Liz Frencham 22


Trentham AU   Jan 2014  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Joni Mitchell, The Beatles, Punch Brothers, Radiohead, Glen Hansard, Fleetwood Mac, Steve Lawson, Richard Thompson, Suzanne Vega, Edgar Meyer, James Taylor, Billie Holiday, Iron & Wine, Lake Street Dive, Ani DiFranco, Carole King, Ami Winehouse, Alison Krauss, Chris Thile, Sufjan Stevens, Ben Folds, Kate Bush, Doc Watson, Clare Bowditch, Neil Finn, John Hartford, Tuck & Patti, Jobim, Melody Gardot, Don Mac Glashan, Harry Connick Jnr, Dougie Maclean, Fionn Regan, John Martyn, Jonathan Coulton, Vince Jones, Madeleine Peyroux, Bjork, Stevie Wonder, Leonard Cohen, Lucie Thorne, P J Wolf, Nat King Cole, Sting, The Police, John Cleary, Parliament, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Chet Baker, Paul Kelly, Queen, Carl Pannuzzo, Anáis Mitchell, Scott Cook...

I'm a singer/double bassist who is transitioning out of a full-time touring career into voice teaching. I live in a small falling down house in a cute little rural town in Central Victoria Australia with my patient and talented husband. I make a living from music and if you like it enough to encourage me not to give up and get a day job then I invite you to show your support at
I have no ambitions to do my own mixes, I like the playing, writing and producing part but I pay someone else to mix things if I want to release them professionally. For me FAWM is about the writing only and demos are just there to paint a rough sketch.
FAWM 2022 Diary
Depression and anxiety have been my constant companions over the last 12 months and I guess I shouldn’t have expected it to dissolve with the first day of FAWM. It may be a while before I post something but it WILL happen. :)

It’s been a terrible first week for FAWM, depression, insane amounts of work interrupting me. But this seems to happen every year and I have found some time in the cracks to get started even though I haven’t had time yet to record anything. Tomorrow I think I have a four hour window. Maybe get two songs up by the end of the day and I’ll be caught up?

This is dire! I just don’t have the energy this year but I HAVE finished a song. I will attempt to get it recorded today. I also have some collab to work on. Maybe that will help.

Oh wow... It feels so good to have a song up at last, and even better it's a song I really like. For the rest of the weekend I'll be working on collabs and some overdubs so the pressure has eased off a little and I think I'm actually having some fun now. :)

Just relentless commitments until I drop each day. I’ve had time to work on some collabs but they have all stalled once it’s time to start recording and editing my ideas. That requires real focus and energy and I’m struggling to harness that. But I haven’t given up. I’m going to send out some smaller snippets to potential collaborators today and see if I can start a snowball effect in any direction.

Offering to collab with a whole bunch of folks is going to keep me working ‘til the bell and I’m grateful. It means no more of my ‘own’ songs (written for myself as a performer) but that’s fine. I’m hoping I will have a strong desire to continue writing in March for that reason. I don’t think I’ll make 14 this year but if I finish all the collabs it COULD happen.

Well I’ve worked like an insane person over the weekend but I still have 6 incomplete songs that I’m not ready to let go of yet. I may FAWM INTO March just a little this year which seems fair considering my late start. So nice to see that little trophy icon!!


1. I’m a hopeless collaborator. Ask @zecoop! I’m text book ADHD. I have all the enthusiasm and intention but even if it’s my idea I may not get around to it in my limited time and I’m unlikely to pursue anything into March for my own mental health’s sake. So don’t get attached to me finishing something and say ‘no’ if I approach you, if it means you may get offended at my inability to complete.

2. I may drop out of contact due to touring weekend availability and internet access. Sorry!

3. Please don’t take lyrics/music I’ve posted and use them in your art without consulting me. This happened with a lyric of mine once and it shut me down me from finishing it myself and kinda upset me a little. If I don’t have a plan for something I’ll usually make that clear in my description. Yeah, I’m a bit precious. But this is my stuff and it takes vulnerability and trust to even share it with you before it’s finished.

4. If we do something together let’s keep talking. I’m open to everything that is polite and respectful. Any co-writes we may want to take further than February we can talk percentages and registration with performance and mechanical rights organisations when that becomes a thing.

Songs (22)

#1 Make It Rain 52
Feb 2022
#2 Nothing For Me 22
Feb 2022
#3 Faith In Change @tan482  8
Feb 2022
#4 Suck It Up, Buttercup @petemurphy  17
Feb 2022
#5 The First Step @guatecoop  24
Feb 2022
#6 Oxygen Thief @zecoop  30
Feb 2022
#7 At The Seams @wobbiewobbit  15
Feb 2022
#8 Clumsy @metalfoot  12
Feb 2022
#9 They Would Sing Together (Collab with @kahlo2013, @cleanshoes @sorby69 @fearlessflight2014) @sorby69  1
Feb 2022
#10 Somebody Else @zecoop  20
Feb 2022
#11 Treading On Me 8
Feb 2022
#12 Under Mongolian Skies - alt acapella version @mahtowin  12
Feb 2022
#13 The Radio Springs Hotel 12
Feb 2022
#14 Cut Wood Carry Water (Mrs guatecoop on vocals, too!) @guatecoop  18
Feb 2022
#15 This Invisible String @gilhari  12
Feb 2022
#16 Breathe @zecoop  ZONG
Feb 2022
#17 The Red Dress @leepat  21
Feb 2022
#18 Teaching Carys ZONG
Feb 2022
#19 Sunny Day 13
Feb 2022
#20 Missing You @timfatchen  24
Feb 2022
#21 Bring You Back @hamiltonpoolhall  18
Feb 2022
#22 Rainy Days @mrgee1952  19
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot! Which name shall I mention in the credits?

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    I am so impressed of your version of "Mongolian skies", I would like to experiment and add some music. Do you allow me to do that? Without commercial intention or business - just for fun and to upload it on my SoundCloud account when it is ready (which will take a while, because I am busy and no professional musician :-) ). it would be a great honor to me to work with your wonderful vocals! And of course I am gonna mention your name in the credits. Is this ok for you?

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    These are actually selling much better than I expected.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    I will continue songwriting but for me FAWM is not what it used to be, and I’m not who I used to be either. I think it’s time for me to turn the page perhaps. We shall see. Here in the northern hemisphere, February comes at a time when we are tired of winter and it is a diversion to look forward to. However, I moved from Michigan to Colorado in 2014, and winter here is rather enjoyable so there isn’t this pent up desire to write like I had in Michigan. My goals have changed significantly from meeting the challenge, to collaborating with those whose past work I admire. This isn’t meant to put pressure on you. I was blessed to have Tomas “Old Lost John” take a set of my lyrics and put them to music and sing them. That was a blessing. A few years ago Ft. Elmfield did the same for me and it was a sort of life changing experience. The quantity push inside of me just died. Steve Guiles fired up a passion and talent I didn’t know that I had; drawing. I find it also creatively magical, and significantly satisfying. Also macro photography has become a source of creative energy for me. Hit me up if you might need some album artwork. Here’s a drawing I made that I recently started selling as a t-shirt.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Enjoy the festival. Let’s work something up before FAWM 2023 of that works for you. I don’t know if I’m going to do another FAWM. This was my 15th or 16th and I just don’t have the energy for it for all the late nights.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Liz, it looks like you ran out of placeholders!!! If you did record something I would love to hear it. It’s an honor that you even accepted the idea of a collaboration with me.

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you for listening and leaving such kind comments on my pieces "A Doomed Love" and "Disintegration". I appreciate it.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot to listen to one of my heavier songs, Liz! It's not a collab yet, I did everything on my own with MIDI programming and recording some rough vocals. We will re-record this song with real instruments, as soon as I find a vocalist who can nail these techniques. I'm more into composition and production - Performance is my weakness.

    I enjoyed my dive into your profile and hope that I find some time to listen to more songs of you!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    By the way, I didn't make Bring You Back downloadable because I didn't know how you felt about that. Let me know if you want me to change that status.

  • @richaaaay  Mar 2022

    Hi Liz, you game for some #tit4tat? If so, I’d love to have you listen to some of my collaborations with Serene.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thank you, Liz :) I've really appreciated your thoughtful comments!!

  • @cts  Mar 2022

    Can’t do keto when the Jellyman is in the house!! Thank you so much for listening!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    of COURSE I like the song!!! But I'm not going to zongbust your/my song!!! You've worked wonders again; that lyric is absolutely right.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    You worry too much Liz!

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    the invisible string. i see now i had posted my comment on your soundboard by mistake.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    Ha! Stoner vibe? When you get to "The Wasted Youth That Should Have Been Mine," all will become clear :-).

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    an awestruck voice inhabits and elucidates this mysteriously evocative. lyric. as i listen, i feel like i am walking the path around walden pond, voices driftiing melodiously from trees.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    You’ve beaten me to the binge!! But I have one planned…

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Hi Liz! I'd love to have you listen to this song for #Tit4Tat since it was inspired by your poetry of the day challenge.

  • @netnoise Mar 2022

    Hey Liz. It's great to see you had a successful and happy FAWM. I'm looking forward to listening to all of your recordings. I would subscribe to a daily feed of you playing double-bass and singing the news headlines. :-)

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    I’m really happy for you that FAWM has ended with a Liz that seems in a better place….like you got filled up… like you needed it. Very nice to see.

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Not really 29….I post the ones with new vocals so they get the attention they deserve, rather than just updating my instrumental. Probably more like 20 if I’m guessing. Soooo, yeah I’m pretty positive about the oxygen thief. Haha. I’m not sorry that I missed that—I ducked out. No whiff or sight since, but we all know that there is no monopoly on that sort of thing…..hehe. I’ll be there tonight for sure.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Liz, are any of those placeholders for me?

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Well, look at YOU!!! You did just fine, though I'm sure that it didn't feel like it....I hope that you are pleased and/or surprised by the results! I'm going to dig in and listen now....

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    I thought that might have happened! But I was in such a rush to get it posted. I'll check and repost if necessary!

    -- you are, of course, totally correct about that. Re-running the mix and posting ASAP.

    --new version posted!!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Posted!! Let me know if you have any mix thoughts/tweaks. I think we can re-upload beyond tonight if necessary?

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    HOLY COW!!! These are amazing...

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of your tech hassles! Nothing kills the creative buzz like misbehaving software! But I'm thrilled you liked the tracks and am so looking forward to hearing what you've added! I'm about to download them now and get a mix going. Should I just post on my end when I'm done?

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    See your normal email Liz. You'll need to put up a locked collab because I realised the second author cant do anything if the original poster has locked it! And you may want to change the title too dependent on your lyrics/approach. Putting up a [PIANO VERSION] with a different piano on mine.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Vocals anywhere you like :-). I basically just wrote/sang two verses and the rest is wide open. It could just be instrumental but I feel like there's space for some kind of variation/harmonization/abstraction of the existing verses into some kind of refrain but if that is too vague or lazy of me let me know!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Upon reflection, I felt like my posted electric guitar part was stepping all over your nonpareil bass line – hardly very conversational, so I have uploaded an alternative electric guitar part, plus more of an accompaniment part on National. I'm imagining National and electric panned hard left/right but who knows. Also, the National track is pretty noisy - foot taps and headphone bleed. But it's day 27...

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Ye gods! I forgot! I'll put the snippet up locked with both of us on it to ensure that it doesn't fall off and try to get it out today to you...

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Congrats on the win!!

    I've uploaded a vocal stem and guitar stem. The guitar could be...too busy on the back end. But that could be a mix thing. There are basically two verses, and that's it. When the toms come in, I tried a sort of vocal riff of repeating the line "I want to bring you back" but it sounded kind of dorky when I did it. I'm thinking it would sound pretty awesome if *you* did it, but just left wide open space for you to try whatever you like after the two verses are done. It could also just remain instrumental from that point on. I want to take another crack at a guitar part that leaves more space on the back half, but need to step away from it for now so I don't just keep playing the same things over and over. Feel free to finalize and post on your end, or send back to me to do so on Monday. Whew!

  • @ductapeguy  Feb 2022

    Yay FAWMwinner!

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Looks like you got your 14 this year Liz! Glad to have been a tiny part of it.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Excellent :-). Well, I had to leave the studio earlier than I'd planned this afternoon and I was still working on a guitar part, but lyrics and main vocal are as done as FAWM permits so I should have something over to you tomorrow. Since I'm not sure if you're ahead or behind me that may leave you down to the wire on the last day, for which I apologize! Stay tuned for further the developments, but it has been SO FUN working with this absolutely stellar groove – I'm trying to leave as much space as possible for what's already there to shine through :-).

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    So sorry, I got an involved phone call just as I was checking through the bass before exporting. But you should have an email now with a link to a google drive folder.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Haha….I just sent you an email! I will have it up shortly after I get the files. Thank you so much!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Also - if I get lyrics/vocal/guitar part together, any chance you'll have time left to add some harmonies?

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    perfect! Thanks (and, uh, good morning! It's grey, cold and late afternoon here :-)

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    I love what you sent!! Do you want me to use that drum track (it's pretty cool!) , or is it there just as an idea of how the bass line sits in the groove?

    Also, if you have a moment, I'd love to know the bpm...

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Absolutely you have license to do whatever you wish… Your changes you sent via email are welcome and lovely…
    They improve the flow quite nicely. I am really looking forward to hearing someone else’s interpretation of my lyrics… it’s a first for me.

  • @tan482  Feb 2022

    Awww thanks! Would LOVE you to add some bass and harmonies!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Yes!! I’m hoping to get into the studio for a bit tomorrow and am looking forward to checking out what you’ve shared!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Ahhhh, I can totally understand that. Well I hope that she does it tonight

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    When I say no worries, I really do mean no reason or cause for worries at all! Michelle might do vocals tonight, but she may not….really no problem

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    I would need to have the raw tracks (instruments) to mix with your vocals to help it along!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    It came out so well! Feel free to post a song on your page, and say it was a collab with @sorby69. I can't put more than one person on as a collaborator here, and I'd love for you to all get credit!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Just got it! Whatever you can do it awesome! I'll now have to put them all together and add my part. I should be able to get it done by this weekend! Yay!

    Thanks so much!

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    cheers Liz, whatever happens. i’m good either way :)

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey again....It seems as though I can also relate to you in that other stressors and challenges exacerbate my management of ADHD. I, along with everyone around me, can tell when the stress, emotion, and challenge has reached a boiling point. I end up feeling like I am coming apart at the seams. What I mean by blessing is that 1. I never get bored. I don't even know what that is like and am grateful that I don't. 2. My mind comes up with ideas in all directions and in unpredictable ways. This makes me someone who is a good problem solver and very creative, as long as I don't get too lost in the weeds with too many ideas and thoughts. And 3. I am not the hyperactive type, but I do have energy to spare and can do many tasks and jumping from task to task doesn't typically bother me--my wife loves that one because she really doesn't like crusing around with a lot of errands. Those are just a few off of the top of my head. There are definitely drawbacks and challenges, too....

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Awesome! Thanks. I know you've got a lot going on, so it's okay if we needed to switch someone else in, but I'm so glad you're doing it!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey Liz! Sure that would be great. Michelle is going to do vocals tonight or tomorrow. We've got LOADS of time, right? Hahaha. By the way, your vocal on The First Step is absolutely wonderful. Beautiful, soaring in some places, descending in others....just so lovely. Additionally, I think that you know that I can relate directly with your experience with ADHD. It absolutely can be a blessing and strength, but that takes time to work out how we do that. Where you are now I have certainly been and I felt like there was something really wrong with my wiring. As it turns out, it can certainly be a challenge and definitely detrimental, but it ends up being a tremendous advantage and I am glad that I am not so regimented and structured all of the time--I've managed to be able to function in that way when I need to, but is work to do so. I hope that makes sense. Thank you so very much. Your honesty regarding your struggles has been beneficial to many people this FAWM. Very well done.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    @fearlessflight2014 Seems like it's your turn to record your harmony. When you're done, send it along to me so that I can record my harmony and stitch it together. Thanks!

  • @cleanshoes  Feb 2022

    I just replied to the Harmony Singers group email with my track. @sorby69 is next, but I want to make sure you get it too. Let me know if it got through, and if not I'll resend it!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Liz, I did send it to the email address you mentioned on my board, and I got it from here. I'll send it again

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Just sent you an email with info on the Harmony Singers Challenge.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I saw and I am willing to work on it for sure, I just have about 4 other collabs in the queue ahead of it at the moment. THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of me, Liz. <3

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    okay will do a cleanup tomorrow. and send severals by email rpobably Sunday. Time? yes, always a problem. My conscience keeps biting me...

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    HopefulOptimistic? something along these lines? ot is that to pedestrian/poppy a chord sequence?

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    A) I’m delighted to have made you laugh out loud; there is no higher praise in my book.
    B) oh wait, yes there is: allusions to Mark Knopfler. Thanks for the very kind comment about making something new out of old bones.
    C) YES PLEASE send baselines; I would LOVE to get outside my own head and my own default grooves and working on something of yours sounds like just the ticket.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    yesyesyes piano for you! wishlist please! adjectives dark/bright/melancholy/upbeat/snide/etc etc (I now know not to fool with erratic time signatures!!)

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    I really enjoyed your bio btw… I can relate. @zecoop must be drawn to the adhd crowd… lol? And thank you for your kind review, it means a lot.

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Liz, I would love it if you set some music to "This invisible String"... let me know, I am looking forward to hearing your interpretation...

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Liz I didn’t hear back from you as to if a co write is too much pressure. I miss your songs!!!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey Liz, you were exactly right about the vulnerability piece in my Friendship Lost song. I’m glad that came through. I think that there is something hollow in songs that just exude anger. It’s probably my counselor brain, but maybe not. I do believe that anger is a secondary emotion and only sits atop others—not being able to exist without the foundational feelings. For me, anger happens (rarely) when I haven’t addressed the primary feelings, though there are occasions when the process of building the foundation of feelings that lead to anger happens quickly. Thanks for the listen and comment!

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    Hi Liz, yes, I was going to do sth like that. Or a lyric? Give me a few days.

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    I'm happy either way. If you have lyrics lying around, by all means pop them over!

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Yes please! At your service.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Oh Liz, you should know that you can do WHATEVER you want….I would be thrilled, like I am every time.

  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    Hiya, yes of course. It’s downloadable so you can either help yourself, or if you want it in WAV, let me know and I’ll send it to you. It’s not 100% in time as I threw it down quick, but feel free to have fun with it. :-)

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Liz thank you for taking time to listen to my song about Penny, my office mate Portuguese Water Dog.

    I have just read your bio update.

    Your livestreams were some light to me in 2020. Inspirational is a weak word but they were a hopeful example to me that humanity itself could take some thing dark and poke holes through its veil to let light shine through. Thank you for that. Later in 2020 I decided to quit Facebook outright because of my urge to prove others wrong. I really don’t miss it except for the kind of joy that people like you can bring. Like the stars in Starry Night. Speaking of which if our collaboration feels like a weight instead of hope then by all means drop the weight! I will not be offended. And I understand entirely. I’ve given myself plenty of space this FAWM to drop the weight of 14 and just let what happens happen. Even desiring to let lyrics go to others is a weight release of sorts.

    You are in my prayers.

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment on Wild Iron! So good to hear from you again. I hope to see some classic Liz Frencham tunes this month! Working through the dross is a drag, right? I honestly wasn't expecting to participate this year but a knee injury has given me lots of extra downtime and it's been nice to write again. I'm rooting for you!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    I got a late start myself this year too, though admittedly essentially due to the busy-ness part, and I would never wish to be glib about the anxiety and depression part. But I did get a solid piece of advice from Ms. Poolhall around day 4 to not try and write something perfect and amazing, just something, which kind of cracked me open enough to finally start.

    Purely from an enlightened self-interest point of view, I'll say I'd enjoy just about anything you ultimately post, including that 90-second solo bass free jazz space opera I know you've got lurking inside you....

    Thanks so much for the commentary on my first couple songs – pointed, succinct and encouraging, as ever. YES, of course, I would love to work on something! And love what you do just as much. Maybe figure out a way to actually write/play/sing on something together? But happy to approach it in any way that could help you crack the code this February.

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Would love to, Liz. Do you have a direction in mind? (And don't beat yourself up over the slow start - I think the whole Victorian FAWM brigade is running on empty batteries after last year. Just good to see you here.)

  • @gregthehero Feb 2022

    hey Liz, just checking in to see if you're still interested in singing some harmonies? if so, I will (try to) start to write something suitable and demo it. & no pressure, re: your philosophy above. when the time is right, how should I contact you, the email above? thanks, rock on!

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Working title I have is Maybe You Are Cezanne

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Sent via email!

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    I used your connect form from your website

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Sent you lyrics for a collab. If it doesn’t inspire, no worries.

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Hi, have a jolly February.

  • @netnoise Jan 2022

    Hi Liz. Great to see you here. I hope we get to collab. You have my avatar. :-P

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Hi Liz!! Have a wonderful FAWM! Can't wait to hear your music.

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Put in an order. What would you like? Mood? feel? Up? Down? fast?slow?romance?cycnicism? Send me a wishlist!

  • @pcob1993  Jan 2022

    Yo Liz, so great to see your name again. My beloved Mom died two days before Fawm last year; it blew me out of the water and the bits are still falling but I'm doing Fawm this year in her honour, come hell or high water.
    Let's rock Mama......

  • @gregthehero Jan 2022

    I was already watching you Liz, of course. Will be in touch about harmonies in feb : )

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Ah, glad you liked it! A collab would be great, can send through some noodling if that's easiest for you

  • @tan482  Jan 2022

    Hey Liz, ready to rock FAWM again this year?! xox

  • @robhowell  Jan 2022

    Hi Liz, I just heard Dirt Coloured Glasses, linked to from that forum post where everybody is introducing one of their songs.

    Your voice, playing and songwriting is fantastic! Hope you enjoy FAWM :)

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hope you can find that magical creativity that makes you feel whole, enjoy your FAWM!!

  • @cynthiawolff  Jan 2022

    Oh beautiful Liz...looking forward to hearing your mind blowing compositions...Luv all u do...xxc

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    I just saw your 'King of DIY' video (from the 'that isn't me' thread) and I have to say it's totally brilliant, amazing, and so damn funny! It just builds and builds and wow, that's just fantastic! Those 'shaving cream-style' rhymes at the end. lol! ('shaving cream' as you probably know, was a song from the 1950's or maybe even '40's where every time you thought he would say a certain four letter word, he 'd say 'shaving cream' instead) (and ps, and it goes without saying, welcome back and great to see you here again!!"

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hi Liz, thanks for reaching out on my forum post. I'd love to interview you. If it's alright, I'll flick you an email either later tonight or tomorrow with more details so we can arrange a time. Happy FAWM

  • @readerwriterpoet  Jan 2022

    hi! i saw you post about your love for gabriel kahane and that alone earned a follow! :) looking forward to hearing your songs!

  • @ajna1960  Jan 2022

    Hey Liz :) Looking forward to listening to your music again :) x

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    You just picked the title! Open Up the FAWMgates!

  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Yes, it's been a very weird time. I think of you often, always going that you're doing ok.

    And I would lurrrrrrve to collaborate on something. Yeah, I started feeling that I didn't really have anything fresh inside me when it came to the standard pop song structures, and these days I don't worry if a song is 10 seconds long or 10 minutes long, or if sections don't repeat, or if there's only one section that repeats 20 times, etc.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I hope you have a great FAWM! :)

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Hi Liz! Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaaack! Happy FAWMing and looking forward to your awesome music!

  • @wobbiewobbit  Jan 2022

    yay! Lizzzzz!!! good to see you. loved our collab last year. Saving lives! Yeah! hope you have a great fawm