Dirk Bag 130


Amsterdam NL   May 2011

Artist Bio

Influences:   Dylan, The Who, Small Faces, Paul Simon, Robyn Hitchcock, Radiohead, Tom Waits, Divine Comedy, Spiritualized etc etc

Another Feburary is finally here and I'm itching to get started on writing songs again. Set up in the kitchen again with mic and guitar and ready to see what comes out this year. Good luck and much fun to all those taking part this year. Also, very happy to announce a new album of Space related songs with the legendary Sapient! More pleasant trips coming here soon.

Songs (130)

#1 Under the weather 19
Feb 2022
#2 Glad to see the back of you 5
Feb 2022
#3 The road we're taking 6
Feb 2022
#4 I can't wait for it all to begin 4
Feb 2022
#5 Daughter @srcoops  13
Feb 2022
#6 Old Folks @srcoops  7
Feb 2022
#7 Close your eyes and settle down 5
Feb 2022
#8 Stay in touch with your feelings 2
Feb 2022
#9 A simple act of kindness 5
Feb 2022
#10 A virtual tea-break 3
Feb 2022
#11 Spoke to my neighbour today 3
Feb 2022
#12 All your thoughts and feelings 2
Feb 2022
#13 Has it really been a year since we met? 3
Feb 2022
#14 Following the digital trail 3
Feb 2022
#15 Be who you are 3
Feb 2022
#16 Praise for a colleague 2
Feb 2022
#17 A certain kind of happiness 2
Feb 2022
#18 The cost of living 2
Feb 2022
#19 Whatever happened to the sky? 2
Feb 2022
#20 Hey Google 5
Feb 2022
#21 I see the sun beyond the clouds 3
Feb 2022
#22 Machines will be the death of me 3
Feb 2022
#23 The thought police 4
Feb 2022
#24 Peaceful dreams 3
Feb 2022
#25 Down by the lake 2
Feb 2022
#26 Living work of art 3
Feb 2022
#27 Kidnap situation 2
Feb 2022
#28 A good day for writing songs 2
Feb 2022
#29 Well dressed and distressed 2
Feb 2022
#30 |ce Diving and Dragons 2
Feb 2022
#31 Sleeping soundly 2
Feb 2022
#32 Sunrise 2
Feb 2022
#33 I wanna be like you 2
Feb 2022
#34 The students at number six 2
Feb 2022
#35 The doctor on the corner 2
Feb 2022
#36 After the rain, a brand new day 2
Feb 2022
#37 Candy crushed 3
Feb 2022
#38 Forty five 6
Feb 2022
#39 No market toay 1
Feb 2022
#40 Choose leather 2
Feb 2022
#41 It's a good day to be normal 2
Feb 2022
#42 Conscious of the moment 3
Feb 2022
#43 Cold enough to stop you breathing 2
Feb 2022
#44 It's complicated 4
Feb 2022
#45 We'll watch the sun go down together 2
Feb 2022
#46 No smoke without fire 4
Feb 2022
#47 Vocal style and subject matter 3
Feb 2022
#48 Winter @srcoops  7
Feb 2022
#49 Broken technology 2
Feb 2022
#50 It's so peaceful 2
Feb 2022
#51 The sculpture park 2
Feb 2022
#52 The recipe for rain 4
Feb 2022
#53 Old boys club 3
Feb 2022
#54 If we could start again 2
Feb 2022
#55 The axe palace 4
Feb 2022
#56 Fear can keep you safe 2
Feb 2022
#57 Pointless 2
Feb 2022
#58 Today is gonna be a good day 2
Feb 2022
#59 Senses and sounds 4
Feb 2022
#60 Perhaps it's best to call it a day 2
Feb 2022
#61 Will you be proud to wear my ring 2
Feb 2022
#62 Structural changes 3
Feb 2022
#63 Do you remember 1
Feb 2022
#64 Skating for pleasure 4
Feb 2022
#65 Retirement Centre @srcoops  4
Feb 2022
#66 The very best day 2
Feb 2022
#67 Rose tinted glasses 2
Feb 2022
#68 A desolate place 2
Feb 2022
#69 Solitude 2
Feb 2022
#70 Corporate jargon 4
Feb 2022
#71 The autumn of my days 2
Feb 2022
#72 Skirting with the shadows 2
Feb 2022
#73 All we need's a little Sunshine 4
Feb 2022
#74 Johnny and Me @leakyplusme2 3
Feb 2022
#75 We both agree to lie to each other 2
Feb 2022
#76 Looking for signs there is meaning 3
Feb 2022
#77 No instant Karma 2
Feb 2022
#78 Saturday mornings 1
Feb 2022
#79 Out for a walk 3
Feb 2022
#80 Bunny boiler 2
Feb 2022
#81 It's Another Space Song! @sapient  9
Feb 2022
#82 Piano is playing 1
Feb 2022
#83 Johnny and Me 2
Feb 2022
#84 My poison pen 2
Feb 2022
#85 Concentration interrupted 2
Feb 2022
#86 Life is a symphony 2
Feb 2022
#87 It's just another day 2
Feb 2022
#88 I thought I saw some words 3
Feb 2022
#89 One of those days 2
Feb 2022
#90 Why do people say it's complicated? 3
Feb 2022
#91 Off the beaten track 1
Feb 2022
#92 Swords and sorcery 3
Feb 2022
#93 What do you say? 2
Feb 2022
#94 Free man @srcoops  5
Feb 2022
#95 I take each day as it comes 2
Feb 2022
#96 Early morning peace 2
Feb 2022
#97 Stand up strong 2
Feb 2022
#98 Pity the poor reporter 3
Feb 2022
#99 The darkness of the morning 1
Feb 2022
#100 Walking through a hostile desert 2
Feb 2022
#101 I can dream about you 2
Feb 2022
#102 Deep in the Darkness @sapient  8
Feb 2022
#103 When the feelings are strong 2
Feb 2022
#104 Less cause for concern 2
Feb 2022
#105 Happy banana 3
Feb 2022
#106 I remember it now 2
Feb 2022
#107 By the clearing 2
Feb 2022
#108 Bad night out 3
Feb 2022
#109 Consequences 2
Feb 2022
#110 I can't remember the last time I felt so tired 2
Feb 2022
#111 Waiting for the phone to ring 3
Feb 2022
#112 The Painter @leakyplusme2 4
Feb 2022
#113 A way of life @srcoops  5
Feb 2022
#114 A silver lining 2
Feb 2022
#115 All your own 1
Feb 2022
#116 It's not easy being me 2
Feb 2022
#117 If every day was the same 2
Feb 2022
#118 A sense of wonder 2
Feb 2022
#119 Now it's almost over 3
Feb 2022
#120 Hurt people hurt people @leakyplusme2 3
Feb 2022
#121 Low flying planes 2
Feb 2022
#122 Let's try again 1
Feb 2022
#123 I cut myself open for yoou 2
Feb 2022
#124 Phase 1 Completed @sapient  6
Feb 2022
#125 I never saw it coming 1
Feb 2022
#126 It's happening today 2
Feb 2022
#127 You don't remember a thing 2
Feb 2022
#128 Captured forever 2
Feb 2022
#129 Cheers and flags are raised 1
Feb 2022
#130 Sky as deep as the ocean 2
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @sheilerk  Apr 2022

    I feel like I’ve stumbled upon a treasure trove of songs, just before the site shuts down! I’ll be watchlisting you for next year so that doesn’t happen again. In the meantime I’ll be listening to a few at a time in whatever time we have left this month.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Hey, Gordon - Not sure how it took me so long to start listening to your beautiful songs. Glad to be here, and that there's plenty time left in march. Thank you for listening and responding to so many of my songs, and helping make FAWM such a welcoming place.

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    was great to see you on FAWMtalk. You are much different than i imagined you - i kinda imagined you like a young John Gordon Sinclair in Gregory's Girl, which is weird cos i hadn't clocked your Scottish accent till the show. thanks for your lovely compliments. really enjoyed watching.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    130 wow wow wow..congrats

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    amazing score! congratulations!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    130...holy crap

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    wow- congrats on so many songs!

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Yes Gordan go for it mate. You can do Hurt People Hurt People draft 2.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    119?? I boggle!!!

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    @gordon thanks for that set-it-up-as-old-time-radio tip! Sherry asked for it to be posted as a new so I'll try that! ( I want her to survive!!!)

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    You commented on @sherrycanary's defiant "Will of the Heart" https://fawm.org/songs/132639/ earlier (thank you). We now have Sherry's voice on it and a slightly better piano. Whilst there are some production issues which I can't fix at this stage, it's definitely an improvement over me singing it (!), if you'd like to listen again, or download the fresher version.

  • @max  Feb 2022

    Look what I found in my 2013 FAWM archives :-)
    Live footage from the two of us doing one of your songs.
    So much fun. The video is only available with this link.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    100 songs wow and they are all good.

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Gordon, I think I could write anything and you would turn it into something nice. As always, nicely done.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Re Red Rose... Uh duh! I should have guessed that.

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    thank you for listening - wow, you have so many written already!!!!!

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Sure Gordon you can have a go at Johnny & Me.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    you are a machine!

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening

  • @thecarpenter Feb 2022

    Thanks for taking a moment and listening to my tunes. And I will take a minute as well and listen to a few of yours as well. You're very prolific I seems! Nice....

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    you are a machine!

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Thank you Gordon i'm glad you found Calm Before The Storm relaxing i must look at your songs.

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Gordon, you are amazing!

  • @theicylakes  Feb 2022

    Yikes! How on Earth have you managed that many songs in 9 days?! I bow into my hat in awe!

  • @caitlin Feb 2022

    Um, 44 songs on day 7?! What are you, a machine?

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your awesome comments - I think I do hear the “Vogue” vibe in “Take Me Back” now that you mention it. I’ll take that over Doris Day - lol!

  • @rgarv100 Feb 2022

    Wow going to have to catchup listening!

  • @erucaesounds  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words on Mr. Spaceman, much appreciated!!!

  • @eli666 Feb 2022


  • @jessi14 Feb 2022

    Hey Gordon! Are you a songwriting bot? Your output is unreal! Glad to see you again here :-)

  • @winchperry  Feb 2022

    so impressed that you reached 14 songs by day 2. you are putting the rest of us to shame. congratulations!

  • @rubberbandage  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words! 14 songs written on the first day though — I think you’re that person I was writing about, haha!

  • @max  Feb 2022

    One more!

  • @andyt13 Feb 2022

    Go get 'em bro!

  • @thetau  Feb 2022

    hey there Gordon, Missed you during the 5090
    Glad to see you back again

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to your excellent music again this year!

  • @sapient  Jan 2022

    Howdy-doody Mr Neighbour!
    Fancy seeing you here :D