estebanlartigue 3


Chicago US   Feb 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   Pop rock latin ballad

in progress !

Born and Grew up in Mexico, moved to the USA in 2005.

in college I was into the song contests. trying to make a band for the festival etc etc

then i got a phase when I graduated when I wanted to be an opera singer. and took like 10 years of lessons. That took me to chicago I actually thought I was going to makeit :D :D :D :D

at some point i got tired of it and quit and re-took my song writing and trying to go to songwriting class and playing in open mics and with people of my school

now quarantined :D


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  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    If you're still around Esteban, any chance of sending me the Chords to this one?

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Thank you again for your collaboration! I appreciate it!!!!

  • @jorgevallentine Feb 2022

    Hi Esteban!

    Thanks for your comment on "It's Love, It's Always Love". I liked the strumming pattern that came out for it myself. I'm very rhythm driven when I write/play so I'm glad that's appreciated :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey Esteban,
    thanks for your nice comments! I'm glad you enjoyed my songs. When I tag songs with needs-collab I usually write the missing pieces into the song info. On "Dust" I had problems with the lyrics / phrasing of the verse. I'm interested in instrumentalists and singers to record my MIDI tracks for real. So if you're a drummer, bassist or guitarist, feel free to join. On this song, I'm looking for a female vocalist.

  • @themelgoexperience  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my first song. Happy FAWM!

  • @jorgevallentine Feb 2022

    Hey Esteban! Not sure if I'll do a Spanish song, but not a bad idea! Thanks for asking.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    "El Jefe"? = "The Boss" Springsteen

  • @fionna  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the interest in a collab!
    Please go ahead! My email is on my profile :)

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Hey!!! Thanks! That was quick!just got off work and had a chance to listen. Love the melody and how you make the chorus sparkle!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Thanks! Happy fawming to you as well!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your nice comment. Happy FAWM!

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    That would be awesome!!! Thanks! Liz

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hi from Milwaukee, Esteban!

    Looking forward to hearing what you do this year. If I ever get down to Chicago for an open mic or gig (which I'd definitely like to do sometime) maybe we can run into each other : )

    - Jorge

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Welcome back - Happy FAWMing!!