Beto 31


Bodega Bay US   Jan 2016  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Tycho, Boards of Canada, Sylvan Esso, Elis Regina, Emancipator, Beatles, Manatee Commune, Ibeyi, Evenings, Vallis Alps, J. S. Bach, Radiohead.

I've been making music on-and-off my whole life, and for the past 8 years I started to produce regularly. I like using vintage equipment, open source software and cheap gear in my tracks.

I'm open to collaborations, hit me up!


The Three Laws of Art:

1. Create: the worst it can do is suck.
2. Create again: bad art happens to good artists.
3. Just create: art is cheaper than therapy.


The name Elesimo means 11th in a made up language. I play in a one-person band called "The Fishermen & the Priestess".

Pronouns: they/them


Goals for this FAWM:

[x] The First Fruits Challenge (
[x] Ukulele Challenge on Feb 2nd (
[x] The Collapse Challenge (
[x] The Fuzz Challenge (
[x] The Random Collaboration Challenge (
[x] The Avatar Challenge (
[x] 1 #slothcore song (
[x] 4 collabs in the Annual 4-Track Cassette Challenge (
[x] 2 songs for the Fake Genre Challenge ( #whyfi and #tetragloth
[x] The 4-Video Challenge (
[x] The Fake Band Challenge (
[-] The Twin Avatar Challenge (
[-] 1 song with my co-workers

Songs (31)

#1 Godspeed giant ball of flame 35
Feb 2022
#2 Dreams for two 19
Feb 2022
#3 How does it feel? 25
Feb 2022
#4 The ghost in the machine 26
Feb 2022
#5 Tio 19
Feb 2022
#6 The ballad of Charlie Brown's mother 30
Feb 2022
#7 Hey, sister 42
Feb 2022
#8 Six Winds @mandolinda  19
Feb 2022
#9 Elephant cemetery 17
Feb 2022
#10 Jesus Guns Babies 11
Feb 2022
#11 Eleven Clouds Lost Whispers (4-Tack Tape 17) @cloudboy  1
Feb 2022
#12 Things Start to Melt @lstlvs 1
Feb 2022
#13 Robot Space Force Is Coming 1
Feb 2022
#14 The fortuneteller @chrisrauh 10
Feb 2022
#15 Rolling clouds 12
Feb 2022
#16 Hope brings rain brings hope 11
Feb 2022
#17 The Old God of Smoke Detection 10
Feb 2022
#18 So Many Times (4-track tape 1) @eargoggle  1
Feb 2022
#19 Unsettled Scores @heuristicsinc  4
Feb 2022
#20 Craig made me do it 7
Feb 2022
#21 Fireflies 6
Feb 2022
#22 Hope Brings Rain (when brings like) @bachelorb  7
Feb 2022
#23 Beto 4
Feb 2022
#24 Hope Brings Rain Brings Hope @rubberbandage  8
Feb 2022
#25 As big as the ocean @mikeskliar  9
Feb 2022
#26 Tape 4 placeholder @erbaer  ZONG
Feb 2022
#27 Slave to the Machine @jayjay  13
Feb 2022
#28 bookworm @zeekle1998  2
Feb 2022
#29 Trip to Bucharest 2
Feb 2022
#30 I'm not a good person 18
Feb 2022
#31 Feature request 6
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @seppo Mar 2022

    Thanks dude :)
    That's pretty much how all my songs materialise. I never know what I'm gonna do until it's suddenly done.
    Planning isn't my thing, pure hip shots :)

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    I have 6 sales of my t shirt that aren’t me buying my own or buying one for my sister.

    I got a lot of interest on athe live sound subreddit where I posted a photo of me wearing my sample I bought and within an hour there were three different fakes posted for sale that were cropped from my photo!!! Did you run into that problem and if so, how did you fix the issue?

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    hey hey belated thanks for listening to "No One Else to Blame!" You rocked it this FAWM! Love your Three Laws, so true!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "Take The Black". I'm glad you enjoyed and yes it's just the beginning. During FAWM I only upload sketches and try to find people to record these songs for real. The most interesting part will happen throughout the year. My producer heart can't leave songs like they were uploaded here! There is too much potential I can carve out with good instrumentalists, singers and a proper mix.

  • @fourzeroes Mar 2022

    Cheers. He's the singer here:

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    I'm sure the chemists who name elements have no idea who I am but that's kind!

  • @tuneslayer  Mar 2022

    Thank you for giving "Same Time Last Year" a listen. I threw it together at literally almost the last minute (End of Fawm - 6 hours) just before I went to sleep for the night. It turned out pretty good for all that.

    And while I'm at it, thank you for all the comments (and for introducing me to slothcore - I am thinking about putting up a slothcore EP when I get around to signing up at Bandcamp). I haven't managed to listen to all of your output yet but that's on my to-do list for March. And just to be clear, what I've heard, I liked.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Yeah I'll be around through March as well. I didn't do near enough listening yet myself, and it seems the quality of stuff is even better than it usually is. I guess we've all gotten a lot of practice the last few years.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Oh hahaha! It had such a convincing backstory I was gonna go check them out LOL. I had already written it on the list of bands to check out after fawm that I make every year!

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for much for you lovely comments on If I Could Change the World. Those lyrics are special to me. I am so happy you liked them. Ned brought them to life beautifully.

  • @soundcanvasuk Feb 2022

    Thanks for your very kind comment! And well done for making so many songs. I will have a listen :)

  • @alanonymous Feb 2022

    Thanks again for checking out and complimenting my tunes! I’ll follow you so I can find you post-FAWM

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hey that's ok - you were just one of several folks who drew my attention to the incongruence (publicly and privately) - and I decided I wanted to change it :) Thanks again

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hey Beto! Thanks for your nice words about our 4-track video challenge! And thanks for setting the challenge up - it was mega fun!

    On reflection I do think the whacky SnapChat video face jarred with the bleak/dark lyrics - so I've swapped it out for a different video of me singing. Cheers!

  • @jamkar Feb 2022

    Thank you for the the kind comments on “It’s Love”.And thank you for setting up and managing the 4 way videos!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Congrats on a great FAWM!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I had to laugh so hard on your comment about the doctor's appointment. Exactly the same happened to me! I've postponed everything to "somewhere after March... maybe." Priorities!!!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Need to go somewhere I can dial this right up :)

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    Just sent you an email (from my gmail account) about a last minute possible collab, btw...

  • @rubberbandage  Feb 2022

    Oh I’m so glad you liked it! Your lyrics were so beautifully evocative that the songwriting part was easy, though I hope I did them some justice without going too over the top, haha. What a honor and a treat to have this collab with you!

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind words on I miss you Mom.
    I'm putting Hope brings rain on my back burner since you have someone else making music. But its still simmering!
    And might boil over in the next few days!

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    thanks for the low pass filter tip. I'm not sure GarageBand has one, but I will look for it.
    I think a laptop and mixing headphones rather than ear buds are on the list for next year in the Rolling Truck Stones Thing.

  • @nancyrost  Feb 2022

    Re: Carioca Crunch, the context is a song/dance from the 1933 movie "Flying Down to Rio". I wasn't familiar either until CTS told me about it!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Wow Beto, you’ve been really busy!! I’d better get to listening….I will return shortly.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    i was so tired i cant remember who said what

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    A backup battery that isn't recharged by your house in an inaccessible spot? What a "marvelous" plan!

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    i think it was you who mentioned on zoom you were disappointed with kraftwerk live. i thought i had reviewed that tour but didnt know for sure so i kept my mouth shut, i searched the papers archives today and found i did. maybe you will be amused by this,

  • @burrsettles  Feb 2022

    i hear you on the dx7. i have a volca fm and often think of selling it, but it's so small and cheap it seems worth holding onto. fm synthesis in general is a little abrasive and "brittle" (?) to my ears, and yet there are some cool sounds. but the ROI of finding them is lower than some other synths...

    you have me wanting to pick up a microfreak! :)

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Excited too.
    Does anything here work for you?

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @elesimo we are matching in the random collab thread.
    Do you have time and if so want to discuss lyrics, prosody etc. You seem to cover off a lot of styles. Interesting listening to it :)

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    I am happy to report that I have received my teespring sample t shirt I designed and I love it! I’m so glad you turned me on to teespring! I don’t care if anyone else buys it! I love mine!

  • @bri4n  Feb 2022

    Grats on passing Track 14! And thank you for your comments on my near death by bus song ;) (no, was not a real situation, but thanks for the concern ;)

  • @andromedaann Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for commenting on my song!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Hah! I like Why-Fi ... quite a few of my songs are in that genre.

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Sometimes the technical aspects of the experiment do not match up with the expectations we have in our minds. It's too bad, The video sounds cool, but if you're not satisfied with it, I can certainly understand that. Don't stop experimenting tho!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @popmythology  Feb 2022

    I always appreciate your support and encouragement of my forever-beginner efforts! :)

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen to "Waltz of the Xenarthrans." I never heard the word either until I looked it up yesterday. FAWM is very educational.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Not all directly; you end up with transuranic elements which are built on other transuranic elements but yeah, playing with uranium is where it all starts!

  • @andygriff  Feb 2022

    Hey mate, not received anything from you via Bandcamp. Try [email protected] instead :)

  • @andygriff  Feb 2022

    Thanks for all the lovely comments!

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment and the heads up on the bandwidth, which is now fixed BTW.

  • @heuristicsinc  Feb 2022

    Nothing specific, just thought it would be nice to collaborate.

  • @heuristicsinc  Feb 2022

    Hey, we did an excellent song together last year, interested in doing another this year?

  • @jessespillane  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the nice comment :)

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    i finally got my head around it and did a slothcore - it was fun.

  • @andygriff  Feb 2022

    Sure thing on the challenge front sir - feel free to sling any stray lyrics my way, I seem to have written myself out a bit on that front!

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening to my music and for the kind words about my pieces "Returning Home from Market" and "Disintegration".

  • @songmistress Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my A Spell of Hope song

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for visiting my page and commenting. Here I am returning the compliment.

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    : ) Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment on my two most recent songs! Really means a lot to me.
    On that Valentine song... I know right!!! A skirmish! I can't believe how quickly that came to me but I kinda had a little help. I actually had someone say that to me earlier in the day... "do you have plans this weekend? A Valentine maybe?" It was just conversational but I guess it stuck in my head.

    And thanks for the kind words on "Planet and Moon" I was struggling with the recording because my equipment started acting up a little so thank you so much for the compliment on the production. There have been other positive comments on that "synthy" sound as well. You know... all it is, is just my semi-hollow on the neck pickup with a lot of reverb and my volume pedal swelling in and out.

    Thanks again! Muah!!!

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Sure, go for it, use Uprising Umbrellas for the Fake Band Challenge. Lol. I forgot I even came up with that name. I'm happy you like it and want to use it. I'll have to check back later and have a listen to what you create. :)

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Wow, thanks so much for your kind comments!

  • @trebled  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your very kind words about my songs - the two versions of Head First Into Heartache are, indeed, very different, which is why I felt justified in posting both as separate entries. And thanks for your observations on my forum post too - gonna stick with it and see how I feel at the end of the month. Thanks so much again! :-)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Mättërhörn. Glad you enjoy my 2 minutes of nonsense xD

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    ha ha thx it was your great idea to do put up that challenge! I now have an alter ego for ongoing 50/90s and Fawms yeah!

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Very funny. :)

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    I will not put up with conspiracy theories... even if they are true!! ;)

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment/listen on the bitcoin thing. Just got your tape (number 20) !

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    on your question on debilitating doubt _ i first heard it in a 1969 song by Peter Sarstedt called where do you go to my lovely - a song i still love. it was used like this "And you sip your Napoleon brandy
    But you never get your lips wet, no, you don't" and yes it means very classy nothing out of place"

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey Beto!
    I just wanted to stop by to say that I appreciate what you say and how you say it around here (forums and comments). You add a lot in many, very positive, ways. So, thanks!

  • @persaab Feb 2022

    thank you for your comment.

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Thank you for responding to the lyrics for That Crystal Ball. @carleybaer turned it into a living, breathing country song called Cut-Rate Crystal Ball.

  • @atam94  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to my soundscape! I want to catch up on some of your songs soon, as well.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Saúde! There's enough champagne!

  • @mal  Feb 2022

    Yay! : ) Thank you for the clarification. I very much like this genre.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for giving "Journey to Nairobi" a listen and for your very kind comments. I consider them high praise indeed.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Arms of Andromeda"! I'm really glad slothcore took off the way it did and that it has staying power since I ran out of time last year before I could dip my feet into the river of said genre.

  • @povosos  Feb 2022

    Thank you so so much for your feedback and comments to orchestral pieces. I'm ever grateful for that, and feel so happy for the fact that someone actually took the time to check all the songs.

    Song ended abruptly, because it was actually a middle part of bigger song. Here FAWM I need to split these 10-13minute pieces into smaller ones.

    Also thanks for the advice to always come here. I was wnodering why people do this, instead of commenting in that song they are talking about. So I usually came to soundboard, but then I figured that using @ would make replys visible for them as well. Apparently not.

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Thanks for saying nice stuff about our corpse Beto! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do another.

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    hey beto...thank you for adding hi biill its curtis to the recommended songs .thread. do you really live in bodega bay, where my favorite hitchcock picture was filmed?>

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    and.. I did the haunted banjo challenge as well! (also posted a thread about it in the forum)

  • @yam655  Feb 2022

    Did you have a thread or a tag for the Haunted Banjo?

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    You are so welcome. It was a pleasure to learn something of this culture in South America. I could almost hear the song first time I read it through. So beautiful. Thank you for trusting in me.

  • @quru Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Kevään ensimmäinen valonsäde! I wish I could play that in tune with Dvina for hours.

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    Hello, I am going to record your song today, Shall I post it when finished? Do you want to hear it before I post it? You could make up the page and just add me as collaborator, then I could post the song. What is your preference?

  • @beacon Feb 2022

    You certainly do know me! ;-)

  • @ryuu  Feb 2022

    re:your comment on "Untitled 1" - yes, Orca is used to send MIDI to the sample players (in this case, I used two different plugins - Spitfire LABS and DecentSampler). You can do all kinds of interesting stuff with MIDI CC messages, too.

  • @frozenlonesome  Feb 2022

    Glad you enjoyed Globemeter. The vocal samples are so rich, it’s a joy to craft songs with them.

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    ¿? Sulfur

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    So glad you were able to use that noise, frand!

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your feedback on funny little dance… it was a fun bit of thought acrobatics itself that brought those words to me… namely meta thinking about what I was doing in a tricky situation with a friend. Tried to keep it upbeat and fun though it’s origin is from the morass of my over thinking mind…

  • @atam94  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind words on My Whole Life, and the note on my soundboard made my morning. I love doing a combination of ambient and vocal projects, but the ambient ones are what got me to continue playing guitar until I felt like I was "good enough" to do vocal tracks, I guess. Anyway, I've been having a lot of fun using my voice this year, too.

  • @faceofeinstein Feb 2022

    Thank so much for the encouraging comment. Cheers.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ah thanks. Yes I’m kind of curious about as it looks very unusual? Will have to check out that pedal/effect!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    I just did screaming death metal on a skirmish and I blame you. ;-)

  • @alanonymous Feb 2022

    Hey nice octapad and hello neighbor!

  • @popmythology  Feb 2022

    Yeah, watch it, you'd love it!

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the nice comments today, all across my songs. I had some time to play with my mando today and came up with a tune for our collab. I think it will sound nice, kind of haunting feeling. IBut I have all my stuff packed up now to fly tomorrow. I will send a copy when I get home. Leaving you in suspense for a few days.

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    Good catch! (time to go yell at the editor)

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback, they are very beautiful words from Suzanne.

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    Thank you. I like the lyrics and am looking forward to making a song. Today I am packing up my temporary residence , getting COVID tests, pre flight things, and tomorrow I AM FLYING. Sunday will be a resting day, and getting back to living at home, with all my stuff. So I might not have a song ready until Monday.

  • @frozenlonesome  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked The Emerald Planet and thanks for listening!

  • @standup  Feb 2022

    Yeah, Patti and I both write from negative viewpoints pretty often. But I definitely make a point to tell her "This is not about us" if it's some dark thing.

  • @vivalarayna Feb 2022

    Lol, tbh, I'd throw the exes in there if I could. Thank goodness for long distance relationships??? Thanks for your kind and supportive comments!

  • @stevenwesleyguiles  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind words about my first song.
    I'm finding it easier and easier to talk about my "deconstruction" from faith and am slowly trying to figure out my place in this world apart from it...or my "new faith" in something else.

    I'm honored that you connected with it.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Obrigada! Maybe the pasta has been worth it. But next time I turn off the cooking plate instead of leaving it to 2... >_<

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind commen on "Diplomacy". I guess I was just in the right mood. I don't feel like a vocalist, autotune hates me, but I had plenty of fun!

    Edit: I'm glad my signature weirdness inspired you. I'll listen later. Busy composing and replying mails. Arrrgggh!

  • @frozenlonesome  Feb 2022

    Enjoy your Deluge. It’s a very deep machine and even after a couple of years, I feel I have barely scratched the surface of its capabilities.

    Glad you liked Creatures Of Peace!

  • @estebanlartigue Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback on ojitos color miel! I see u hace 3 now i need to catch up!!!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments! Ancient and Ageless might be a way to describe my music!