Gubna 42


SF US   Jan 2018  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Beatles. Prince. Coltrane. Yes. Steven Wilson. Eleven. Les Claypool. Stevie Wonder. Iron Maiden. Queens Of The Stone Age. Queen. Rush. A bunch of prog bands. But none of my music sounds like that.

My old drummer gave me the nick name Gubna. Bass player for the most part, having performed in bands from 1991-2002 on bass, a stint in a punk band on lead guitar 2006-2007, then formed an improv trio in 2011 with some friends which is still going - albeit on and off. I also have made weird electronic instrumental music under the moniker Spamystyle since 2013 which pretty much nobody has heard. (but my soundcloud is under waterforgiants3 cause I'm just using it for FAWM uploads).

I found out about FAWM in late Jan 2018 from some Tom Whitwell-related post, went and did it. Basically, I heard he recorded an album using a script and a small modular. That led me to something called "arbitrary restraints" or was it constraints?, which led me to FAWM. Because it happened in late Jan, I took it as a sign that I needed to do it. Recorded 2 albums worth (21 songs, plus another "album of songlettes" which I created in 4 hours on the last Friday of the month) in 2018 and 2 (20 songs, plus "a synth jam in the living room album") in 2019. 2020, I managed 29 for the leap year! Last year I ended up making three albums worth. I'm still learning about songwriting, and a lot of what I've done has been experimental.

2021 albums:
(I created all of it without listening to it, and even posted it online before I ever heard it.)

And is all tape loops. Literal loops of cassette tape bits.

2022 is year 5 for me!

Here is my album as of 2.8.2022. I'm sure I'm not done this month, but I have 14 uploaded that are all ambient synth instrumentals.

The 2nd synth instrumental album from 2022 will be here:

And here's the 3rd album, consisting of demos of songs with lyrics/singing/spoken word.

Songs (42)

#1 Totem Of Silence 9
Feb 2022
#2 Roundabout Peripheral 7
Feb 2022
#3 Modularuno 10
Feb 2022
#4 Modular Two 5
Feb 2022
#5 Trio 7
Feb 2022
#6 Vertigo 9
Feb 2022
#7 Modular 4 - Time Of Actuation 4
Feb 2022
#8 Tablamo 7
Feb 2022
#9 Modular Cinco 4
Feb 2022
#10 Modsix 3
Feb 2022
#11 Banished At The Grocery Store 2
Feb 2022
#12 The Drift 2
Feb 2022
#13 Gen X 4
Feb 2022
#14 Catch The Dry Ice Maker 2
Feb 2022
#15 Droneship 2
Feb 2022
#16 10X10 8
Feb 2022
#17 A Bad Cable 4
Feb 2022
#18 If I Could Write One Song 7
Feb 2022
#19 The Night My Synthesizer Cried 9
Feb 2022
#20 Loop Jam 3
Feb 2022
#21 Page 79 3
Feb 2022
#22 The Swamp 3
Feb 2022
#23 The Day My Old Telephone Modem Called 2
Feb 2022
#24 Flow 11
Feb 2022
#25 Starlight 3
Feb 2022
#26 Lighthouse Of Porridge 3
Feb 2022
#27 Repairman 1
Feb 2022
#28 Hank The Tank 5
Feb 2022
#29 My Big Flaming Eyeball 5
Feb 2022
#30 Tampering In Tampa 3
Feb 2022
#31 Air Duct Cleaning Services 4
Feb 2022
#32 Medusa Altered 2
Feb 2022
#33 100 MONKEYS 2
Feb 2022
#34 I Didn't Order That 2
Feb 2022
#35 Norcando Plonk 3
Feb 2022
#36 It's Always Right Now (placeholder) 1
Feb 2022
#37 Be Prepared To Stop 4
Feb 2022
#38 When I Get To The Martian Hillside 1
Feb 2022
Feb 2022
#40 Tip Top Turvey 1
Feb 2022
#41 If This Is The End 3
Feb 2022
#42 Tomato (placeholder) 2
Feb 2022


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  • @marvsmooth Mar 2022

    Thank you for the kind words about the full Casablanca piece, all of which is actually myself playing it, even creating guitar parts from scratch purposely to reverse for the piece.

    I actually recorded the whole song with every element in place and accidentally erased it, meaning that I had to actually re-record every part from memory.

  • @howthenightcame Feb 2022

    hello gubna, thank you for the encouraging comments!!

    sure, you can download all the tracks from soundcloud, of course.

    i will be releasing it (with the possible addition of another remix) on bandcamp (pay what you like - but zero is fine!!) over the next month or so, and i would encourage you to get that version

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    @guatecoop rock on! It's actually been the roughest one for me. I may have produced a lot but I've had a tough last couple of months. I'm trying to be positive, but it's hard.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Cheers to you! It looks like you are having a very good FAWM. Well done.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    I only want to steal ideas from Brian Eno too!

  • @roysmith  Feb 2022

    Cheers for the comment, I tend to bury the vocal samples too much...I think this sounded clearer when I started mixing, but hey. Need to be a bit bolder and worry less about the dissonance.

  • @chickenjail Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind note on "Robin Hood". Yes, I recorded vocals and guitar at the same time, through one mic for that one.

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey thanks! I gotta say, that was the most fun last night doing that loop!!!! Absolutely exactly what I needed. I have a looper pedal, but that cassette thing was WAY more fun than I ever would have guessed. It was like playing the 4 track recorder and pedals like an instrument. You should definitely try it out. You don't even need good tapes!

  • @darcistrutt  Feb 2022

    We are still deep into winter here in the great white north. My 10x10 on flowers gave me dreams of summer.

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    Ok, I got to 14 today so here's my album if anyone wants to download the whole thing. It's just the ambient, synth stuff.

    If I make more songs, which I'm sure I will, it'll be a different album link.

  • @lmr  Feb 2022

    10X10 was a blast, thanks for stopping by, I highly recommend the challenge. By the way, Tablamo is totally cool, what an awesome vibe.

  • @safred Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for giving my track a blast and leaving some feedback, much appreciated :)

  • @intoyourlight  Jan 2022

    Hello from another Steven Wilson Fan. And happy FAWM! :)

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    What a splendid and inspirational story you told in the 2021 thread! If I were in your situation at that festival, I'd panic and leave the stage. Have you ever thought about joining an open jam session? Maybe it's the kind of fun you're looking for.

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Wow is your studio and NASA sub station also...freaking cool. lol

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022