Artist Bio

This is a new account, but I've been FAWMing since 2014. I play an unusual instrument called a bowed psaltery; other than that and occasional improvised percussion, anything you hear on my songs is probably a synth.

My project this year is a concept album inspired by 'Natural History of the Othern Sea', a fictitious book (somewhat based on Pliny the Elder's Natural History) about a fictitious region.


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  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    I've recorded the parts (lo-fi) but need a bit of time to DAW-arrange, so might be another day before it's up.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    "A song is for the living." I give up. I would like to put up a quick collab on this, if you want: lo-fi but okay. If interested, put me up as a collab on the song and I can post. No lyric changes, song is as suggested in my comment.

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    hey - quick hi, hope you're good! :)