hamiltonpoolhall 15


78756 US   Jan 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   Tin Pan Alley, the blues, Mose Allison, P.G. Wodehouse

FAWM #11! Some friends of mine started a long-distance songwriting group in March of 2020, so I've written more songs in the past 23 months than I even manage to during FAWM. I realized at the end of last February that I'd been forgetting to have fun, so while I've spent the past several FAWMs just doing solo guitar/vocal recordings, I may try some weird instrumental things or anything else that sounds like a good time. As ever, so grateful that FAWM exists and looking forward to hearing what many old FAWM friends concoct this year.


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  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening and your kind comment about my lyrics. I am so glad that the translation works and I managed the picture I wanted to paint wirh my words came through! :-)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I’m fine for FAWMers to download it!

  • @richaaaay  Mar 2022

    Awesome! I'm probably most interested in having you listen to Angel, As You Are and I Love Every Minute. I just think the guitar playing is a little more interesting on those plus you get to hear Serene sing, which will be a treat. Totally appreciate it!

  • @richaaaay  Mar 2022

    Any chance I can rope you into listening to a couple (three tops) of my songs? I’d love to get your input on two or three in particular. I can’t repay with comments because I’ve already commented on everything of yours. However, I can repay by enrolling in your Fretboard Confidential…Which is on my list of things to do.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Thank you for SO much listening joy. I'm going to leave the last three as a reward for posting my last 3 (or possibly 4 demos). I need a carrot to lure me over the line as I'm running out of steam fast and it's unseemly writing songs in March!

  • @richardmasters  Mar 2022

    Absolutely! I came to Wodehouse via the TV show with Fry and Laurie - still have the box set for days when I need things to be a trifle cheerier

  • @karlsburg25  Mar 2022

    Hey matey
    Yeah I am around all month and I got plenty of your amazing output to catch up on too

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Ah too much goodness for one session. I keep registering multiple times and half my day is gone. Gotta get back to work and come back tomorrow.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Hold off til the weekend, hopefully I’ll have my last three (or four) posted by then!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I’m bingeing the rest of your tunes now even though I should be out in the studio finishing my last 3 demos. Already pre-empting the sad realisation that I won’t have this sublime pleasure again until next year. *sigh

  • @crutherford  Mar 2022

    a heads up there are some major stinkers ealier on in the fold.... i finally found my groove midway through... like.. the last week.. such is the way sometimes. :)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Thanks for going the extra mile! I’m back at work where it’s raining in the garden and it smells divine. But I can’t wait to go home and finish my last couple of songs so I can listen to the rest of yours.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    One tiny detail(though I feel like I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth?!) the second to last oooh sounds slightly misplaced so that ending lands in harmonically daring territory!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Love the finished product! What an incredible honour it is to work with someone of your musical calibre. Your music is one of the strongest magnets back to FAWM every year and I’m looking forward to hearing the tracks I haven’t heard yet very soon. I really do hope I get to hear you play in person one day. Oops… reminds me I need to update my passport!

  • @bethdesombre  Feb 2022

    Woo hoo!!! Congrats on making it to 14! I have a few to catch up on listening to in the next week or so . . .

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Oh man... I had such a tough night. There's something up with my laptop and Logic kept crashing and didn't always seem to autosave. So I have just uploaded 2 vocal tracks which should be in the Google drive folder by now. I did have a high harmony idea, but by the time I got to it after all the hold-ups it was 1am and my voice was shot. Not my best work I'm afraid but I think it'll work okay?? Anyhow, I won't be offended if you stick to a guitar solo!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    OH MY! It's SO COOL! I finally loaded up the files after being ambushed by my husband as soon as I walked in the door and forced to help him install a double glazed sliding door on my last day of FAWM. I love the sound, the lyrics, - I got all teary!! It's been such a shit couple of years... Anyhow, the clock is ticking. I'm going to do whatever I can tonight and upload my vocals into the google drive folder and maybe if you can pull a quick mix sometime tomorrow?

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Hey there! Thanks for sending those stems. I’m at work now so I have to endure the torture of waiting until I get home at 2:30pm which will be about 9:30pm for you I think. Where do you wants some vocals?

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Hell yeah writing songs during dull meetings!

  • @bethdesombre  Feb 2022

    One more for me. Just got a start at a chorus (though heck if I know what kind of song it wants to be in ). If only I didn't have a mountain of work to get done before tomorrow, too . . .

  • @bethdesombre  Feb 2022

    So close!! Are you going to make it? You're going to make it, right?

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Sounds FABULOUS! I work during the day on Mondays so I won't be able to get anything to you before 5pm on Monday which is midnight CST? on Sunday for you so you may not get it until you wake up on Monday.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Of COURSE! I'll stay up at night for that. :)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    The tempo is 90bpm

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Use the drum track if you like it! I’ll just go out and check the bpm. (I just got up)

  • @dutch1967 Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on EVERYTHING RHYMES WITH BABY
    Such a fun write. I listened to The Pixies' Where Is My Mind to get into the loop thing and was very inspired by their energy. This is one of the loudest demos I have created... guys in the band even said we may need to tone it down a tad.


  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Ok, I sent you a google Docs link to a bass track and the logic drum guide I worked to. Let me know if you got it and also if you want it!!! :)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Ah man, I'm so behind in my life! I'm still going to send you something very soon, though at this late stage I totally understand that you probably won't have time this year. I'll make it a complete form to hopefully make it easier but all the usual lack of rules apply, do what you want cut up, scrap whatever... and totally fine if you've run out of time. Ok.... to the stoodio...!

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    Hey David, looks like you're not short on challenges, but if you fancy another, I've got a couple of solitary lyrics on my profile. Cheers,

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    haha hell yes! this is wonderful, thank you so much! going in for a third listen now :)

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    I'm happy for you to make changes, but if you want any feedback then feel free to send 'em over! I've added you as a collaborator so you can add / update whenever you get to it :)

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Oh great! Would love to hear your take on it, I can set you as collaborator if you like? Or hold off if you want to experiment and see if it fits!

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Yeah, the biggest difference between the 4-track cassettes and the corpses are that each person does one complete part of these songs - their part doesn't come after the last person. It is very fun and you definitely get some cool songs.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Holy cow, I am so behind! I'll get here, I promise. :)
    Thanks for listening to that tape. Yes, you are exactly right, a tape is mailed and one track added by each person. That one started with me and ended in England.
    It's all explained here:

    Or, you can see the process in action in this video that Burr made of one of the tapes last year:

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Madness!

  • @pcob1993  Feb 2022

    Oh man, you just blew me out of the water with your comment on Song For Mam. I'm in a bit of a jam right now but I'll surface in a day or two and try to get some stuff up on Fawm. I'll most certainly do some listening too.
    Thank you so much, I teared up.

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Coleman? Aw shucks, now I'm blushing ... Thanks for the confidence boost ...

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    Yep, indeed...everything I do is recorded with Garageband on an iPhone. And believe me; no one is more surprised than I am that anything I record sounds anything other than crap. I really don't like "pressing the buttons" in any recording program, so I'm happy they make it as easy as they do. Just need a touch of echo and reverb to zhuzh it up, and hope that whatever deity is lurking around at the time will take the wheel.

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Hey...thanks so much for the comment on my instrumental song. I did need a second guitar track to play what I did, although you could likely pull it off using the eight fingers on your left hand and one guitar with six or seven strings...Your comment and recommendation post made my day.

    Thanks for the Spitfire Labs link too. I'll check that out.

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    It took me a while to get to listen, but I am so glad that I dove in full force just now. What I adore about this is that you've taken the "album" part of the February Album Writing Month and run with it. Everything you've done thus far has felt like a totally cohesive album. Not that I'm surprised in the least...you always put forth such amazing stuff.

    Also, thanks for your kind comments on "Roll." Yep...I continue to be thrilled at just how well things sound recorded on an iPhone, and I'm glad it's an option (otherwise, I wouldn't be able to record anything).

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    I still would love to collaborate though I can see the hourglass is getting empty. What if I send you some Bassline sections and see if anything inspires you guitar part wise the. You could either keep going with it or send it back?

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Thanks Mr Pool Hall! You might be scratching the surface with SD3 but I'm frankly just impressed that you manually program the thing. I can get into the head of horns, strings... but not drummers. I just use the 'grooves' and tweak them as needed. But it does feel like a massive world of possibilities, which I guess is exciting.

    Think I'll try that ambient delay trick post-FAWM. I'm 80% of the way to understanding what the hell you're doing, but I suspect doing it for real will make it clearer. Anyway cheers for the detailed responses, really appreciate it :)

  • @tamsnumber4  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments on "We Don't Have a Clue"!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comments on 'We Haven't Got a Clue'!

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Timbo’s buddy here. Don’t mean to be busting your zongs but I can’t help myself…I’m trying to restrain myself but it just isn’t working very well…

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Hey there again! So great to hear you again this year. I on the other hand are so far having a total dud of a FAWM, so I was wondering if you would like to collab again this year. I need some help and I love what you do, music and lyrics alike!

  • @bethdesombre  Feb 2022

    So glad you're back this year! Great to be FAWM classmates with you. I, too, had a crazy productive songwriting year, which makes FAWM different somehow. Can't wait to hear what you do with yours.

  • @midwayfair  Feb 2022

    Glad you're back, by the way, I went looking for you yesterday and got worried :D

  • @jmadison  Feb 2022

    Hey, I appreciate the feedback on Good 'ol Joe. I'm mostly a 12 bar blues guy so "arrangement" makes me edgy. Thanks for putting me at ease. :-)

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Your song #1 PLAYING NOW all okay.

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Hoping for a Blandings Blues? Perhaps with a prize pig or two? Have a good one, /datsch aka songsville.

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Happy fawming matey

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    hey-- yes, you're up and running here- great to see ya back here for another Feb!