Amber Nash 0


Cincinnati US   Feb 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   2022: Oh, the winds of change. 2021: Time, pressure and deadlines...? I'm using "life events" as inspiration for songs. I have two small kids, a job, and perpetual mounds of dishes and laundry, so most songs are written in about an hour and recorded one-take using my phone and some free app I downloaded. Super rough but fun! Songs in preferred order: Birthday Bubble Bath Valedictorian Complex I Don't See You On the Menu Damn The Man First Speed Up Break You, The Screamer Pretender I Can't Remember Don't Ask Me About It Father Time Death-Defying

2022: 2021 bio still stands.

2021: Founding member of the Cincinnati folk band, Shiny and the Spoon, on hiatus since 2015 due to having kids and pandemic craziness.

Using quarantine to get back into writing music, because I miss it.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
