epic sleep 1


Sheffield UK   Oct 2016

Artist Bio

Influences:   This year trying to be influenced by: Grizzly Bear, Peter Gabriel, Lump, Levitation, Kate Bush, Macintosh Plus, Both them Buckleys - Tim and Jeff, Stealing Sheep, Nick Drake, Broadcast and other assorted Hauntology and Exotica, Vaughan Williams, Crumb, Men I Trust ... and Maxo


Hey! I'm Howard, I used to be Tobermory until I locked myself out of that account for several years like a true hero.

I just moved out of my economic hovel so I can make noise again. Be nice to me - I haven't written songs for a long time so I'll probably be pretty poor.

UPDATE: Hey, I was *really* poor, I told you so. Follow me and stay in touch as I'll be working on music properly in the rest of the year from now on. But, y'know, at my own pace.

Songs (1)


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  • @isaacq  Feb 2022

    yay it's you! so glad you said hello, as i wouldn't have known you with the name change :D

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    Haha, half way through I did think I've definitely stolen about 3 riffs and smashed them together. The first 4 notes of the main riff are almost definitely 'The Woods' which is funny because I remember spending a lot of time trying to work out how to play it..

  • @kissinginpublic  Feb 2022

    Hello! Definitely listening this year. Not sure if I’ll record much though…

  • @expendablefriend Jan 2022

    Howard!! I'm really happy to see you back here :)

    I'm not sure what February holds for me...the FOMO is strong, but so is the burnout. I'll see how it goes.

    Hope you have a fulfilling February! :)

  • @weakness Jan 2022

    Yesssssssss! So glad to hear that you're back too! Man, you and me both have had some bumpy fawms; I'm aiming for like 3-4 songs tops and I'll consider that a victory for me . If you get too busy or burned out, literally making anything is still better than nothing and I'm just excited to hear anything you make!!

  • @phlex Jan 2022

    Yes! This could be the year to turn it around! It's hard to be real though, especially when second guessing our moves. Need the blinkers on!

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    congrats on escaping economic hovelry, excited to hear what you make this year!

  • @paulh1237  Jan 2022

    It always takes me a while to remember who you are if that helps. Doeeyes who?

    I am intrigued by your proposal.

    January is so. fricking. long.

  • @owl  Jan 2022

    Howard!!! I was like WHO is this and now I know! Excited to see what you come up with!

  • @frenchcricket  Jan 2022

    Ceci n’est pas une sweet ass guitar amp

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Yes, I like how we spoke of collabing and then you changed your identity so I couldn’t find you!! Hurts man

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    "Howard" you know?

    Eh? Eh? Eh?

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Oh hiiiiiii there

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Let's bloody have it!