Erucae 14


Seattle US   Jan 2019  

Artist Bio

Influences:   The weather, the mountains, what I had for breakfast etc etc

FAWM 2022 is my 7th and I am stoked that it is that time of year again! Also happy many others are discovering FAWM as well.
Mainstream music generally leaves me cold, it does nothing except remind me that money talks (with the possible exception of some, like Billie Eillish.... her music is amazing, but she has an unconventional story that we can all relate to). I believe music should be by the people and for the people!

This year, 2022, I am making a pledge that I will try to not over-produce, and be a little more off-the-cuff and raw with my song-writing. OK, maybe a few will receive the full mixing and mastering treatment, but I really want to go back to basics if I can.

I have done this since FAWM 2015, initially under my real name and then I changed my FAWM account to my pseudonym 'Erucae Sounds', which is what David Bowie did, and it worked for him!

Gear used:
Electric and acoustic guitars, ukes, mandolins, keyboards, microphones, Apple computer, Logic Pro X and other electronic equipment.


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  • @kajati  Mar 2022

    Hey paul did you hear the mix ?

  • @mattoxic  Mar 2022

    Thanks heaps for the comments, and of course taking the time to listen.

    Feedback from you is high praise, and really appreciated.

  • @kajati  Mar 2022

    Here is another one I have going nowhere…

  • @kajati  Mar 2022

    Got them man thanks!
    Will do a mix this weekend, I’ll keep you posted

  • @kajati  Mar 2022

    Hi Paul,
    here is a folder you can upload the vocals and guitar to, or the whole logic project if you want to !

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    "Marvin" is me. I took great pleasure in coming up with a convincing signal chain to get "that" sound, mainly using Valhalla's free "FreqEcho" VST. And thanks for your comments, Paul - much appreciated, all of them.

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    You got it man but rest up you have a hard slog well go over it later in the week

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Oh man, you did it, that is wicked.
    How old are you exactly, I would say you spent your teens in the 70's? The lyrics to this are so, like you said prog rock. Spectacular solo work, I may have something to say about when certain parts come in etc, but nothing negative.
    Thank you for this gift !!

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    I haven't had that feeling of being a little boy waiting to open the present under the Xmas tree for a long time, that was the feeling I had as I pressed play on your version.
    I was so thoroughly surprised when your vocal came in, nothing like what I expected, not that i expected anything really, but it was amazing...
    I would never have thought of that melody, I was so stuck in a rut with the song, that I couldn't get out of it to create a vocal melody, so THANK YOU !!!
    I really enjoyed hearing what you did, and even though I think you could still add a little guitar flourish after the last verse and before the outro...but that is another story we can look at some other time that isn't the last day of Fawm.
    Thanks Paul, awesome work
    So please go ahead and publish I think it is great !!
    Thank you too for doing this collaboration, I really enjoy the fact that I can play with more people, would love to create an international community of collaborators to work on stuff together, which is what I tried to do with Logistic services.

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Man you use logic that’s great ! I can just share a logic file then you can open it straight up. I work like this with Matt in melbourne, makes it dead simple

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Oh man that would be awesome do you want the wave file ?
    Here you go !! Do I need to send you anything else??

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Ah, the joy of freedom from work. mind you, you must have played your whole life right just to stay in shape. That is some story there Paul, Jag to GM to Boeing and Seattle! Nice final destination. I was there in 2015. I have spent the last 28 years of my life setting up and running our company with my life partner. We work with wood veneer and lighting. and we have done work in Seattle actually and have an agent there.

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Do you remember the collab you did with us last year after fawm?
    Don't know if you ever heard it, I was particularly overtaken with work and not sure if I got back to you and that wonderful piece of guitar work you laid down.

  • @jcameron Feb 2022

    Well, in neoclassical metal ripping off Bach is kind of the point! (and when I say ripping off ... that intro section where the lead guitar first comes in? It's just the first 4 bars of Bach's Mass in B Minor.) I'm kind of rusty on the crazy keyboard shredding thing though, I need to practise more. Or, indeed, at all ...

  • @melaniepegge Feb 2022

    Thanks for your encouraging words!

  • @tuesdaygray Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comments!!

  • @mctown Feb 2022

    Great sounds. mctown

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for being nice about Cherry Pie Smoothie - I just really like trying to do things with McTown's words - he's such a chameleon. It is really fun. Sleazy is what I was going for, so mission accomplished!

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment there on shin bone.

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    Thanks! It's EZDrummer, using my Alesis kit as a trigger. Drumming is so much fun :D

  • @gm7  Feb 2022 was a fun song to do...but I am pissed I had to spit out my gum!!!
    here is a link to the pedal... maybe 15yrs ..old now

  • @caitlin Feb 2022

    Glad to see you back again this year!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Im not a techo expert but I'm pretty good in a DAW. Most work is through my Akai midi and Mdc beats. In the Daw i have lots of plugins and presets, which i have built with trial and error, lots if finalisers and then a mastering tool.

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Yeah ! Same back at you there Paul, look forward to hearing your stuff!

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022

    Hiya Paul - happy FAWming to you too!

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022