dugganensis 18


Illinois US   Feb 2017


Artist Bio

Influences:   Beatles, Guided by Voices, Built to Spill, Boston

2022 is my 6th FAWM. I've been lone-wolfing it all this time, this year I'm comfortable enough to dabble in some collabs. Yay!



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  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment. Yes, it appears my studio is haunted by goats. :)

  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi Dug. Thanks for your kind words on "Good Girls..." I appreciate it.

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Thank you very much for your kind comment on "Good and bad girls"! I was very happy to read it...

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    As long as you don't mind, haha. The best way is for fourtracktape to post it, then the collabs linking to that would be track1/track2 and track3/track4 - but whatever people want to do (as long as we don't get more than one of the same song on fourtracktape) :P

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Sorry about having three versions of the same song - I tried explaining to the others that the four of you should split your collabs between all four. YOU were obviously the star of that song, haha. :)

  • @chinacat  Feb 2022

    I've got a good chunk of time on Wed and Thurs available, finishing up #18 is the priority (unlike the USPS).

  • @anthonykapfer666  Feb 2022

    dude, your stuff is great. not a weak track in this bunch. i wanted to let you know i tried out your idea for my “go to sleep” song. i have it the “february stars” treatment. i’ll have to show it to you. and i’m playing with the jingles one too. removing the gaps. it works real well. thanks for that feedback. you’re a master of your craft

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    Great I have emailed that through to you, let me know if you get it and if you can use it!

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    Hey I have a track that I think would really work well for our collaboration. Let me know where to send the link.

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    Aw man that's so funny you picked out "Get Dark" I think I may have "borrowed" part of the bridge melody from "Big Boring Wedding" for that one but don't tell anyone.

    OK well if one of my ideas starts to look a bit GBV-shaped I'll send it over to you and see if it inspires. Drop me an email via my profile and I can reply to that when I have something.

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    This is all great stuff, if you want a partner in crime to rip off Guided By Voices drop me a message, I must confess I have Pollarceny previous.

  • @nikopee Feb 2022

    That's when drummers are let loose: after the song. Thanks for the comment!

  • @thesoundof Feb 2022

    Thank you for your encouraging comment. :)

  • @drivelmonk  Feb 2022

    Heyo! Gotta mail you a tape! Can you send me your address?

    My email: [email protected]

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! That should have been "capo 1, full step down" and I mistyped it, but half step down is better :D

  • @tjeff  Jan 2022

    Hi, thx for the lovely msg!! Hope you have a great FAWM!

  • @mardeycranbleson  Jan 2022

    Hey thanks for checking in looking forward to hearing your stuff also! Not sure how great I am at collaboration maybe could give it a shot depending on how thing go this month …

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Hey there! What kind of music do you tend to lean towards? We have one tape that *could* be more electronic and one that will likely start acoustic. No guarantees, though, haha. Glad you are in!

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hi from Milwaukee!

    Starting from a rhythm I liked on my guitar (playing while muting the strings fully) is a way I would write songs at times so I like that idea of the drum groove!

    Looking forward to hearing what comes of that for you!

    - Jorge