emkeev 15


19713 US   Feb 2010


Artist Bio

It's been complicated. I took time to handle my shit, and I was promptly rewarded with more shit. Now I'm angry at the shit, and I've decided to throw as much extra weight overboard so I can sail this holey ship to 14 songs. I will count no calories. I will run no miles. I will answer only work related inquiries. I will order takeout and let the dishes pile up. The cat hair may consume us all, the laundry may overflow, and we may be wearing third-string backup underwear by March 1. The songs may suck a whole hell of a lot. But God dammit. I will write 14 songs, and I will not let the shit take that away from me.

2/21 -- I did enough housekeeping to clean space off my soundcloud, repost the three songs I started with, I've got two songs written just to knock the rust off, and now I'm ready to rock the rest of this.

Apparently I'm headed in the NSFW/profane/angsty/political direction this year, so, sorry if that's not really what you want to hear. Hell, I don't even want to hear it most of the time. It's just what needs to get written.

2/27 - today is my birthday - maybe I'll get one written, but definitely two on Monday if not. Feeling much better.

2/28 - welp, I did it. I guess tomorrow I have to take a shower and clean the house.
