Elliott Lawrence 3


Seattle US   Oct 2014

Artist Bio

Influences:   Tori Amos, Washed Out, Nils Frahm, Liz Story, Sarah McLachlan and pretty much anything dark and sad

I'm a software engineer who plays piano in my free time (i.e. when I should be sleeping).

This will be FAWM #8 for me. :D

I've written 8 albums so far, which you can listen to at the links above:
1. Places in the Grove (2014)
2. Next Time For Sure (FAWM 2015)
3. Paw (2015)
4. I Just Want to Graduate (FAWM 2016)
5. Weights (FAWM 2017)
6. Resolutions (FAWM 2018)
7. Let's Just Get This Over With (FAWM 2019)
8. Closure (FAWM 2021)

I usually try to leave a comment for everyone who takes the time to listen to my music, but if I don't get around to it for some reason, thank you so much for stopping by!

Songs (3)
