Honeymoon Jumpsuit 0


ME1 2BS UK   Feb 2007


Artist Bio

Influences:   Nick Drake, AIR, blur, Johnny Cash, MGMT

The Artist Formerly Known As Girls In Uniform

Back for 2022. Bigup the 2007 cohort.

I have consistently not produced the full fourteen, but doing FAWM over the past decade or so has been an relative fountain of song for me, so I'm hoping for something new to add to the repertoire.

Super busy. I really want to get some songs written though. Watch this space. Or don't.

Check out some other FAWMers from Rockchester/Medway:
@balancelost / @tomski / @sailingmagpie / @spikedirection / @roysmith

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
