Dragondreams 57


Upper Trendleby Down UK   Jan 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   The vapour trails of half-remembered dreams.

I sing with my fingers and dance with my heart.

YouTube page here:

Okay, I admit it. I'm a bass player with Asperger's Syndrome.
I record in a tiny spare bedroom that has had loads of acoustic treatment applied. My DAW is Reaper running on a custom-built Carillon Core 3 PC. I use a Focusrite Scarlett interface. I'll list details of the gear I use for each track on the individual song pages (for those interested in such things).

Twelfth year of FAWM for me!
There may well not be quite so much of the guitar pyrotechnics this year. I've spent the last twelve months focusing on my bass playing and pretty much left the six string guitar alone.

Personal pronouns: he, him, his - but I prefer Paul or @dragondreams if you're talking or writing about me. :-)

Songs (57)

#1 The Dance of the Fickle Fipple Fairy 54
Feb 2022
#2 As the ripples fade 35
Feb 2022
#3 When your eyes finally close 20
Feb 2022
#4 Fipple Piercing 31
Feb 2022
#5 A Return To The End 19
Feb 2022
#6 Why are we? 19
Feb 2022
#7 Try as I might 26
Feb 2022
#8 Corpse Bravo - placemarker only @instrumentalcorpse 2
Feb 2022
#9 Improv on a little devil 26
Feb 2022
#10 Instrumental Corpse Alpha @instrumentalcorpse 1
Feb 2022
#11 Wait on Me with Baritone Guitar @gammafied 17
Feb 2022
#12 When the time comes 28
Feb 2022
#13 Is it meant to do that? 36
Feb 2022
#14 The Back Of The Map @fuzzy  26
Feb 2022
#15 The Stalker and The Prey @ajna1960  7
Feb 2022
#16 Instrumental Corpse Delta - Placemarker @instrumentalcorpse 1
Feb 2022
#17 Influences 11
Feb 2022
#18 Pandora's handbag 22
Feb 2022
#19 Instrumental-only Corpse Foxtrot - Placemarker @instrumentalcorpse 1
Feb 2022
#20 Instrumental Corpse Charlie - Placemarker @instrumentalcorpse 1
Feb 2022
#21 Should I be out here? 10
Feb 2022
#22 Accidental Purpose 20
Feb 2022
#23 Exalted Recognition 9
Feb 2022
#24 Radiant Aging 14
Feb 2022
#25 Halflife 16
Feb 2022
#26 HERE BE DRAGONS - placemarker only! @weirdocorpses 1
Feb 2022
#27 A night in 1986 12
Feb 2022
#28 Double or quits 9
Feb 2022
#29 Two Plus One 6
Feb 2022
#30 Only if you insist 12
Feb 2022
#31 That moment when... 10
Feb 2022
#32 Has Anyone Seen Amy - Weirdo Corpse @weirdocorpses 1
Feb 2022
#33 Short and Sweet 11
Feb 2022
#34 Memory Box 17
Feb 2022
#35 Just let it breathe 6
Feb 2022
#36 Cold Steel 7
Feb 2022
#37 Altotude 6
Feb 2022
#38 The face in the glass 4
Feb 2022
#39 The Castle's Secret Corridor 7
Feb 2022
#40 Walk Out @musicbymichelle  15
Feb 2022
#41 Maverick Gambit 6
Feb 2022
#42 A Dragon's Dream @ajna1960  20
Feb 2022
#43 Sisyphus Trembles @fuzzy  11
Feb 2022
#44 Justin Trudeau Stole All My Money @fuzzy  18
Feb 2022
#45 The Noble Sir Cullsickle @ajna1960  9
Feb 2022
#46 The Siren's Curtain Call 4
Feb 2022
#47 Six over eight 5
Feb 2022
#48 Aftermath 5
Feb 2022
#49 Instrumental Corpse Golf - placemarker @instrumentalcorpse 1
Feb 2022
#50 Endgame 6
Feb 2022
#51 Fipple Experiment 5
Feb 2022
#52 Hope 3
Feb 2022
#53 Deus Ex 5
Feb 2022
#54 Third Eye 5
Feb 2022
#55 The Seance 5
Feb 2022
#56 As the pianos decay 9
Feb 2022
#57 Until the next time 18
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I've sent you a mail wth lots of information concerning the collab. Hope you received it. Have a nice weekend.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Awesome! Ok, so there's no reason to worry :) I'll keep you posted.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for your offer on "Pedal to metal" and listening to this song. I'm happy you enjoyed!

    Just for the record: Do you own basses with non-standard tunings or addtional strings? It's quite likely that the song will be transposed down if I find a singer.

  • @litorne  Mar 2022

    My pleasure for my comments, thank you very much for yours too! I am really impressed by your work and your mastery! And very happy to hear the recorder in your compositions! You do honor to this beautiful instrument! 
And I'm glad you like the bass!
    I also added you with pleasure to my watchlist!
    Very good continuation to you! :)

  • @dreamscuba  Mar 2022

    You are so kind. Thank you for your comments on Pump it up.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Im glad you enjoyed your listen. I'm pretty sure that "Fit right in" will be a great song when done. We were out of time and lacking of energy so we decided to upload a super rough sketch. It's planned for the next months :)

    Bass is such a cool instrument! I wanted to learn a new instrument last year and I was torn between guitar and bass... and took guitar because of songwriting. But I will learn bass next cause I enjoyed my trial a lot.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment! "Skyscraper" sounds great because everybody was working in their comfort zone. And we had more time. No way I gonna manage and produce something like this in 4 weeks! We had to share this result to motivate people that you can do very cool things in collabs :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Ah thanks for explaining, now I get it! English is my 2nd language so I don't know all slang and terminology. I sometimes just hit random hashtags that sound awkward or intriguing :D

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    That sounds great Paul. If for some reason, I'm still not feeling comfortable with my DAW by next FAWM, then we'll work out another way to collaborate - you've got a deal! I look forward to it. :)

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Hey Paul, I agree we're probably overdue for a collaboration and I'd love to, but I'm not sure I can until I finally learn how to use the Abelton Live DAW I bought a few years ago. I've tried to learn it a couple of times, once through a not-great online course that left me confused and a second time using a useless how-to book. But I read a bunch of reviews and I think I now have a much better how-to book. I just have to conquer my fear, roll up my sleeves and get down to working my way through it. My hope is that by next FAWM, I'll be ready. Years ago, I had a hard time with some aspects of learning how to use Sibelius, but the program came with an extensive tutorial that I worked through with some help, in a couple of spots, from some kind people on YouTube who like to teach. This DAW, though, is such a different way of formatting and viewing music to me. It feels like I'm sitting in the cockpit of a jet liner and I'm told to fly the thing. This is the year, though, that I'm determined to conquer this monster, so with any luck, I'll be able to collaborate with you next year. That will be my reward for getting this thing done and I look forward to it. :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment! I'll listen to your profile later. Need a pause from listening...

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Glad you got a chuckle out of my sausage song. :0)))
    Thanks for stopping by. I had fun with that one.
    AND...57 compositions???? That's dope. Congrats!

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you once again for taking the time to listen to more of my music. I'm really pleased that you like it and leave such great comments. It means a lot to me. I enjoy listening to your music too, so you make it super easy for me to return the favour. :)

  • @richaaaay  Mar 2022

    Thanks for all the listens and comments. I’m always interested to hear your input. I have very high regard for your musical sensibilities. It’s been a pleasure listening to your music this FAWM. To hear you play some many varied instruments with precision and grace leaves me awestruck…

  • @jessespillane  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment. I think I was going for "smokey blues club", so I appreciate the observation.

  • @ahumburg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen and for taking the time to leave some words. Wishing you the best this year!

  • @aeye Mar 2022

    Thanks for checking out the Explorers :). I'm so glad you really enjoyed it as much as you did. ( It was honestly a tough choice to decide to make this the final episode this year, but all things must come to an end).

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    You drive a hard bargain, sir, I ACCEPT

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Yes, a 50/90 collab would be awesome! I have to start making my lists of people I want to collab with that I haven't worked with before, and who are the people who I want to continue working with. I think my 50/90 will be all collabs at this point!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thank you for all your encouragement and showing cool stuff. I hope you can make it to the Virtual Reception on Saturday. Would love to collab in the future. (and yes, this is the new version of @kenmattsson)

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    I will if you will :D

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Holy guacamole! You've written volumes and volumes of Music this year.Congratulations on a stellar output!
    I'm taking a little breather for tonight and tomorrow but I have a lot of listening to catch up to and I shall be perusing some of your songs.
    Thank you for stopping by and taking a listen to daytime dreamer. I appreciate your comments very much. Cheers!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Thanks for collabing with me this month and trusting me to mess about with your tracks!!
    And congrats on the massive number of tunes you've produced!!

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    OK, right... that's ACTUALLY what I meant, except my math sucks, haha

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    You're going for 60 aren't you... ;)

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Happy Fawm. Have a good year creating

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening and writing. It’s been a pleasure again.
    Enjoy being.
    I’ll hear you again next year.
    Greets from Vienna

    I sing with my fingers and dance with my heart. I luv that statement.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Haha which one?!?
    Couldn't help myself with the Trudeau one.
    Had to do it.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on Highway One. Much appreciated. Congratulations on hitting the triple FAWM... I am gunning for the double. Never done that before. I have Sunday left to play...let's see. I have marked a placeholder for that.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Congrats on the triple FAWM! I've loved what I've heard of your stuff, and will be back to listen to the rest of it in March!

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Congratulations on your 42 ! Now you can safely go hiking too :)

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Dream away :)
    By the way, if you want to post your finished piece separately, I'm ok with that :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Only 39 so far?!? Slacker! LOL...

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey there! So interesting that this year you have stumbled on the idea that the recorder is your first instrument! It is beautiful indeed. I'm back for a little bit of listening!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind words, Mr DD. It is good to know you.

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    I really enjoy listening to your instrumentals. If you'd be interested in having some vocals or lyrics added to any of them, let me know.

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    I have the same happy memories, same age, walking to my piano lessons once a week. That was in Canberra. But I don't remember the person at all.

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your memories on the waltz. Maybe your teacher was remembering days of waltzing with his sweetheart...

  • @grenzgaengerin Feb 2022

    Dear Dragondream, I would like to thank you again for all your warm and beautiful comments. You mean a lot to me. Especially the one on "Lyfjahjólið (The medicine wheel)" This was a song that actually came about in a ritual situation. It was a uniquely great experience for me. So special thanks

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Still working on the collab.
    Taking it slow, though; I'm beginning to get that ol' FAWM ear burnout. :)
    Congrats on the double win!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    My goodness, you've written a lot of songs@ congratulations!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Well dang! Obviously FB never ever does anything by mistake, huh? I can send you a request, yes. Let me know when to try.

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    I just got your note. Please send again.

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    dear DragonDreams, it seems I might have just deleted your FB friend request. Then realized, but by then I can't undo. Can you send it again?

  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    thanks for that! yeah - it's a blizzard outside right now - but way less of one in my mind after recording that ditty. thanks for listening! you are a gem!

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Dragondreams! You are too kind. thank you for your generous comments on Daytime Dreamer. That's something coming from you! I'm so glad it took you to all the right places in your love of a good tune. I'm flattered beyond words. :0)

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comments on 'Selfish'!

  • @grenzgaengerin Feb 2022

    Thank you very much for your kind comment on "The Rainbow" and "Fibunacci".That means a lot to me. <3

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the great comment on "Returning Home from Market". It seems that visualizing a scene somehow helps me write music. I'm glad that that tired-but-happy feeling came across to you, and thanks for saying so.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    I didn't realise how short Pixies was until I uploaded to SC !! I will triple it tomorrow morning !

  • @donna  Feb 2022

    I'm glad you're still on board about the piece from last year. ;) Definitely no rush. Actually, I'm thinking of revising bits of it, bringing it up to date a bit (and possibly shortening it somewhat. Anyway, I'll let you know. :)

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    "The vapour trails of half-remembered dreams." I resonate completely. I'm in a dream trail as we speak! So true.
    Thank you for taking a listen to Never Surprise Me and leaving your kind thoughts. Working with @donna is a joy.
    Congratulations on your amazing output so far. I've started binge listening in the wee hours and shall start here!

  • @donna  Feb 2022

    Here's the song version, Paul. :)

    'Never Surprise Me'

  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    Wow Paul! I just returned from dropping the kids off at school.. What a wonderful message to discover upon my return! You've made my day!

  • @jessespillane  Feb 2022

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment on my song. I really appreciate it. I really need come back to your page more and listen to more of your great music (24 songs! wow! I'm so behind)

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    I'm in no rush.
    Whenever you get to it.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Hey, I'm not really getting where I want to be with your stems for that track. I'm finding it hard to do them justice.
    Would it be a bother for you to send me "Exalted Recognition" instead? Please? I already have some ideas.

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on As You Are. Your tip of the hat to my guitar playing made my day. Only in my dreams would I play with the grace and skill of you my sir...

  • @complexissimple Feb 2022

    Re: the wonders of technology, new e-mails have been sent to both you and zecoop, but you will have to let me know if you receive them or not.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Got it.
    I'll see what I can do.

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Maaaaybe.... :)
    I'll give it a go.

  • @sjbatavia  Feb 2022

    @dragondreams Sorry, yes pass it on. I’ve worked on it but keep coming up empty handed. And unfortunately my wife is going through some medical things that has been taking a lot of time and energy.

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Well, holy damn! 22???! That's it!! Gonna knock you outta retirement... nahhhhhhhhHHhhH! You keep rockin' the planet, Sir Paul!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Wow, that is some party you sent the link to! ooooosh! haha.

  • @phylo  Feb 2022

    Ha. Thanks for your nice words about Ethereal Cereal. My obsession started after your #9 tune - I bought the baritone the very next day!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    How do I send you the audio file?

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments, DD. You're right, it is a bit cheerful. Do you think there might be sound effect adaptations type stuff you could play with that might change it up a bit? Make it a bit darker? It's quite simple, really, and it might be fun to stretch it a bit. Collaboration? Or
    maybe your fuzz guy?

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the lovely comments. I guess I always wanted to write a metal ballad. I miss those screaming guitar solos. ;)

  • @airbagtester  Feb 2022

    Hi! I was on a roll last weekend and wrote lyrics, and was getting ready to rehearse them to your song, and then my 3 year old son projectile vomited all over the couch and changed the rest of my weekend :( (He is fine now.) I will find an hour to sing loudly into a microphone this weekend and finish it up, I promise :)

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on 'Two for the Road' - aren't all February UK days a little 'dull'? ;-)

  • @complexissimple Feb 2022

    I have done a significant amount of work already for the weirdo corpse, please don't skip me. I've also had access to the previous corpse segment for only about half as long as you probably think, because the initial e-mail didn't go through.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    OMG the temptation !!! I hand to sit on my hands when I clicked on 'Instrumental Corpse Delta', as I knew what I was going to read :)
    It was very very very hard not to :( I think I deserve a hot water bottle for that achievement :) and also made notes to write about the sensation.

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you :) <3 yes! Let’s revive our nylon string guitars

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Good, I'm glad.
    It was fun to do! Your tracks are great to work with!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Done and posted! :)

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm really enjoying listening to all of your creations. You're so talented.

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Wow, you really are a wizard!!

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    You are the coolest!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Your trax are currently being downloaded in to the private server here by our Fuzzy Sound Labs secret underground bunker AI.

  • @willyviste Feb 2022

    That could be true, I'll send that right away:)
    Edit: If you didn't receive, then let me know please:)
    Editedit: You too sir!

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Yes sir, send em over and I'll turn my hard-working technicians loose on em.

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Colin, Norman, and Geoffroy, the little scampering minions! Cool. Thanks for letting me download and play your music. I'll let you know when I do, and you can listen for two weeks after the show at the KOPN.org archives. I can play three cuts a show, do you have a preference? And what name do I announce, Dragondreams? or Hudsonics? or Paul... ? Excellent, many thanks.

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Thank you, @Dragondreams (pleased to meet you) for the history of your medieval English village. Lovely story! My dad was in Sheffield for the last eight years of his life (true story), so I spent quite some time riding around on Yorkshire buses, writing down the crazy village names on the road signs. (I do quite a bit of tune writing from road signs and billboards here in the US). Would it be OK if I wrote you a tune by the name of your village?
    AND... I host a music show on a local community radio station (KOPN.org), playing music from outside the borders of the US. Would it be OK if I featured some of your music (it would not be before April, February is black history month, and March is women's month, then I get back to regular programming)? please say yes.

  • @grayland  Feb 2022

    Hi! I wanted to stop by and tell you how much I appreciated reading your comments on The Meltdown. It's difficult to put into words what that means to me.
    (oh, and BTW, I'm really into production as well!!)

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Your kitchen sink song made me rethink what I'm going to do. I think it's going to be a new English Country Dance tune. I have to wait until I get the banjolele out of the shop in a couple of weeks!

  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    Woah Paul! Were we just checking out each other's tunes at the exact same time?!?! AMAZING! So lovely to hear you my friend!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind comments @dragondreams. They gave a definite lift to the spirits this evening. I like to know someone gets the same idea as I do. And, do you really live in Upper Trendleby Down? That is a fabulous name.

  • @cabinmonster  Feb 2022

    @dragondreams and you too - vice verse lol!

  • @blindkiwi  Feb 2022

    Thank you kind Sir.

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    You are too kind.

  • @grenzgaengerin Feb 2022

    Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on "Mein Stern 2.0" <3

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    There are zoom filks, lately, and even some zoom filk conventions. I miss the playing/singing along with aspect, of course, but to compensate I've gotten to know filkers from all over, people I might have chatted with for a few minutes or been in a circle with just once, and instead I've been in enough circles to get to know them. It has been an unexpected blessing these last few years.

  • @popmythology  Feb 2022

    Hey, Paul, the words are yours to do with as you please!!!

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Corpse Delta is off and running. Here are your ten seconds. They're in A minor, at 100 BPM. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qnr56pkdjghov5/HFO_last_ten_secs_Instrumental_Corpse_Delta.wav?dl=0

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Cool! That makes me happy :-)

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Hi DD and thanks for the lovely comment! I see you’re doing well over here

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Bless you! the pleasure is all mine :)

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Well then if you have a track with my name on it or you get blessed with an idea later on. The factory doors will be open for you. Every. Single. Time.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Sweet biscuits! You're almost done! Okay - well, there's going to be jelly for us, brother. And not just a remix, either. Also, thanks for enlightening me! And you know the love goes right back to you!