guatecoop 30


LorainOH US   Feb 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   Anything that sounds good to my ears or that I can't get out of my head.

Please feel free to critique, as it helps me to learn.

I’ve been working on building a studio in my house in a room that was completely raw—not even walls or flooring. I’m getting close to being done (enough) to use that room for FAWM this year….well we will see. It’s been a dream of mine to have a dedicated space for music and I would love to have its opening on February 1.
What it looked like in October:
And what it looked like the day before FAWM:

I play what sounds good to me. FAWM is fun because I have complete control, for better or for worse. My goals this year are to improve on my mic choice and placement, mixing/eq-ing, and hopefully encourage as many of the people around me to be a part of FAWM to any degree, including my wife and two sons, if possible. I also would enjoy collaborating again with my brother, @zecoop (thank you for getting me into this), as well as others who are interested. Writing another children's song with my boys is another goal; I did manage to reach that goal the last several years and I just love doing it. In terms of songwriting, I would like to start with basics and build from there. I tend to be very chordy and would like to give my songs some more space for layering of sounds and texture.

I truly admire the creativity in others and am energized when I am fortunate to have a spark myself, too. I also do appreciate collaborations and will do whatever I have time for.
*A note about collabs: If someone wants to collab on a song that I've posted, I am fine with that and will post it separately. I also am fine with multiple people doing the same song, as I find it fascinating to see how different people do very different things with the same music. So, if you want one for yourself, just say so, but my wife always gets the first pick....

Everything that I record is with a variety of microphones and mic preamps into Reaper, as I want to continue to learn and practice these skills. I am planning to do the same this year, but hopefully better...let me know how I can improve. I also have owned Harrison Mixbus for the last four years and would like to do more with that this year . I like the idea of mixing more with my ears than with more plugins and grids. Advice and constructive criticism of my songs or mixing/recording is encouraged.

My brother, @zecoop, and father, @srcoops also participate in FAWM, so go check out what they do and maybe offer them some support. I know that the words that my dad write are pretty easy to incorporate into songs, so if you are looking for that, seek him out. He is more than willing....

I DO NOT have any preconceived notions of what the vocals should or could all. I don't write words. I try to focus on the music. So, if you have ideas for vocals on any of my songs, please feel free to do so (just ask). I don't write lyrics, but generally try to write songs that give singers a great opportunity to do what they do best. If someone does do a collaboration after I’ve posted a song, which happens often, I (or we) will just post that separately so that it gets its just attention. I will get to 14 anyway, so numbers don’t matter in that regard.
My brother, @zecoop, @helenseviltwin, and I put out a Covid EP on bandcamp in the spring of last year.
It was featured on Michigan Public Radio, which can be found here:
Check out the EP for yourself on Bandcamp here:

Lastly, I participate in the 4 track challenge every year and here is the documentary (one of 3) that I was a part of this last year...
Best wishes to you!

Songs (30)

#1 The First Step 47
Feb 2022
#2 By the Letter 27
Feb 2022
#3 By The Letter @unkept  28
Feb 2022
#4 A Friendship Lost 24
Feb 2022
#5 Loop Tape 1: The Beyond 17
Feb 2022
#6 The Clock is Watching (The First Step with vocals collab) @seemanski  23
Feb 2022
#7 Tape Loop #2: Winter Walk 15
Feb 2022
#8 By the Letter @judypie  26
Feb 2022
#9 Public Vices, Private Woes (updated mix....WHOA!) @billwhite51 14
Feb 2022
#10 Far From Home (US cassette 4-track tape #2) @fourtracktape 36
Feb 2022
#11 A Meditation in Snowfall 35
Feb 2022
#12 Circular Thinking @zecoop  17
Feb 2022
#13 Locker @zecoop  19
Feb 2022
#14 Robot Space Force Is Coming @zecoop  2
Feb 2022
#15 Winter of Soul @zecoop  23
Feb 2022
#16 Air of Mystery (4-track tape 8; USA to UK) @zecoop  2
Feb 2022
#17 Moods (In Three Movements) @zecoop  9
Feb 2022
#18 Hot Honey @bradbrubaker  21
Feb 2022
#19 The First Step @fearlessflight2014  24
Feb 2022
#20 Counting Birds (Meditation in Snowfall w/vocals) @gilhari  5
Feb 2022
#21 Cut Wood Carry Water (Mrs guatecoop on vocals, too!) @fearlessflight2014  18
Feb 2022
#22 On the Doorstep (guatecoop 2021, adnama17 2022) @adnama17  5
Feb 2022
#23 One Square (4-way video collab) @wobbiewobbit  28
Feb 2022
#24 Stir Sweetly (sister song is here— @eargoggle  5
Feb 2022
#25 Please Fill Your Head (4-Track Tape 21) @fourtracktape 5
Feb 2022
#26 Sisyphus (4-Track Tape 9) @zecoop  1
Feb 2022
#27 Chalk it Up (incomplete demo) @billwhite51 6
Feb 2022
#28 Heavenly Touch (sister song is here- @eargoggle  4
Feb 2022
#29 The Last Song @unkept  11
Feb 2022
#30 The Linchpin End @conorg 7
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @pauloramos Apr 2022

    Hey, so sorry for the late reply. I haven't logged back onto FAWM since it ended, and so I didn't realise all these comments were still coming in. Thanks for reaching out and I'm so pleased you like the songs. I can't believe you managed 30!? That's amazing. Hope to see you around next year :)

  • @toms  Mar 2022

    Since the forum here is likely to become quieter rather soonish, I did this:

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Hey! Nope, I didn't even pull the baritone out of it's case this FAWM. Not the tenor guitar. Strange year!

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Thanks for having a listen to my songs! I fizzled out this year. Getting old!!!

  • @leepat  Mar 2022

    hey, thanks for the generous comments. jealous of the studio room!

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your recent listens to my songs. I'm here to return the favour

  • @karlsburg25  Mar 2022

    Cheers matey for your listening binge. I don't think i've ever had such a productive FAWM, and yet also at the same time have no idea how that was possible. I'm often in Asia and last year i was actually off work for two weeks of feb. Just goes to show that sometimes the mind creates these barriers (like haven't got enough time) which are rather unnecessary. And big up to you for your new studio set up. I had yours and julie's version (by the letter) blasting out in the van yesterday. sounded awesome.

  • @richaaaay  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening and the comments. So interesting to learn that your brother and father are FAWMers as well. I’ve listened and commented on each of you but had never made the connection. So cool…

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you for the kind comments on two of my pieces. Really appreciate it.

  • @mikeskliar  Mar 2022

    hey- just saw your note, thanks! used the email I had for you from last year and sent you a note and two mp3 song files (two emails)- read/listen and see what ya think, thanks!!!!! -mike

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    cut and pa ste it twice as i did on the file i sent you, or use the one i sent

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    You nailed it! Yes! Filled up! I feel a bit more centred in myself and my musical identity. All I need is for that to spread into some other areas of my life that are out of control!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    29??!! What a slacker! Couldn’t you have gone for an even 30? *he he… Congratulations on the win!! It’s great spending so much virtual time with awesome folks like you. Maybe I need to use my extra placeholder for a 6th Cooperider collab?… . I hope you are on the call tonight. When you mention having your suspicions about Oxygen Thief - was that a suspicion about who inspired the song??? Ask your brother… ;)

  • @unkept  Mar 2022

    It was very nice to hear the finished "Last Song" as I drank my coffee this morning. :) Great job and thanks again for another great FAWM!

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on "Under Mongolian Skies". I am glad, that my English translation was good enough to get the my intention through my words ...

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    chalk it up cut s off at some seconds past 3 minut es

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    Yeah, so we didn't do a song this year. Sorry!

  • @conorg Mar 2022

    Left it late but really happy with how our collab turned out! Cheers!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    FYI: Topic is online.

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Cheers! Really enjoyed the video and four-track songs we combined on - your guitar parts on both created a real vibe that immediately inspired me with ideas on what to add.

  • @chrishope Feb 2022

    thanks for 'gettin it' means alot. great work btw

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I've mailed a prioritised list of the open collabs. Please take a look and decide if there is any interesting spot before I post this into the forums. Thanks :D

  • @airbagtester  Feb 2022

    Re: Karate - I love Karate! If I knew more jazz guitar chords I would play more of that style for sure.

  • @straknine Feb 2022

    Hi. Tape 21 is ready. I'll shoot you an email for the address.

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Thx for taking an earful and the writing.
    Enjoy being.
    I’ll hear you next year.
    Cheers from Vienna

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    I gotcha bass part, I just got carried away with some harmonies. They were a challenge with the way she repeats the same melody over a different chord progression - but SO FUN, will send real soon....

  • @lenigmusx1  Feb 2022

    Your new space looks great! Sorry I haven’t stopped by until now. I was productive but man listening and Collabs didn’t really happen. You Stacy and Your Brother are part of the reason I come back year after year! All right I’m going to listen to 3 right now. I’m on a mission.

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    ​Thx for doing the drums on the song Cliche. I have them mixed into the BT and I am waiting on the singer to lay down the vox track! FAWM has been super busy with 16 songs and 11 collabs.
    If I don't get it done this FAWM i may it do for 5090.
    thx again

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Let me know if you need me to do it first and I'll give it a red hot go!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Actually on second thoughts, as my approach to bass as a songwriter really relies on song structure and enhancing the emotional content of the lyric - is it possible to do the vocals first? I'm just feeling a bit lost on what to play which might be why I've been putting off getting this done. If it was going to remain an instrumental that would be different, but I would really love to be responding to the lyrics.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Hey there Rob, so sorry this bass part is taking so long!! Working on Somebody Else took most of yesterday and I collapsed in bed at almost 2am. But I'm doing it right now!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Running Out of Time'!

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Hi Rob
    I’ve unfortunately concluded FAWM is over for me this year, Got no energy or creativity to make music right now. :( But looking forward to listening through your efforts this next week.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    You're awesome! Thanks a lot for your offer! I'll check the status and missing pieces this weekend.
    My gut feelings say that "How are you" can profit a lot from real drums. Its a soul ballad that comes to life with the right stops and shuffles. But I'll check the details.

  • @cleanshoes  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comments! Glad you're enjoying my songs!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    I guess it’s true I’m never bored. I can’t even imagine what that feels like.

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Drums might be awesome!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    I’ve tried over the years to see my ADHD as a blessing but it has hindered and burdened every part of my life. Every thing I do well I would be able to do ten times as well without the sabotage constantly being perpetrated by my brain. I can accept it but I have let go the idea I will ever celebrate it.

  • @unkept  Feb 2022

    Hey Rob,

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to listen and comment on my songs! I really appreciate it.

    I can't so no to a song where you thought of me as you formed it, I would be very happy to give it a go! You could directly email it to me when you are ready, and I can share it on FAWM when I'm done with it... However you would like!

    And yeah, we could do a Zoom call sometime. Maybe in March? You've got my email. :)

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you! So happy to have reached 14. Congrats to you too! You are smashing it :)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Apologies for not getting to your bass overdub sooner. I only got to FAWMing yesterday and I started with some vocal stuff and will be setting up a bass mic tomorrow. Do you still want me to give it a go?

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much Rob for your comments!
    Also Rob

  • @tan482  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for listening to my songs and for your lovely comments. Really appreciate it :-)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Wow Rob, thank you so much for all the comments! They are well appreciated and I'll comment on your remaining songs asap. This week is a bit busy cause there are plenty collabs handing in their stuff.
    I'm happy that you enjoyed my songs and collabs so far. Fun that you picked the ones that were not my usual style. @seppo rocked that bass super hard and I had to jump into his arrangement. I am so proud what @deadhead and @tinear did with my drafts. Right now I'm mixing and mastering a final version for "Blues for Nadine" hopefully it receives an update in some days.
    "Dust" and "Diplomacy" will turn into full productions with singers and real guitars after FAWM. Even doing pop rock and punk rock for years, these songs followed a new approach. It's the first time(s) I wrote lyrics straight from my heart and not peeking into rhyming dictionaries.
    If you haven't listened yet, you'll enjoy "How are you" very much, cause it's got a great groove with stop, syncopes and everything.
    Have a great FAWM!

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    @guatecoop thanks for the update. It’s been fun listening to your releases

  • @unkept  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks a lot for the message. I hit a real rough patch, personally and musically, but I hope I'm on the upswing.

    Loving all of your stuff this year!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    15 songs!! your a winner +1

  • @corinnecurcio  Feb 2022

    Congrats on your trophy. 14 already!

  • @keithcuts  Feb 2022

    Thanks guatecoop ! Appreciate ya

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Hi Rob, got a little burnt out and had to take some days away from FAWN to prepare for a concert I played yesterday, I’ll be back in the studio tomorrow to finish up the stems.

  • @dukemeyer  Feb 2022

    Many thanks for your empathic comment to my Dripstone-Song!

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for the listens and taking the time to make such great comments. I appreciate it.

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment... It was the truth as I saw it written out; not to be back-handed ... well I was inspired from her and I believe she was inspired by me perhaps if you haven't listened to my spoken piece called "I'm Ugly I'm Ugly I'm Pretty I'm Pretty" I should be flattered really .. Kinda thinking I should have said? or not said>? I like to be honest and constructive, sorry it crossed your line of what is helpful or reviewed properly in your viewpoint on what should be done here on FAWM; although I noticed and processed through my mind and humble opinion... in the piece I did; it has me echo'ed even... we learned from each other I think from this collaboration,, and that is a great thing!...

  • @wobbiewobbit  Feb 2022

    hi Rob, Thanks so much for all your thoughtful and encouraging comments! quite the sesh you had! thank you!

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    i have the new vocal of private vices ready, but cannot find an emmail address. it says only @guatecoop

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    There's a special offer on the Pripyat Pianos library at the moment (if You have the full version of Kontakt). Instead of $149 it can be had for $29! The offer was supposed to be one day only, but the price is still held.,mark%20of%20the%20elapsed%20time.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thank you for stopping by, listening and commenting on several of my songs. Your comments are very much appreciated.
    Your studio looks cool. "Between The Desert And The Oasis" was one of the tracks I lost in the big crash... oh well...

  • @kcc  Feb 2022

    Hi guatecoop! Thanks for commenting on Into the Well! Appreciate your time and detailed listening!


  • @seppo Feb 2022

    Thanks for the nice comments.
    I really don't sing or write. I've done that once in 15 years ago and this was second one ever :)
    It's always good to go out from comfort zone and do something different.
    Normally I just play bass, just pretending to be a composer in Februarys :)
    It's fun and I've learn a lot in last year when I started.
    Still have no idea what I'm doing, I just go for it and watch what happens.

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Thanks brother! It’s nice to know if I am homing in on something or leaving it flat.

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Well I sure hope that your lunch wasn’t laying to heavy in your tummy afterwords… ;].
    Enjoy being.

  • @tamsnumber4  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments on "Be There for Me"!

  • @silvermachine Feb 2022

    Hey thanks for the message, and thanks for listening to my stuff. You don't have to come back and leave comments, spend the time making music. There just isn't enough of it to do everything.
    Your studio space looks enviable, it must've been a lot of work.
    I share a box room with a home gym and a load of wet washing. It has interesting acoustics!

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Cool I’ll send over some stems tomorrow. So ridiculously behind on commenting but I have listened to all your output this year so far, lots of really good stuff

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Hi Rob would you be interested in doing drums (and whatever else comes to mind) on a song I’m working on?

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    i dont have an isolated vocal track for public vices, but can redo the vocal later this week. i had recorded it straight onto the mixpad and did not save the project data. ill send the new version dry and you can add the distortion and reverb, ir i can do what i did on the.current version , which was adding distortion to one track, reverb to the second, and keeping the third dry...and did not touch your music track but i doubled it

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    I hate to break it to ya..... still misspelled! (it's s-k-l-i-a-r ) :)
    (no worries)

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    fyi- on the liner notes to the 'four track tape and you' version of 'far from home' you spelled my name wrong (so the link does not work if anyone wants to click thru to my stuff) No biggie, just wanted to let ya know, thanks. (everyone messes up my last name! )

  • @nancyrost  Feb 2022

    Just listened - sounds great!

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    thanks! :) yeah, the second mix is better :) this was so much fun!!

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    Good deal!!! How’s the new studio doing???

  • @standup  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to a bunch of tunes tonight! Guitar on "Lost Someone" was recorded with a Baby Bottle, my new favorite for acoustic guitar. Oktava 012 is almost as good, but I keep going back to the BLUE Baby Bottle.

  • @nancyrost  Feb 2022

    Yay! Good luck!

  • @tcelliott  Feb 2022

    re: Lunar Rotation - Yeah, I did a piece in January called Lunar Dayspring which is like 98 bpm. I used the sounds I had set up for that one as a template and then started working on this one. I think they are both similar and dissimilar.

  • @nobodyofficial Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words on “I Long For Spring”

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    i finished the song. it is from a lyric i wrote for 5090 but i didn t have the chops or the equipment for it to work. i used the previous title. public vices, private woes do you want to preview it or should i post it now?

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Glorious Disaster wouldn't be nearly as much fun if it were a main job.

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    Sorry, I meant I had 'done' 14 songs, so I'm around now for collabs/remixing stuff/silly forum blathering!

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment. Yes to what you said. people change and if you don't drift apart as a result, that is a good thing. Probably the best!


  • @radlee Feb 2022

    Happy FAWM!!!

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Cheers matey and Yeah i think its cos its the first year i working full time through feb. thought i would be last year but illness meant i had more fawm time (and less money ;-) Must say i am wishing FAWM went on for two months rather than one at the moment

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment!

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    Cool. Let me know. My gear acquisition syndrome has mostly been in the software range over the past few years (apart from my beautiful new guitar), so I have a few options.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    thanks, il'work on on it this week .

  • @slightlydrunk  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for all the nice things you wrote.
    I love your music and will definitely keep an ear on you!
    (edit: please check out The Old Man and the Cat, I updated it with a picture of the new cat :) )

  • @roddy  Feb 2022

    Thaks for your kind comments. Look forward to hearing about Edinburgh at sometime.

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    That was a really nice comment, thank you for it! There is a very short list of things I love more than FAWM! Which, by the way, wouldn't be the same without you and your whole family. You're all awesome!

  • @dvdshnsmth Feb 2022

    Thank u so much for listening :)

  • @airbagtester  Feb 2022

    I guess the issues I am having are just not having a clue what I am doing, and probably miking everything wrong :D I normally used to use a DI for everything, but this year I am trying to use some actual amps and small cabinets. By the time it gets to Reaper I start to second guess my recording technique, but at that point I am even further up the creek anyway. Not to mention the normal amount of self doubt about "is this even a good song?" :D

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    pittsburg ohio is sort of the openinng scene of a movie, as it is intended to be the opening track of a concept album set in that fic tional city

  • @bradbrubaker  Feb 2022

    Sounds good!

  • @eargoggle  Feb 2022

    Yea I'm back....what a weird week this has been! 6 days with no power....knocking off the cobwebs now though and getting back to biznizz....

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Not really. I just said I wanted to write something on guitar, try weird signatures and promised to collab with two people. "Skyscraper" was planned as pre-FAWM fun collab, the draft on "Rendezvous" is from last year (it's been a stub of a minute length so I didnt upload), but all other things just happened.

    Maybe my last two productions unleashed my inner demon metalhead. I currently practise standard blues progressions in my guitar lessons.

    FAWM is not done for me now. I've finished when my collabs abd challenges are done :)

  • @boyatheart Feb 2022

    Thanks for the very generous comment on my song. It's taken me ages getting my ear in this year. I've already tweaked the mix, but the youtube version remains as is forever!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    No worries! We've still 18 days and plenty more to join the listening party. This and next week is super busy so I enjoy listening and commenting In the pauses. No energy after work.

    But yes, my muse is running wild! She discovered progressive metal and jazzy blues. I had to stop her cause otherwise I write too many songs I never finish.

    You're right, times were different. Listening to older music I have no idea what is hard rock, hardcore punk and heavy metal. But I don't care these are just names. Do the music you love. I don't stick to genre anyway.

    And no your mix it not bad. Let it settle for 2 weeks and listen to it with fresh ears. I had my AKG K280 and there was no complaint. If you wanna go more modern do something about the stereo field (double guitars) but if you wanna stay true to old-school rock it works well as is. No excuses!

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Hehehe no problem dude, it’s great that you’re having a busy and productive FAWM! No rush if you’ve got other fish to fry at the same time though, we have loads of Feb left :D

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Lol wattt! But what about the mixing?! You said everything needs mixing?! Even flapjack!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked The Witness. Solo a capella is my native state, so it was easy for me. Wish I had the other pieces but everyone here is helping me out with that. Probably see you tonight!

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind words on Temporal Drifter :)

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Love seeing the studio pics thx! That looks awesome. Musta felt great to finish just in time. Kudos from a fellow DIYer!