faststrings 16


United States   Jan 2017

Artist Bio

No bio for this fawmer. :(

Songs (16)

#1 Billy Got Hit By A Deer! 1
Feb 2022
#2 Billy Got Hit By A Deer! @kanttila  16
Feb 2022
#3 Cindy Had A Blowout! 1
Feb 2022
#4 It Is A Long Journey! 1
Feb 2022
#5 Billy’s Got A Girlfriend! 2
Feb 2022
#6 Rain Rushes Down! 1
Feb 2022
#7 I’m Sweating Like I’m A Pepsi! 1
Feb 2022
#8 On The Icy Road! 1
Feb 2022
#9 Billy’s On The Icy Road! 1
Feb 2022
#10 Bobby Messed Up The Place! 1
Feb 2022
#11 Swimming The River! 1
Feb 2022
#12 Billy Ate The Apple Pie! 1
Feb 2022
#13 Billy Ran Over Bobby! 2
Feb 2022
#14 Daphne! 1
Feb 2022
#15 Daphne’s Original Morning! 1
Feb 2022
#16 Rose Died In The Cabin! 1
Feb 2022


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  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    ...and that minor modification keeps building your Billy and Cindy songbook!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments about my song :)

  • @emmasully19 Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my page! Loving Billy AND Cindy!

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    It's up! I hope you enjoy it :)

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Faststrings! Hey man, nice to see you back.

    I just saw your lyrics and had a melody right away, do you mind if I make a song out of them?