edzard 6


Michigan US   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   I try to write songs that sound like Television, and they end up sounding like the Surfaris. I think I'm doing a B-52's thing, and it ends up more like REM. Ditto for The Who. I don't know... We'll see what happens. Rock, Indie, Garage, New Wave, generally. My wife refers to it as "that surf-y stuff you do."

I play drums, bass, and guitar at a sort of garage-rock level of proficiency. I can even fake it on keys assuming that the song is either "I Wanna be Your Dog" or "96 Tears." I've never completed a song in my adult life outside of noodly instrumentals or noise experiments that don't go anywhere. Because... you know. The crippling anxiety, fear of failure, fear of being too derivative, etc. I'm here to get over that, just bang out some dumb songs (hopefully with some good bits) so that I don't die full of regret over never having had the guts to try.


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  • @edzard  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much! Excited and scared to try this. Only a week in, and it's already been a rollercoaster.

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!