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US   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   So many things but mainly European and American metal. I learned guitar playing over jazz and blues backing tracks when that was all we had and you had to buy them on cd.

Did you ever hear how the humbucker was invented? Back in the 80s, when the Beetles were recording the White Album, every mix came back from the studio bass heavy. George was just happy to be making music, but John was having none of it. He tried everything he could to get his guitar to come through: track doubling, thicker strings, he even tried having yoko sing all his guitar parts! One rainy day after spending some time with "Lucy", Ringo had an epiphany. What would happen if you took a pickup and just slapped another one on there. Surely it would increase the sound! Ringo got to work, locking himself in his shop for a week straight. When the week was up he emerged with a guitar that would look rather familiar to us today with a HH pickup configuration. He ran to John's house, hardly stopping to catch his breath! When John answered the door he was taken aback. Could this wild man before him truly be his good friend and boon companion Ringo Stars? With a crazed glint in his eye that suggested he had seen God or the Devil himself or both? In his hands was the strangest instrument John had ever seen.
Concerned, yet intrigued, John asked Ringo what had come over him and what was that strange guitar in his hands?

"I've done it John! With this guitar you will be able to hear your guitar over the bass"

"That's fantastic Ringo, what do you call it?"

Ringo paused to catch his breath.

"The Less Paul!"

And the rest, as they say, is history...

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
