 'God Damn, I Feel Better' - I have much to thank Mr Taro for :)

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Aw thanks! There’s a duplicate on my list, so it was actually our song which got me to the 14 :)

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Really blown away by your voice! Having another listen through but just wanted to say thanks for sharing, you’re amazing!

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind comment, Hannah.
    The link is https://fawm.org/songs/133977/

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Thanks Hannah for your kind comments on Love thru a broken Heart. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm enjoying yours too, and so glad to "meet" you! :0)

  • @jkepler  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on my First fruits song. My wife and I have been enjoying your Psalm 4 and Rosy is the view.

  • @kadmad202  Feb 2022

    Glad to hear A is enjoying the Gabe song! I guess my goal is accomplished as I was hoping some of the younger listeners would get a kick out of it!

  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    Haha! Funnily enough, I mentioned my line about birds flying for the fun of it to Karl and he went away and wrote this and I wrote my one. They are very different from one another in terms of sound, but from the same lyric idea.
    COVID has brought me so much closer to nature as well which I think is coming out in a lot of FAWMers’ work.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ha (whisper it) but that's all there is to it! I'm reading a great book atm about history of recording and so much happened through experimentation and happy accidents. The most important thing is good ideas (which you have) and talent (which you have). Keep doing what you're doing please!

  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    So many songs about birds or trees. Default setting.

  • @b3nut  Feb 2022

    Yeah I set out to do a pretty much alt-rock/Americana tune and wrote a country song by accident. LOLOL....it's all music... ;) Fun stuff!

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking in! Yeah life is a bit nuts at the moment, but I've got several songs in the hopper that I just need to find time to finish. Hopefully this weekend!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Hi Hannah! I wrote a song, which may *possibly* work with a load of harmonies. I'm not 100% sure, but would you like me to send over a demo to see if there's any potential for a collab? Just drop me a line if so: [email protected] :)

  • @jonmeta  Feb 2022

    A couple years ago I did a FAWM piece on Psalm 31 that asks the Where are You, God? questions, and now it’s going on a friend’s album about dealing with cancer. I just wanted to add (without cluttering up the Whisper page) that to me the Whisper theme connects with something deep, and I hope you keep working on it. It’s a beautiful song. It’s a theme that’s all over the Psalms, isn’t it? so doubting trust and trusting doubt are to be embraced.

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Aw, Hannah, thank you for the lovely comment and recommend! I think on that one I played everything bar the drums, which are Superior Drummer. And yes please to a collab! No idea on timings, but I'd love to get your amazing vocals on a track before end of Feb. Let me have a think :)

  • @pendroppoet Feb 2022

    Hey Hannah, awesome that you randomly found me! I wasn't sure if you were doing FAWM this year! In Peace is such a relaxing song, really captures the lullaby hymn feel. :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I'm glad you enjoyed "Skyscraper ", thank you!

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    Hey Hannah, I've got this hip-hop track I'm working on (first time I've ever done one) and I need a female vocalist on the chorus part. It's basically ripped straight from Psalm 23 so I thought of you. All I need is a nice soulful vocal for 8 bars and maybe a harmony if you feel it. You in? :)

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Absolutely Hanna, that would be wonderful.

  • @sarahk Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your listen and comment! Delighted to see you here. Keep on keeping on, my friend!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment, Hannah - yay, you've posted!

  • @sarahk Feb 2022

    Hi! I am! Let's have some fun!

  • @kahlo2013  Jan 2022

    Hey! Looking forward to hearing your FAWM creativity and hoping we might find something to do together! Looking forward to hearing you play the low brass from your picture :)

  • @bethkille  Jan 2022

    Hey Hannah! Can't wait to hear your beautiful voice!

  • @drewhottmann  Jan 2022

    Can’t wait to hear your creations!

  • @bitshred  Jan 2022

    Hannah! Happy to see you here. Look forward to listening!

  • @davidtaro  Jan 2022

    Hey Hannah! Likewise so excited to hear what you come up with this year. And just to hear your amazing vocals again. Speaking of which, I'm checking out Underneath The Surface. That first track is just - WOW. Kind of in love with it :)

  • @dasbinky  Jan 2022

    Awesome to see you back, looking forward to hearing you bring some awesomeness to the table!

  • @jonmeta  Jan 2022

    Great to see you back here. Enthusiasm more than makes up for tardiness. Happy and successful FAWMing!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Happy fawming, Hannah. I have a feeling the Madison presence here will be strong this year!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    hbusse in the hizzy! ...is something I would never say. So, welcome and happy fawming to you too!

  • @b3nut  Jan 2022

    Heya Hannah! I'm back, and it's all your fault! :p hehehehe...looking forward to this year! HMU if you want B-3 on anything....

  • @kadmad202  Jan 2022

    Hannah! Lovely tuba - not exactly what I think of when I think of you, but FAWM is all about branching out. Really looking forward to hearing where your muse takes you this year!