Fuzzy 17


Ontario CA   Jan 2011

Artist Bio

Influences:   Captain Beefheart, Brian Eno, Syd Barrett, The Beatles, Neil Young, Groucho Marx, Buck Owens, King Crimson, J.S. Bach, The Residents, Frank Zappa, Robert Wyatt, Van Der Graaf Generator, CAN, plus whoever else I can rip off without anyone noticing.

My actual location is the Fuzzy Sound Labs secret underground bunker, somewhere the woods of Southern Ontario, Canada, near Peterborough. We have a staff of several hundred hard-working technicians and support personnel here in our vast subterranean complex.

Some of my songs will be written and played on the ukulele, either acoustic or electric.

And Melodica. Probably lots of weirdo Melodica.

There will be a fair amount of strange noise and experimental-type stuff.

A few strange spoken word stories, as well.

I am often open to collaborations, so hit me up if you're so inclined.

And finally, two great quotations that express my attitude toward FAWM and 50/90;

"Musical structure? Frankly, I don't see what you need all those sandbags for, just to keep your river in place."- Captain Beefheart

"Earlier eras of pop music were characterized not by the search for perfection but by bizarre enthusiasms, small budgets, erratic technique, crummy equipment and wild abandon." - Brian Eno

Songs (17)

#1 The Appetizer 41
Feb 2022
#2 Stephen Hawking Knife Fights A Grizzly Bear 41
Feb 2022
#3 The Ghost Of Nancy Reagan 30
Feb 2022
#4 Empanadas 26
Feb 2022
#5 The Breeding Places Of The Eels 27
Feb 2022
#6 I Spy @petemurphy  15
Feb 2022
#7 The Back Of The Map @dragondreams  26
Feb 2022
#8 The Seductiveness Of Decay 22
Feb 2022
#9 Whacks On Whacks Off (Mr. Miyagi's Tiny Trees) 17
Feb 2022
#10 COELACANTH @andygetch  24
Feb 2022
#11 You Can Tell Where The Bodies Are Buried From The Cloud Of Flies @andygetch  16
Feb 2022
#12 His Terrible Knowledge @andygetch  15
Feb 2022
#13 Puppy Dewormer @nahlej381  20
Feb 2022
#14 Receiving A Severed Human Ear In The Mail @nahlej381  19
Feb 2022
#15 Orbital Railgun @nahlej381  26
Feb 2022
#16 Sisyphus Trembles @dragondreams  11
Feb 2022
#17 Justin Trudeau Stole All My Money @dragondreams  18
Feb 2022


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  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    Poor bass player their brain may of short circuited. There's nothing worse than boring the drummer... the one person you can't just turn down or off. I've had more than a few things thrown at me.

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    Thanks for listening. There's so much to learn...

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    All cool, thanks :D
    I had trouble writing down tabs and I didn't know what's poly what not and more precise how to call the stuff I did.
    "Take The Black" in 6/8 moving to 4/4? 6:4 or 3:2 throughout or maybe just 4/4 with tons of triplets?!
    "How are you" just a shuffle beat on 4/4 with triplets on the piano or also poly?
    Ending of "At your command" could be something like septuplets and triplets over 5/4?!
    I wish I understood what I did there. Didn't think just sounded right. Maybe I just listened to too much prog. Thanks for the recommendation!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    Well its only about 14 minutes, but all I could upload here


  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    That sounds like my kind of event... !
    you may get a chance at a tiny 15 second run up warm up on that idea.... :)
    Ima delete my last few messages I left on your soundboard. so you're not wondering why where they went.... shhhh......

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Hi, thanks for your kindness.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    oh, that was hillarious.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    really you shouldn't have! *blush*

  • @bachelorb  Mar 2022

    Getting ready for next year and downloaded Audacity for my ambient music. I tried out “Paulstretch” WOW!!!
    Definitely something to play with the next 11 months.

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Let's face it, even metal seems wasteful. Stick with rocks. There are plenty of those up there already!

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Indeed—but if I remember my kinetic weapons development history correctly, someone was working on a version that didn't even use a physical object as the projectile, merely a rotating ball of plasma (although I would have thought the Earth's magnetic field would be a problem).

  • @candle  Mar 2022

    I think I got the last copy :D Looking forward to getting it in the mail!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @candle  Mar 2022

    Just ordered a copy of your Toad Doctor CD. Looking forward to having it in my hands when it gets here :D

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @cts  Mar 2022

    You know I was going to be back here eventually. Congrats on the win (again) but uh, look here - you left a comment on this tune: https://fawm.org/songs/136284/. You mentioned that it's more about love than sexytime. Sexytime. Do you see what's happening here? Do you? DO YOU?!? There's so much potential waiting in the wings. That's all I'm saying...for now. Sexytime.

  • @odilongreen  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for listening to my entire Pogonos Crossing series and saying such nice things! I knew it was a lot to hope that anyone would actually follow my strange song cycle through all five tracks -- to be honest, I thought it entirely possible that no one would -- and I am very appreciative that you took the time to do so. I am genuinely humbled!

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Yes thank you for the encouragement to actually use the cello instead of having it sit in the closet again, so it is at least in tune for when my cello playing friend visits soon. Plus turning two discarded takes and another two minutes of noodling all in the key of C into three somethings! That helped me take the next steps to use the cello in a few more tracks of my own. Let's do it again in 5090!

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Dude thank YOU! I had a blast lmk if/when you wanna do some more weird together!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    The pleasure is always mine, Fuzzy. And the thanks are mutual. Here's to many more joint ventures between the Castle and the Fuzzy Sound Labs!

  • @deafsteever Feb 2022

    FUZZY!!!!!! So great to see ya on here! I wanted to say, re: the lyrics you sent me a million years ago for "Chew Toy Blues". I definitely DO plan on recording something with them someday. In fact, I have a Leadbelly-on-12-string-guitar-with-Paul-McCartney-on-vocals idea for them. That might have to wait until 50/90, though. I've left it too late for FAWM 2022. Anyway, cheers, comrade!!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Wow! :-D

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Damn! It was Sisyphus Trembles! I could have sworn the Justin Trudeau one wasn't there when I looked! :-D
    Will take a listen shortly. Just about to watch Chris and Juha on FAWMtalk. :-)

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on the Nahlej collab. I was trying to make it sexy, but I obviously need to work on that!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I love it! :-)

  • @lanasolyluna Feb 2022

    Yes! Ukulele was waiting for us when we got back from our adventure!

  • @amelea Feb 2022

    Poor Mrs. Fuzzy! Eating your disgusting mashed potatoes

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    The gold rush is here!

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Hi! I sent you the corpse to your mail :)

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    No, I haven't. I will investigate. I'm just getting ready to do FAWMtalk with our special guest...

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Right, progressive, that makes perfect sense and I think many people do make that distinction. Thanks.

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the plethora of comments! And for Kew.Rhone, too it has similarities and it is nice to find I'm not alone in my approach. Sometimes I feel a bit of a prog-imposter as I don't have drums or 9 minute songs so I'm glad you feel that my music is progressive ...

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    No worries. And no rush. :-)
    But I AM looking forward to hearing what emerges from the Lab! ;-)

  • @silvermachine Feb 2022

    Ah yes, I actually remember it on the news when it happened

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    LOL, yeah it's funny how many directions the genre has gone in. I realized yesterday that it had been quite a long time since I did a Slackbot track & figured why not have him go all Slothy? I'm glad you enjoyed the results of that unnatural sonic marriage :D

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments! I enjoyed perusing your catalog. You have some very interesting sonic experiments here. And I enjoyed the text and imagery of the Fuzzy Sound Labs secret underground bunker, And quotes from two of my favs! And you're right about Zappa influencing my story. I was def channeling the central scrutinizer. :D

  • @wearedinosaurs  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for checking out 'Use your megaphone' glad you like it! And congrats on finishing Fawm with a week to spare. Nice!

  • @cairobraga  Feb 2022

    you've got mail! thanks!

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Hey Fuzzy. Thanks so much for your feedback on Motorbreath. Dig The Breeding Places of the Eels.

  • @cairobraga  Feb 2022

    shit, I forgot to send my liner notes, can I still do it?

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Congrats on the win, @fuzzy!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks man! Your piano work was fun to play with. Not gonna lie, the prepared songs are sooooo much fun to make…thanks for jammin with me!

  • @safred Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to my track OrtXe, appreciate the feedback mate, nice to hear that it does evolve, wasnt sure it did :D

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for commenting on "At Your Command"!

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Weird. Did you find it on Archive.org?

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Well thanks! Now I need to write more songs.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    She said worst case she'll digitalize it again... Well.. Have her students do it next semester :D She teaches film/photography. All she knows that she for sure still has is the almost three days worth of the original super8 film. and that covered about a two week period. We didn't film it constantly and only in daylight LOL, whose got that kinda time :D

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    I looked I don't have that video anywhere anymore, just a few other pictures before it started to rot. I sent her a text though she said sure use it for whatever you want... after she finds it herself. She said she's gonna have to send her daughter that picture. "remember when you used to be cool, before you got all serious" hahah... yeah she dressed herself. I was just shocked she wasn't in her fairy wings she wore everywhere for about 5 years. That deer took a few days, about 20 watermelons, and lots of glue to make.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Your comment on "At your command" is well appreciated - Thank you! It's the first time I played around with odd and weird signatures. Just happened. Stll in awe how @chrismyth02 was able to find words and a phrasing!

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    hey man! i went to record some prepeared stuff tonight and i can't find those tracks you sent me. i recently switched computers/harddrives so it's probably on my back up, but if you can re-send those, i'll knock em out this week!

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Make it so.

    You know you want to.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Go for it!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    For you, my dear Fuzzy, nothing is too much trouble. :-)
    It may take me a while. The PC is in the middle of a huge backup to my cloud server.

  • @kcc  Feb 2022

    Hey Fuzzy, Thanks for listening to Into the Well! Appreciate your time! Yes double vox. Pretty sloppy but I'm working at it!


  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Sean's class have heard "I Forget" and the reviews are in :-D

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    I am humbled and honored that my meager attempts at note-making with a bow can be interpreted in such a fashion.

  • @radioovermoscow Feb 2022


  • @povosos  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment

  • @santadharma Feb 2022

    Oh yeah that totally rings a bell. Slothcore ftw!

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Thank you again! And thanks for the Gang Of Four comparison, I really like them.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    While I was watching that stream I thought it was something you would of enjoyed as well. There were lots of eerie noises/etc that could of been sampled. I downloaded it if its not still up. I wanted to and probably still will stitch together a video from it, but no way I was getting that done within a 1hr skirmish time and get a tune made... My video editing skills are iffy at best. I might sit on that one until 50/90.

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    *Mr Burns voice* - "Excellent!" ;-)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    It may be within the next couple of hours. ;-)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    If I sent you the stems for Accidental Purpose, could your minions make use of them?

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comment! "A marching band on a rampage" is a great description of that song.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    COELACANTH turned out great!

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Sure use the cello tracks however you see fit!

  • @slightlydrunk  Feb 2022

    I wrote a whole story about Brian Eno telling people about your operation in a hushed voice at a party 11 years ago, but it somehow got deleted because I hid a love letter to you in there (it was in a different font). So yeah, I don't want to write it again, but I love your music and your operation, hope your technicians keep behaving!
    Oh, and thank you kindly for your comment! Rest assured, it will be well looked after in our level 2 archives.

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Yes please don't. I don't have enough alcohol in my system to deal with that. :-p

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022


  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    You know that religious saying "First was the Word"? That was me. And I was reading Man Myth and Magic as THE WORD. Before God.

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Please, I got you beat. I was FOUR years old when I was reading that Man Myth and Magic stuff. Well not reading but looking at the lovely satanic images. Which means I'm more psychotic than you.

  • @farmyardorchestra Feb 2022

    Thank you for your vivid portrait of the Unstoppable Farmer! It seems a bit lame to add that he has two or three bullets buried in that body that plods forwards in the furrows. Especially as those invading aliens you mentioned ripped off one of his arms. (The left one, luckily!)

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    Fake theremin! I think you’d love XTC if you don’t know many of their songs yet (I’m sure you know the radio hits). Lots of kinda weird songwriting wrapped up in pop.

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Go for it! Not A Stalker lyrics are CC BY, I'd love to hear your version of the song. Lyrics as they are or modified, changed, anything. :)

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Thanks! This is the thing that keeps us all awake when we would just want to sleep.

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Haha well of course you are! It’s just SO WONDERFULLY TWISTED. I though it must’ve been some classic relic from the past! Amazing job dude for realz, I’m now considering swapping you out with @silvermachine as my favourite fawmer :p

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    I do like the drilling holes metaphor. Let's hope they stop before the whole ship goes down at the head.

    Sadly I don't think that will happen. When people think they are fireproof they will play with gasoline and matches.

  • @atam94  Feb 2022

    Thanks again for the kind words on my ambient song! And yeah, Bella is sleeping under the blanket again haha. She does that during the daytime.

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Yeah, I saw; I think Sid Smith was the first one to post on Facebook, but pretty much my entire news feed there has been photos of him today. He was much loved. Very sad. End of an era, in a way.

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    Haha, Yep! The book is Man Myth and Magic (it's a whole set). My dad was into occultism (was part of the Rosicrucians in South America) and bought the books - ended up hating them (felt most of the info was rubbish) but kept them. Loved looking at the artwork.
    And as much as we appreciate being voted for the best werewolf track, that actually belongs to Duck Sauce's Big Bad Wolf.

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Thanks for stopping by on Suck it up, appreciate it. If you want to collab let me know. Got a few bent and twisted ideas lying around....

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I love it! :-D

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    If you've got time, you're gonna love this song by @apertome:


    See You In The Shadows…

  • @farmyardorchestra Feb 2022

    Your condolences for my poor duck is very much appreciated! You are welcome to use the dirge whenever you have tired of looking at that duck skull you are looking at and decided to give it a proper burial! No criticism intended. :-)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I won't be able to sleep now... :-D

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I'll crank up the Rumbusculating Trunnion Pump here in the Castle and get them spewed out as WAV files for you. :-) Expect a link shortly. :-)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Thankee kindly, sirrah. :-)
    May I interest you in the stems for that experimental track? I'd love to hear what additional oddness Fuzzy Sound Labs could wreak on this one. ;-)

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    It might come together in an apparently random but in fact entirely deterministic manner.! I dunno, I need to think about what I could give you, I guess?

  • @silvermachine Feb 2022

    Thank you for being so enthusiastic about my latest song, it means a lot.
    It's midnight here, I will come back tomorrow and catch up with your songs.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Ah yes! Thanks! I haven't been by there yet this year, I think I only have the other couple of accounts on my watchlist lol.

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Let's collab and use vocoders.

  • @postcardhelicopters  Feb 2022

    @kable @fuzzy - just dropping by to say it looks like I won't be available for that triple-collab we discussed. I know I offered a framework for the collab, but I wanted to say please don't feel compelled to stick to that plan since I won't be able to join. Again, my apologies.

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Oh that’s feckin rich. I’d like to know what all those fucking eels were saying yesterday!

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    MY DUST Fuzzy. EAT MY DUST!!

  • @petemurphy  Feb 2022

    Hiya Fuzzy, I've got something half done for your "I Spy" piece. I'll try to get a listenable rough demo finished and sent to you tonight. If not, it will likely be tomorrow.

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    thanks for your comment on Es ist Herbst. My instrument is a westafrican pentatonic harp...well sometimes I change some tones ;-)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    I was probably at a Lollapalooza around the same time. Though I don't remember if I saw Ministry there, or somewhere else around the same year(s) I only remember Sonic Youth from the Lollapalooza for sure, but I have seen Ministry as well before and they did the same thing with the strobe lights.