Nick Worthington 14


Durham, NC US   Jan 2022  

Artist Bio

Influences:   The Vandals, The Queers, NOFX

I'm writing punk songs and making demos on my ipad.


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  • @potentialspam  Feb 2022

    Thx for the listen. Good stuff here!

  • @princesssavania Feb 2022

    thanks for checking out my song! hope you're having a great FAWM!

  • @robheron1  Feb 2022

    I like all this stuff! Working well for you.

  • @artie  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks so much for your comments as well. And yeah, I just kinda Really cool to meet another huge Descendents fan.

  • @artie  Feb 2022

    Yoooo I just checked your video for Spousage. First of ALL, love the name. Second of ALL, so f*k'n funny! And very relatable. Got a kick outta seeing the Marc Maron poster as well.

  • @tomslatter Feb 2022

    You're welcome. There's a saying 'good artists borrow, great artists steal,' which appropriately enough I have seen attributed to at least three different people. Originality is definitely overrated. :-)

  • @caitlin Feb 2022

    Mr T Experience, what a compliment! Thanks for stopping by to have a listen to Trendy Girl, it means a lot.

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Welcome! throw those iPad versions at us as they arrive! Detailed production can wait!